Radar detector stealth location

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Dude ... you really need to keep up on things
The other guy that you told to keep up is actually a policeman whose department includes traffic patrols using LIDAR. My brother is in law enforcement and his department includes traffic patrols and I'm in and out of his office and sometimes ride in cruisers doing speed punishment control.

I'm not sure what you have read into the reviews, but what I've seen doesn't inspire the same confidence that you have.

Let us know how this works out :unsure:

I took my Passport out of it's shell and mounted it under the cowl in the nose of my AE. I have it hard wired, and it reports to the HARD in my helmet. It works very well through the front of the bike for radar. Of course for LIDAR, you're SOL.
So how is it protected from the weather just from the cowling?

Dude ... you really need to keep up on things
The other guy that you told to keep up is actually a policeman whose department includes traffic patrols using LIDAR. My brother is in law enforcement and his department includes traffic patrols and I'm in and out of his office and sometimes ride in cruisers doing speed punishment control.

I'm not sure what you have read into the reviews, but what I've seen doesn't inspire the same confidence that you have.

Let us know how this works out :unsure:
I'm not surprised law enforcement just doesnt keep up with the "dark side". Many US cops dont think rds work either because they catch people all the time with them. Using cop logic ....they dont realize how many folks slow down and go right on by.

I'm not surprised law enforcement just doesnt keep up...Using cop logic ....they dont realize how many folks slow down and go right on by.
Speaking only for my brother and his department, that would be a big mistake to believe.

I'm not surprised law enforcement just doesnt keep up...Using cop logic ....they dont realize how many folks slow down and go right on by.
Speaking only for my brother and his department, that would be a big mistake to believe.
Ask him if he's ever been jammed using his laser.. if he replys those things dont work.. you've got your answer

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Ask him if he's ever been jammed using his laser.. if he replys those things dont work.. you've got your answer
AND if he says that we actually went to the moon.....you've got yet another data point to his conspirmystery. <_<

I've gotten a jammed error code once my LTI before. But, when I released the trigger and pulled it again, I got a reading (yes, he was still speeding). That Corvette owner was pretty furious too because his Valentine 1 never alerted him. Granted, this was several years ago, and perhaps the technology has gotten better. But to this date, I have NEVER had a situation where I tried to get a reading and didn't get one. And I've written thousands of Lidar tickets.

I took my Passport out of it's shell and mounted it under the cowl in the nose of my AE. I have it hard wired, and it reports to the HARD in my helmet. It works very well through the front of the bike for radar. Of course for LIDAR, you're SOL.
So how is it protected from the weather just from the cowling?
I have it wrapped in a heavy zip lock bag, taped closed and velcroed in place. Not real sophisticated, but works very well.

Ok ... you've got some knowledge.
The latest jammers dont give error codes but even if they do many lidar guns give spurious error codes all the time. Light reflection, bad aiming, jerky motion etc. The Leo expereinces this all the time and nothing out of the ordinary. Of course if you JTG ... jam to gun you're going to take your chances.

The strategy is you jam only long enough to scrub off speed and then you "release" the jam... leo gets read everybody goes home happy.

Passive is good only for the long shots... you need to cover those massive headlights ... Ventura lite guard and Veil is my preferred method. Yes its hard to apply but I'm not going for good looks either. There's a new formula coming out by the way that is more effective but I havent heard how it goes on yet. I do know you can apply with one of those hobby spray kits and get a nice job.

Anyway thx for the replys
I was reading up on how the photo radar difusing sprays work, they basically make the plate really glossy, which over exposes the picture. That makes me wonder then will it actually help or harm your chances of evading the Lidar? I would have thought that an extremely reflective surface would help to difuse/break up the Lidar beam, but wanted to check what you think.

Laser Veil/Laser Shield


Laser Shield - Plate

Lidar depends on a reflective surface. I don't think any of those products do anything to absorb light, but rather make it MORE reflective, thus, they may help with the photo radar vans, but will have the opposite effect on lidar.

Lidar depends on a reflective surface. I don't think any of those products do anything to absorb light, but rather make it MORE reflective, thus, they may help with the photo radar vans, but will have the opposite effect on lidar.
Thanks, that's what i thoght.

The next question is, how to protect again both the Photo radar and Lidar?

Lidar depends on a reflective surface. I don't think any of those products do anything to absorb light, but rather make it MORE reflective, thus, they may help with the photo radar vans, but will have the opposite effect on lidar.
Thanks, that's what i thoght.

The next question is, how to protect again both the Photo radar and Lidar?
They are 2 different animals.

You can delay longer Lidar shots through passive measures... which is basically Veil and a Lasershield. The front plate is the biggest weakness. Take a flash photo at nite of your cars front end to see the reflection from a plate.

Vehicles with perpendicular, solid, white or chrome front ends are hard to protect and Veil doesnt help as much because the vehicle relfects so well even without the lites. The back end of cars are even harder to protect given their shape.

Closer in no passive counter measure will help and you need a jammer to confuse the lidar gun calculations ...but depending on the gun and the resourcefulness of the officer even that can sometimes result in a "punch through". But from my standpoint even a delayed reading is good enough since I'm scrubbing off speed as soon as the alert comes in.

I'm not really up on photo radar since its not a technology they use in Ontario anymore.

I've gotten a jammed error code once my LTI before. But, when I released the trigger and pulled it again, I got a reading (yes, he was still speeding). That Corvette owner was pretty furious too because his Valentine 1 never alerted him. Granted, this was several years ago, and perhaps the technology has gotten better. But to this date, I have NEVER had a situation where I tried to get a reading and didn't get one. And I've written thousands of Lidar tickets.
Which Lti do you use?

I think the incidence of people driving with jammers is extremely low..... < .0001 and in Ontario I doubt there is more than 50 in the whole province . They are expensive, can be hard to install and frankly its a step up into "obstruction" that many are not comfortable with. But thats in my favour as well as officers aren't familiar with being jammed and its so infrequent that its not considered.

Funny story about an American driver in Ontario had his jammer set to continous block and forgot to change the setting. He gets shot about half mile out by the OPP and cant turn the jammer off so he gets pulled over (I never said they were stupid). The Leo asks for his "device" and the guy gives him his Bel Sti.... which is not a jammer of course. Anyway the Leo confiscates and he gets the $172 ticket but the jammer is untouched.

Have you ever had a situation where it took longer than you expected to get a reading?

I was reading up on how the photo radar difusing sprays work, they basically make the plate really glossy, which over exposes the picture. That makes me wonder then will it actually help or harm your chances of evading the Lidar? I would have thought that an extremely reflective surface would help to difuse/break up the Lidar beam, but wanted to check what you think.
You should search out and watch those two episodes of Mythbusters.

One more thing came to mind to reduce your Lidar reflection especially if you dont drive a black car...... a nose bra will help caqrs with bright colours

Spanky, you need to go on a ride-along. If you're the fastest vehicle and the speed device shows invalid, the LEO is just going to shoot the next fastest and cite you as in excess of that speed. But you've now given him reason to cut any leniency, look for mechanical and paperwork citations, etc.

I'll bet you're the type that thinks you're immune, right? When you actually get a ticket, and with your thought process (as displayed on this board), you WILL get a ticket, you'll probably fight it to the end even though you deserved it, right? That's ok, not passing judgment on that aspect of it, just sorta checking.

Just know, that, at least in most states (but I think you said you're from Canada, so I don't know if this applies there), a reading from a lidar or radar is not necessary to write a speeding ticket. I've written several based solely on my observations and experience. Yes, I got convictions too.

I'll bet you're the type that thinks you're immune, right? When you actually get a ticket, and with your thought process (as displayed on this board), you WILL get a ticket, you'll probably fight it to the end even though you deserved it, right? That's ok, not passing judgment on that aspect of it, just sorta checking.
Just know, that, at least in most states (but I think you said you're from Canada, so I don't know if this applies there), a reading from a lidar or radar is not necessary to write a speeding ticket. I've written several based solely on my observations and experience. Yes, I got convictions too.
No, no ... not at all .. this guy's behaviour is outrageous and he's pressing his luck in any jurisdiction. I posted this for a couple reasons. 1) it shows how much time this guy had to slow down and turn off the jammer and the shooting officer never would have suspected a jam at all. 2) the leo is just working his speed trap he had 3 opportunities to send somebody to stop this guy but he didnt... he just gave up and shot a different car. Of course its night time so he probably cant see its the same guy going around but you see what I mean he's not looking for jam and he just moves on.

I'm fully aware of pacing, Vascar, visual estimation, and air observation ( OPP just a got a dedicated plane) and instant on radar.

Using an rd and a jammer is a risk but when you ride in Ontario where the police can impound your vehicle ON THE SPOT for exceeding 50km+ (30ishmph) the reasoning and the economics of it start to make sense. Take a look at your speedo when you do a pass on a 2 lane highway its very easy to hit that threshold and if you unlucky enough to get clocked at that moment .... you're toast....$1,500 impound fees even if I'm found not guilty at trial. Add in the cost of insurance ... I pay almost a 1000s buck a year (clean record) to ride a reduced biking season... well you may start to see my motivation

Sorry if I offended you with that clip but I wanted to show that the "dark side " out there. Oh yeah ... I'm not endorsing Blinder as a product .... its an older generation Led jammer as well. I'll delete the post after you've read this..

My original question wasnt meant to get into this kind of debate and frankly I've revealed too much

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Using an rd and a jammer is a risk but when you ride in Ontario where the police can impound your vehicle ON THE SPOT for exceeding 50km+ (30ishmph) the reasoning and the economics of it start to make sense. Take a look at your speedo when you do a pass on a 2 lane highway its very easy to hit that threshold and if you unlucky enough to get clocked at that moment .... you're toast....$1,500 impound fees even if I'm found not guilty at trial. Add in the cost of insurance ... I pay almost a 1000s buck a year (clean record) to ride a reduced biking season... well you may start to see my motivation
Sorry if I offended you with that clip but I wanted to show that the "dark side " out there. Oh yeah ... I'm not endorsing Blinder as a product .... its an older generation Led jammer as well. I'll delete the post after you've read this..

My original question wasnt meant to get into this kind of debate and frankly I've revealed too much
Why not just get the hell out of Canada?

I am originally from Australia, and they have some very similar draconian crap going on, it's small country (in terms of population) and they use traffic tickets as a full on revenue source. I just left, and have no intention of coming back, for anything more than a brief visit.


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