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Active member
Jul 30, 2006
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Hartland, WI

Got rear-ended on Sunday and expect (hope) my FJR is done. Interstate exit ramp rolling towards my turn when a 21 year old on her cell phone exited and nailed me. Did not see or hear her coming, suddenly the bike shot out from under me and I was doing a back flip. Landed out of traffic on my helmet, hands and knees (armoured) and went rolling into the ditch. Did not witness the FJRs trajectory, but it managed to crush the back panel of the car about 30' in front of me. It was towed while the EMS folks looked me over. Plenty of damage to both the back and front of the bike. Pegs broke off, "mounting frame" broken in numerous placed, exhaust bent up, plastics cracked or rashed, hard bags broken off, etc. The front end must be damaged if it did all the pounding to the car in front of me.

I am very lucky, and the hard gear did it's job.

A few questions:

What warrants a "totaled" bike call by the insurance co?

It was a 4month old bike with 7K miles, should I expect/demand a new one? Perhaps an 07?

Any scuffed/ripped gear that protected me should get replaced?


My mail box was stuffed with ambulance chaser literature 2 days after the accident....must be easy money for them.

Thanks for any advice

welcome to the club! i was rear ended in may.

the fjr had about 6k damage. sounds like similar damage. mine also hit the truck ahead of me. in my case the bike wasn't written off even though i pushed hard for it. the sub frame folded up as it designed to, but the main frame is straight, the forks are true and the wheels are round.

i didn't think i could trust it again, but it's rock solid at speeds i'll never confess to having done on it.

the insurance process is still ongoing. i suffered a compression fracture in the mid spine. the doctors working for the insurance company says it was pre existing. the pain is since the accident but insurance is an ugly bussiness, so we'll see what happens.

mine was in canada so i wouldn't suggest that your insurance won't write yous off. i hope they do.

keep a daily log of how any injuries prevent you from doing or modifieing any activities.

good luck. and let us know how it turns out.


yo kingoldrum,

that sucks but "thank God" that you are okay. The scoot can be replaced and the red is pretty cool, looks like my old Concours... It is crazy out there but it sounds like you "got it" before you knew it...could happen to any of us. Like they say, live it, love it, do it tomorrow may never come...

take care and good luck out there to all of us "bikers"

:assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin:

And only 8 posts...ouch. Glad your still with us. The man upstairs must have some important plans for you...PM. <>< ;)

First: [SIZE=14pt]Whew![/SIZE]

Then: I concur with TWN. Forks, swingarm, plastics, wheels and tires, possible transmission damage (it is a shaft drive, so the impact would be transferred to the transmission---At least I'd push that button while dealing with the insurance inspector/rep.)

They are going to offer you market value based on model year & mileage. The difference will come from "other" damages: mental anguish, etc., if her insurance has deep enough pockets (or your under insured coverage).

You may have an '07 in your future.

The main issue is that you are relatively unharmed when this incident could have had a more tragic conlclusion. See if the police cited her for her inattentiveness....driving while impaired.

First: [SIZE=14pt]Whew![/SIZE]

Got any pictures of your gear? You should definitely replace any damaged stuff.

+1 on all the "Very happy you're okay" vibes. You're a lucky rider.

I carry a disposable camera in all my cars/bikes. Insurance claim adjusters, judges, juries and mediators are all human and therefore impressed with photographic at-the-scene images. Photos have helped me several times during not-at-fault accidents. The challenge is composing one's focus after such a shock, let alone finding and operating a camera. But if you can find the damn thing, take a few snaps of involved vehicles, roadway and any pertinent signage.

Got any pictures of your gear? You should definitely replace any damaged stuff.
Good point, T.C. My brain must have been in neutral. The first thing her insurance should replace is ALL of your riding gear. The helmet is "toast" and the roadrash on the gloves, jacket and pants is not repairable. Boots?

When I had an "incident" 5 years ago, the riding apparel was the first thing the adjuster told me to buy and send her the receipts. I had a check from AAA to cover the receipt amount in 1 week.

I carry a disposable camera in all my cars/bikes. Insurance claim adjusters, judges, juries and mediators are all human and therefore impressed with photographic at-the-scene images. Photos have helped me several times during not-at-fault accidents. The challenge is composing one's focus after such a shock, let alone finding and operating a camera. But if you can find the damn thing, take a few snaps of involved vehicles, roadway and any pertinent signage.
Lots of us also have camera phones readily available. Just knowing you have pictures will garner respect from those who may be inclined to fabricate their own version of the facts.
welcome to the club! i was rear ended in may.the fjr had about 6k damage. sounds like similar damage. mine also hit the truck ahead of me. in my case the bike wasn't written off even though i pushed hard for it. the sub frame folded up as it designed to, but the main frame is straight, the forks are true and the wheels are round.

i didn't think i could trust it again, but it's rock solid at speeds i'll never confess to having done on it.

the insurance process is still ongoing. i suffered a compression fracture in the mid spine. the doctors working for the insurance company says it was pre existing. the pain is since the accident but insurance is an ugly bussiness, so we'll see what happens.

mine was in canada so i wouldn't suggest that your insurance won't write yous off. i hope they do.

keep a daily log of how any injuries prevent you from doing or modifieing any activities.

good luck. and let us know how it turns out.

Hi Derek. Sorry to hear about your experience. You are right "didn't think i could trust it again" is what I am feeling, plus the idea of a rebuilt bike just doesn't feel right when it was brand spanking new. I am sore, but thankfully nothing broken. Hope the insurance company takes care of you.

Thanks to all the well wishers, I certainly was lucky.

According to the police report, the 21year old girl was "exiting the interstate, she was looking down to put away her cell phone and didn't look up in time to stop". She did get an inattentive driving citation, but no other, not even for being an idiot.

I had a camera in my cell phone, but not the where-with-all to use it. The car in front witnessed me rolling on the road and the FJR launching into them, but otherwise no witnesses stopped.

If I can get some pics will post them and let you all know how this progresses.

Glad to hear your OK, how do you like the new red?

The young lady should be shot! :angry2:

Wow!!! Glad to hear you were not seriously injured and didn't fall into traffic.

As stated before, it sucks when this happens but we sometimes get reminded this motorcycle riding stuff we do is a dangerous activity.

Hope you come out OK on the bike.

BTW - does this accident now make you a member (sorry for pun) of the "Brokeback Riders Club"?

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glad you survived that one, did they state how fast she was traveling when she hit you!

pictures of the gear you were wearing would be tell a lot, dammmm wonder what was going through you mind while fyling through the air, did you even have time to go to slow motion!

take care good luck with getting everything you got coming.

Considering that she is at fault you should be able to get ALL of your gear reimbursed and be able to buy new if you wish to change anything. helmet for sure.

If you were claiming your own company it would be different story. Insurance company only pay for the helmet replacement and not the gear. No matter how banged up it is. I think it has more to do with Helmet mandatory law then anything else. They will try to be on the cheap side when reimbursing the helmet as well. They will ask if you buy it online or store. We all know that you buy helmet in the store, right? :D

AS far as a bike goes. Not sure who you had it appraised, but take it to the local Yamaha dealer. They know what needs to be done.

Glad you're only sore - coulda been a lot worse. If the insurance company gives you any sh*t about your gear, tell 'em they'd have been paying a lot more for your injuries if you hadn't been wearing it.

Sounds like a total. You should get pretty close to the price of a new bike. If not, start talking pain and suffering. Heal quickly.
