Not me
You wanna know messed up? Back in the old days, before computers and states communicating with each other, I lived in Illinois and If I got a ticket in Wisconsin or Indiana, they would actually TAKE my driver's license and not return it until the ticket was paid. (My copy of the citation would act as a temporary driver's license) Oh, the story I could tell about this............
You mean like this one......I got pulled over for speeding in St. Louis back in 1971, Because is was 10 mph over the speed limit, they took my drivers a "hostage" so I would come in and pay the ticket. Two weeks later I left town and did not return for 7 years. I had been driving/riding on the ticket the cop gave me since then. It was so faded out from being in my wallet that long you couldn't read it. Upon my return to St.Louis I went to the court house in hopes of getting my licence back. Well, it had been so long ALL records were tossed out. I not only did not get my licence back, I never had to pay for the ticket....but...I had to take my driving test again so they could issue me a new drivers licence. Luckily I did not have to take the motorcycle test again, as this is a one time-forever test in MO.
I am rather proud of the fact that durring those 7 years I never had a problem not having an actual licence with me...I had gotten pulled over but told the whole story to the local cop (as he could not read the ticket )-another time I just said it was lost. Both times they let me go and only suggested I get a licence ASAP.