Replacing exhaust

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Rob R

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Treasure Coast, Florida
I was rear ended at a stop sign today. Zero to 60 in over 3 seconds is fast. Zero to 10-15 mph after being hit from a car seems faster from a stop to me. Both pipes are bent/dented. Rear wheel seemed ok riding home with no noticible wobble. Minor cut into Storm rear tire from plastic fender and case is bentloose. Bringing bike to Stuart Yamaha tomorrow for repair estimate since they did good job with ignition recall. Should I stick with stock exhaust or is time to try another brand? I lost the link where one can listen to the different sounds of dif aftermarket brands. Any advice appreciated.


Whoa Dude!!! Pun somewhat intended.... Just happy to hear that it was only bike damage, and you weren't hurt! Stock or aftermarket pipes are strictly a personal choice, can't advise. Just make sure the bike is safe & sound & you're sure you're happy w/ the repair job before you sign off on anything, entirely the other person's fault I'm assuming.

I have been rear ended on my bike before. Years ago..... But I still remember the feeling, it is something you never forget. One Second your stopped with one foot on the ground and the next your sailing by cars. I got lucky and missed the van that was stopped in front of me and and just went flying for about 50 feet. Did a tuck and roll , and ended up with some minor scrapes and bruises. I always stop to one side of a vehicle to be able to see around them or miss them just in case something like this happens. My Bike at the time though did not fair as well.

A Bike can always be repaired or replaced. On the other hand their is only one you. I'm glad to hear you were not hurt.

I think you can have your pick of just about any aftermarket slip-ons for about the same price or less (in some cases, much less) than stock slip-ons... unless you buy stock slip-ons from someone on the forum that has replaced them. I'll be listing my stock exhaust system for sale soon (replaced with Holeshot header and Remus Hexacones after only 200 miles of use).

I just looked up prices of stock parts at my local dealership (prices include a 10% online discount):

Left can: $721.27

Right can: $611.58

Total: $1332.85


You can get these awesome titanium and carbon fiber Hexacones for about $900:


Or you could buy my barely used stock cans for about $350.

FYI - If you're just replacing stock with aftermarket slip-ons with no other exhaust/intake changes, then fuel delivery tuning with a Power Commander or similar is not required.

I was rear ended at a stop sign today. Zero to 60 in over 3 seconds is fast. Zero to 10-15 mph after being hit from a car seems faster from a stop to me. Both pipes are bent/dented. Rear wheel seemed ok riding home with no noticible wobble. Minor cut into Storm rear tire from plastic fender and case is bentloose. Bringing bike to Stuart Yamaha tomorrow for repair estimate since they did good job with ignition recall. Should I stick with stock exhaust or is time to try another brand? I lost the link where one can listen to the different sounds of dif aftermarket brands. Any advice appreciated.

I,ve got brand new stock exhaust for an 08 for sale $300 and its yours [email protected]

I was rear ended at a stop sign today. Zero to 60 in over 3 seconds is fast. Zero to 10-15 mph after being hit from a car seems faster from a stop to me. Both pipes are bent/dented. Rear wheel seemed ok riding home with no noticible wobble. Minor cut into Storm rear tire from plastic fender and case is bentloose. Bringing bike to Stuart Yamaha tomorrow for repair estimate since they did good job with ignition recall. Should I stick with stock exhaust or is time to try another brand? I lost the link where one can listen to the different sounds of dif aftermarket brands. Any advice appreciated.
First, glad you're o.k. This could have been a lot worse. Second, there are times when we are in control of what happens and there are times when we are not. This sounds like clear liability on the part of the person that hit you. If that is so, then their insurance company is financially responsible. That being the case, it is their responsibility to make you whole, not better. Simply put, they are responsible for putting your vehicle back the way it was (or as close as possible to the way it was) before it was damaged. They are not required to assist you in making any changes, cosmetic or otherwise. If your bike is paid for, you can request that they make their payment for damages directly to you and you can do whatever you want to do with the money. If your bike is not paid for, they are required to name either your lien holder or a repair facility as an additoional payee.

First of all, I'm glad you weren't hurt. Having said that, I believe the asshat who hit you should pay dearly. I'd see a minimum....they (or their insurance co.) will cut you a check for all new STOCK replacement parts that were damaged.

I just looked up prices of stock parts at my local dealership (prices include a 10% online discount):Left can: $721.27

Right can: $611.58

Total: $1332.85

That way, whether you decide to return to stock or upgrade to aftermarket, your expenses are totally covered.

First, glad you're o.k. This could have been a lot worse. Second, there are times when we are in control of what happens and there are times when we are not. This sounds like clear liability on the part of the person that hit you. If that is so, then their insurance company is financially responsible. That being the case, it is their responsibility to make you whole, not better. Simply put, they are responsible for putting your vehicle back the way it was (or as close as possible to the way it was) before it was damaged. They are not required to assist you in making any changes, cosmetic or otherwise. If your bike is paid for, you can request that they make their payment for damages directly to you and you can do whatever you want to do with the money. If your bike is not paid for, they are required to name either your lien holder or a repair facility as an additional payee.
Absofreakinlutely. Period.

I'm not real big on the looks of most aftermarket cans, but I do like the look of those things. Nice.


I had Muzzy 421 System installed after my getoff damaged headers and cans. My muzzy system put $1000 back in my wallet and I like the Muzzy better..

Aftermarket is less expensive.. and it is cool!!

I have TWO sets of stock cans in the top of my garage.. No headers. Let me know if you decide to go stock. I will make you a good deal

Can't say much about any of the aftermarket stuff, haven't really researched them; but of those I've heard in person, I've really liked the tone of the Leo Vinces.

My choice would be Two Brothers exhaust. They have a sound like no other and the quality is outstanding.
Really? I haven't even looked at them in 10 years. Their stuff used to be garbage. Have they really changed? Genuinely curious.
I just installed a set of Titanium 2 Bros. and they sound and look fantastic! Quality is excellent, IMO. And I'm not just saying that because I have a set. I second the motion of going with the 2 Bros.


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