RenoJohn ***Cal24 *** Ride Report

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Reno, NV
A most excellent report as usual Reno-boy! A huge congrats on your 3rd place finish!

Wish I could have been there with you. Bumming that I couldn't make it this year.

But, but, but................50,000 miles?

For crying out loud, get with it!

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Great report! I'm gonna have to make the Cal24 again some time. Great pictures too. Congratulations on your finish.

Nice shots in Washington. Ate at that very same place last year during the Big Butt dual-sport ride:

Washington, CA


You're Welcome !!

And I love that shot of you in the hot springs - :lol2: :blushsmiley:

Great ride report, RJ, wish I was there. See you at SLC !!

A most excellent report as usual Reno-boy! A huge congrats on your 3rd place finish!Wish I could have been there with you. Bumming that I couldn't make it this year.

But, but, but................50,000 miles?

For crying out loud, get with it!
It would have been great to see you Greg.
RE: 50K ..ya I was kinda tardy in giving the FJR the nod on most rides at first but we're starting to catch our stride and there will be many more miles in the future. At least another 100K ..we're just starting to get aquainted to each other. :)

Great report! I'm gonna have to make the Cal24 again some time. Great pictures too. Congratulations on your finish.Nice shots in Washington. Ate at that very same place last year during the Big Butt dual-sport ride:

Washington, CA

Yep, doug ..i know how much you like it out there!! It is some great stuff aint it?!? Sure fun to see other's appreciate the backwoods whackyness that I do.

You're Welcome !! And I love that shot of you in the hot springs - :lol2: :blushsmiley:

Great ride report, RJ, wish I was there. See you at SLC !!
LOL, glad you like the Hot Springs shot ....that was a silly silly adventure. Nope, won't see me in SLC, passing on the 1088. I'm back to regular sheduled ridng for a while ..lots I want to do. However, I will be in SLC for the start and (hopefully) finish of the RunWhatYaBrung ...I very much look forward to that. Meantime I'm going to try to get some short trips in that I've been wanting to do ...I hope to spend some time up in the pac NW in the next couple of months.

Really, REALLY great stuff RenoJohn. Congrats on your finish.

Reading your reports gets me up out of my chair and pacing, thinking "I gotta get out on another ride!"

My favorite pic of yours from this one - (and your thoughts.)


Seems like a good moment.

Thanks again.

Great report John, good call on skipping Rawhide. Damn speed trap near bonus was maned by officer Warchild. I was his first victim, um- I mean .....offender :rolleyes:

They penalty was almost worth it just to see Jerry's lipstick!

Thanks, RJ. I really enjoyed your report. As usual, a superb job of balancing photos and entertaining, descriptive text. You've helped me understand what these rallies are about (and "fun" seems to be a large ingredient).

I particularly enjoyed your comments and posts about my buddy Jerry. You captured his enthusiasm for sure. Dude's a top-notch canyon carver, long-distance / rally master, and all-around good guy.


I particularly enjoyed your comments and posts about my buddy Jerry. You captured his enthusiasm for sure. Dude's a top-notch canyon carver, long-distance / rally master, and all-around good guy.
Perhaps so, but at some point during thew Cal 24, Jerry White, as well as Bugnatr here, were FELONIOUS LAWBREAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

There were each exceeding the posted speed limit by such a HEINOUS amount that, had I been an actual LEO, it would typically result in them being cuffed-n-stuffed, and their bikes towed to the impound lot.

Lawbreakers.... no respect for the law of the land........ they were a Menace to Society!!!!!!!

They were [SIZE=14pt]L*A*W*B*R*E*A*K*E*R*S*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

In fact, here is the Felonious Lawbreaker Bugnatr several hours before he was busted, about to purchase a "karma carnation" from a couple of sweet-looking Hari Krishna dudes at the Bullet #3 stop in Quincy, California:


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Perhaps so, but at some point during thew Cal 24, Jerry Harris, as well as Bugnatr here, were FELONIOUS LAWBREAKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I sure am glad that it was Jerry SMITH who was the reckless driver. As we all know, Jerry WHITE is a law-abiding citizen at all times.

As a matter of fact, I believe that [SIZE=14pt]impersonating an officer[/SIZE] is a very serious offense, certainly more serious than a mere traffic infraction. Therefore, Mister Pot, who are you callin' Black?

:lol: :lol:

Actually, I don't think I'll ever forget the moment when I saw Sheriff Warchild crouched behind a rise, pointing his radar detector at me, and then frantically waving me off the road. I pulled in and said, "Is this the checkpoint?" He said, "No, this is the jailhouse, buddy. You're busted!" A classic rally moment.

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Another great report. You and Brian turned in a first class ride. Thanks again for the tip on the Burney bonus. Ron
Ron, it (again) was great fun seeing you at the rally. You and your partner in crime are the best. I believe our last chance meet-up was at the first check-point at SPANK, waiting for the checkpoint to open ...or more like waiting for the time where we would not get pinged for points. That was a while ago and fun to see you again in Alturas USA.
Oh, thanks!, ...glad my tip on the greasy tacos at the Alpine Drive-Inn worked out for you ...that is what you mean ...right! Born and raised in Burney so I've had my share of those grease-bombs.

Also, like you, i was not full of time heading for the Walker Lake bonus and I didn't know where on the lake it was .....honestly I followed your lead when I saw you pull in .....that was a real anxiety killer for me to know we had made it. That was the only time of the rally for me that things were a bit sketchy.

Hope to see you soon and be sure to look me up if you and your partner make it up this way. We'll log a mile or so and have some silly fun.


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