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My Indian name is "Pants On Fire"
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
Well, as promised, I'd like to post up the results of my first (& probably last) bike show. Today was the day for the show! Couldn't have been a more perfect day, either. The high for the day was in the mid 60's & sunny, sunny, sunny.

The day started out not so good. I got a little liquored up while playing poker on Saturday night & the loss of an hour due to daylight savings time left little sleep for normal function on Sunday. Uhhhh, OOPSIE!

I had spent the night at my friends due to partaking in adult beverages. This morning I thought... I'll make a nice quiet exit from the house & not wake anyone up. After all, I had to get my bike home & give it a bath b4 bringing it to the show.

I open the garage to prepare my bike for our departure. I'm backing out & thinking hmmmm, this thing isn't moving well. I get off the bike, look at my tires & discover the rear is FLAT! Now isn't that nice!

I was having a problem getting it onto the centerstand to look for the damage... so, the people that I was trying so hard not to wake were woken up & asked to give me a hand.

I immediately found the culprit, removed it and plugged the tire. Good thing I have that travel tire plug kit under my seat!

Anyway, back to the show... I finally get there & immediately felt out of place. I signed up regardless knowing that my friends would be there for support. This shouldn't be bad! Well, the friends never entered, & showed up for about an hour DURING the show & then left. Leaving me in an atmosphere where I felt so uncomfortable... & all those chrome heads in their leather pirate outfits. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

I entered in the touring division of the show... which apparently was reserved for Hardleys... because that's who got all of the prizes &/or trophies.

In retrospect, I'm thinking that it would have been more appropriate for me to enter in the "foreign" class as opposed to the touring class that I picked. Hey, live and learn, right? I didn't know.

And that is the adventures of me & my high tech bike in a sea of chrome.

Jay, never did see ya'. Not sure if you showed up... but will be speaking with you soon.

I'm going to bed now... trying to catch up on some sleep.

Talk soon, Heidi

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Hmmmm, kind'a like riding in a parade! At least you have an experience and had an adventure. Now you have a response to all who might ask: "Nope. I've already done that!"

Good for you Heidi For going.

It is too bad that you felt out of place. They just don't realize that you ( in my opinon) ride the best bike out there!

It reminds me of a ad for a 2003 harley in the paper today for sale. It had 2000kms on it. I guess I must enjoy mine more at it being a 2004 with 61,000kms on it. It must be all the non chrome I have to polish that keeps me riding and not cleaning.

Good on you for showing and going through with your plan Luvtoride !

I'm not surprised at the lack of placing though. Pretty much guessed Harley guys would be doing the judging. Most of them can spot the tiniest farkle from clear across a parking lot - as long as its on a Harley!

You could have had every possible touring accessory ever invented installed and fully customized. It still would have been unappreciated due to their unfamiliarity with the Feejer .

Hopefully, you got in a few 'Aye Matey's' when asked if you actually owned and rode it ! :clap:

Ahhh.. What the heck. You have a good story and represented the brand well. And you got away unschathed.. and you're get-a-away was faster than the rest of the crowd..

Good Atcha! :D

Just think of it for a moment....

You were probably one of the few who didn't need a trailer to bring their ride to/back from the show. That speaks "volumes" all by itself.

Don't you know half of the "Hardley mystique" is the ceremonial unloading from it's protective trailer?

You still own the best "ride" out there, Heidi. :clap:

Sorry to hear your friends backed out, but be glad you have what you do. Harley has nothin on your FJR, sad that they think a Harley is more of a tourer than this. Oh well, way to stick it out!


Good on ya for givin' it a go Heidi. :D I sat through one a them things when I was riding Harley's. I had spent a lot a bux on chrome and accessories for my 1986 FLH. My wife and I put a bunch of time and effort into cleaning the bike up at a rally for the bike show. We had it looking great and thought we may have a chance in the riders choice catagory. RIGHT Guess who won the touring and ride in classes? Two a the LOCAL boys who had bikes with less than 1000 miles on either one of them? We worked hard and sat all day long when we coulda been out riding to be in the BIKE show and got squat. That was the end of my subscription to Rider magazine (it was their rally) and a crappy opinion of ol' Clemente Salvadori and his cute little beret? If it had been just the members who actually rode a bike to the rally we would have been okay but, they let the local walk in visitors vote and they all just shuffled in their two local non riding members. I rode farther to get to that damn rally than either a those bikes had on em' but it wasn't really about riding now was it?

Again good on ya H.


Ahhh.. What the heck. You have a good story and represented the brand well. And you got away unschathed.. and you're get-a-away was faster than the rest of the crowd..
Good Atcha! :D
Hahaha! I laughed as soon as I read that.

When leaving I was sure to make a pass past/through the chrome heads. Made sure that I dipped the bike nice, clean & deep as I turned the corner & hit the throttle past them.

Once on the main road I blew past 5 bikes right b4 the on-ramp to I-64. I was off of the ramp & on 64 b4 they were 1/4 of the way around.

Thanks for all of the kindness everyone. I was pretty bummed after the show... especially after the time I spent to get all the bugs off of her.



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