Radiohowie is BACK after 2 months gone!

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Sorry, I laughed at 'Zilla's post. but it was funny....

And you'll never sell that bike with that hollowed-out trashed-up seat on it! You might try $3500 as it sits, $4000 without the seat.

So whatever you hit, you couldn'ta hit gut first and been all right, huh? Had to Superman into it with yer (nearly) most delicate feature. But with THAT head, and that amount of damage to it, one has to wonder what the thing you hit looks like now. Whatever it was.....

OK, I'll stop, now, but jeebus!!! I hate this!!!! Next time I'm down there and we head out to Southeast Eatery for breakfast, you're gonna have to ride Bitch, and I dunno if the bike can carry both of us!! (****, i said I'd stop, didn't I? Ah, well.....)

And kudos to MissusHowie for hanging in there with you, and to you for the appreciation of it.


Aw, damn, I did it wrong. I just don't know what's wrong with me today! Here ya go!!!! (Assuming you weren't lying when you posted this, lo those many years ago....)


Welcome back, my friend, to the forum, but mostly, to the living!!!

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Welcome back Howie! We thought you were taking the "Long Way Around" and no access to a keyboard. Glad to know you survived the journey. Upside is you have half a brain and a complete skull. Keep busy with mental therapy and you will fill out the other half. Frequently remind your bride how much she means to you. Keep in touch with us!!


He don't call, he don't write.

An unscheduled dismount. That explains it.

You do remember that this is a motorcycle forum, right? Mentioning that you lost 30 IQ points just leaves most of us asking... "So what's the BAD news, bro?"

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

You gonna add some farkles to that walking stick?

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Reading about Fooshie's get off made me wonder about Howie.

Anybody in touch?

Maybe I missed an update?

I'm not good at PM's.

Somebody needs to go check his pulse. Magic or Foo or someone near?

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Was thinking about RadioHowie this morning ....

Dude! Are you healing on schedule?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this forum software selectively hides threads. How is it even possible that this is the first I've seen of this thread!

Glad your still with us!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this forum software selectively hides threads. How is it even possible that this is the first I've seen of this thread!
Glad your still with us!
I think where the software falls short is in the U.S. to Canadian translation. JSNS, just channeling Beemerdons.

Howie, glad to see you up and about. EOM will mark 1 year out for me. My wife and I are hoping to take the Mini down this year just to say hello to everyone. Had a great time last year. Hope to see you there. Keep healing brother.

Howe, glad to know you are ok and recovering.

Parsing your wife's demand, I'd just note that three wheels is not two wheels. Discuss amongst yourselves...

Has anyone heard from Howie lately? I sent him a PM the other day and haven't heard back. He hasn't been here for a while either. I'm a little worried and hoping he's ok...

Every time I see this thread I tell myself i gotta try to call. I have what was his cell back in 2011, and maybe it still is.....

But every time i see this thread it's fairly late in the evening, and he's an hour later, so i tell myself to call tomorrow, and forget.......

I tracked him down with the help of a friend. :thumbsup:

He's still doing therapy. I think he said about 4 hours twice a week. Sounds like that's about all he's doing.

He says his family are helping him, and he seemed happy. He's officially retired, and no more motorcycle riding.

I asked him to check in here when he had time... :)

Well somebody tell that nasty old radio head that he's still as ugly as ever...but we can stand him a little more around here since we don't have to look at him.

EDIT: I should not joke...this is a serious issue. Hope the old bastard gets his life back to some semblance of normal.

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Well, guys and gals, I'm BACK!!! At least for a little bit.

It's been 5 months of recuperation and therapy for this guy. And not much to report, but I'll try to fill in some blanks and answer some questions folks may be tossing around in their heads.

Twice a week, 8 hours a week, of therapy sessions. And in some ways, it's paying off. I've lost almost 100 pounds since the accident and after starting Physical Therapy. My physical therapy person is an absolute BABE! I don't mind working for her at all. She's in her early 30's, I'd guess, and cute as a speckled pup...but that's as far as I can go. Still can't stand up without my quad-cane, can't walk without it, in fact, can't even stand up for more than a minute or two before I get dizzier than ****.

It's been right at a year since I had my mini-stroke, and like I said two paragraphs ago, 5 months since my accident. Just the other day, I was wondering if I was ever gonna "get better". Or at least return to what was once "normal", at least for me. I honestly don't think so. It's been 5 months and other than losing a shitload of weight, due to accident trauma, lost appetite, and 4 hours a week in PT, I don't see any appreciable "return to normal" for me.

I've officially retired from my radio job, and got on Social Security disability. It ain't much, but at least the mortgage gets paid. And what Missus Howie brings in from her 401k, at least we won't starve.

I can say, though, that because of 5 month's of intensive Phys Therapy, I'm one strong SOB. I can finish up a 30 minute 'ride' on a stationary bike averaging 30MPH, and follow it up with 90 reps of 600 pounds on a leg press-weight machine. My therapist, Tiffany, says I'm a "machine". None of my old clothes fit me anymore. It's t-shirts and sweat pants 24/7.

I got a call the other day from Vic, a.k.a. Magicmaker. He said Miss Donna, Beemerdon's old sweetie, had contacted him, saying someone from the forum had contacted her trying to get my phone #. Turns out if was our good friend Rushes. We chatted briefly I believe this past Sunday. Basically filled him in what's going on.

Right now, my dally routine consists of getting up around 9 or so, eating some cereal (I like Frosted Mini Wheats) going to therapy, coming back in mid-afternoon, watching videos on my laptop 'til 11 to midnight, climbing into my hospital bed and starting the day over again. I might eat an early evening can of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti or Ravioli, just to break things up a bit.

That's about it. No other news to report. Wish I could say I'm healing up just fine, but it doesn't look like I am after all. No more motorcycle riding for me, ever again. Can't afford another moto-related miscue like the last one. Don't think Id survive another 30+ MPH headfirst dive into tarmac.

Oh, by the way, my Frankenbike and by Kawasaki ZRX are still both for sale. And both at new "reduced for quick sale" prices, if anyone's interested. I'll let them both go fro $2000 each. Breaks my heart to let them go so cheap, but it also breaks my heart seeing them sitting unused, in my garage.

Any interested in either, or both, drop my a PM and I'll respond.

I love you guys (and gals).


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Glad to hear you're still working at recovery, hope you are successful. Sounds like, from the extent of your injuries, you're lucky they aren't shoveling dirt on you. Sorry you'll have to give riding up and I hope you find something equally satisfying to take its place. Don't be a stranger here.

So sorry to see such a melancholy report from you Steve-o. I am hopeful that it is just your ever present sparkling humor spicing up the story and that it is not really as bad as you make it sound. Especially that Chef Boyardee line, as nobody should be subjected to eating that pap. Alpo or Spam would be better. You've got lots of time on your hands now, so you can make better tasting food for yourself without a big hassle. Go cook up something that makes you feel good

Yeah, I bet it sucks not being able to ride, for sure, but there are other parts of life still worth living. I don't think I'm telling you anything you don't already know. You're a (relatively) smart guy (for a Floridian) and have already mentioned the hottie PT chick.

Keep on rockin' out, buddy. Don't let the man, or anyone else get you down.
