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I have been retired for a year now and never once thought about going back to work, not even part time. I enjoyed my job while I was working, but I don't miss it.

Congrats, Jim. Retirement ain't what it's cracked up to be, that's for sure. I retired at 70 and been working ever since. 75 now.

I've been retired over 4 years now. Been offered part time jobs, some with awesome pay. Turned them all down. I have enough hobbies, lots to do. I don't see how anyone can be bored... There are 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday in every week, and my weekends are busy!

O.K. , I've got 4 more years and have a simple question. Did you have the 8 to 12 years salary saved as the "Experts" reccomend? I'm short of that number but am going to step away at 62 come hell or high water.
I'm 4 years behind you junior...have it all figured out before then, K?


As far as I'm concerned, I feel as if I've been prepared for retirement even before I started my life's career at work. I have worked for 37 years for the same agency, retired 2 years ago, and can't tell you hjow delighted I was to join the ranks of my parents. My parents retired when I was very young (I was a late in their lives baby) so, I always thought the "norm" was a retired life. No part time job for me, I started a new business.

Congrats on the (sorta) retirement!

Hardly a day goes by that we don't think of that old saying "since we retired, we're so busy that we wonder how we had time for work!"

Bored? No for a moment.


I palned to go at 65 but my wife's divorce lawyer put a stop to that. After 41 years of marrage, three kids, three college eds., and three weddings, I was suddenly not fit to live with.

Two years of my life and 77% of my net worth now gone, I'm starting to think about retirement again. The way I figure it, I'll have to work untill I'm about 85.

Life sucks, then you die.

I palned to go at 65 but my wife's divorce lawyer put a stop to that. After 41 years of marrage, three kids, three college eds., and three weddings, I was suddenly not fit to live with.Two years of my life and 77% of my net worth now gone, I'm starting to think about retirement again. The way I figure it, I'll have to work untill I'm about 85.

Life sucks, then you die.
Ray, just sell the business and the house...and get yourself a trailer in the mountains.

Retirement only has one downside for me. When I was working, I used to really look forward to taking vacations from work...........I can't do that any more!

I retired last year at 62 when the numbers said I'd have the same money retired as I did working. Easy choice since I didn't particularly like my job. 1st thing was purchase a house in the NC mountains where I've always wanted to be. Love it. If I take on a job it'll probably be a volunteerish thing to help the community or some such drivel.

WTF is this whole "retirement" of which you speak?

It's a myth.

An urban legend.

Doesn't exist.

Kinda like Bust's teeth.

WTF is this whole "retirement" of which you speak?
It's a myth.

An urban legend.

Doesn't exist.

Kinda like Bust's teeth.
I'm not sure my wife fully understands the meaning. She runs a small business, and she's constantly finding things for me to do. I'm gonna have to find a paying job if this keeps up.

Been retired from teaching since 97 (age 58), worked one job or another including military since I was 16. Enjoy time more than $$ and the big thing is no debts, if wife and I do not have cash we do not buy. House paid for long ago. Ride during the week and leave the weekends for others (except group things like rtes.) Go to the local honda shop some weekday morns. to have coffee with other retired folks. Is challenging to find a co-rider during week but I have 2 other retired friends still riding so we get out a bit. Found out when going for rides alone during week it is pleasant to meet other folks on bikes at rest areas, cafes etc. Two big events in retirement were my 6-way bypass at age 59 and my (used 470mile) 08fjr in spring of 09 (escapefjrtist said I got a steal and coming from G. thats a positive)and then meeting a bunch of fjr folks and the website. Seems like retired folks could arrange local contacts during the week on the area postings on this websites, there are bound to be folks that work weekends and have weekdays open.

Just turned 52 and been "medically retired" over 8 years now...this came with divorce, loss of home, kids abandon ya, hotel rooms.... you know...normal wasp my FJR devalues, my Les Pauls are my only worthy possessions and i have owed over 300K for heart surgeries insurance and i make too much on SS disability to qualify for anything in Tejas...but i've learned spanglish much more better...i love a mean asian woman, Yoko, and we get along one day at a time...i worked too long for an advanced education that didnt have time to pay off before my heart quit...and i'd rather slam my lil weenie in the slidin glass door than work one more minute in the race...i sleep , play music with my friends ,grow and kill bonsai, build tube amps , write , read all the time,, ride when i'm able and love life every godamn day like its my least one day, i'll finally be right !!! FJRay got it is for the living...NOW !



Just turned 52 and been "medically retired" over 8 years now...this came with divorce, loss of home, kids abandon ya, hotel rooms.... you know...normal wasp my FJR devalues, my Les Pauls are my only worthy possessions and i have owed over 300K for heart surgeries insurance and i make too much on SS disability to qualify for anything in Tejas...but i've learned spanglish much more better...i love a mean asian woman, Yoko, and we get along one day at a time...i worked too long for an advanced education that didnt have time to pay off before my heart quit...and i'd rather slam my lil weenie in the slidin glass door than work one more minute in the race...i sleep , play music with my friends ,grow and kill bonsai, build tube amps , write , read all the time,, ride when i'm able and love life every godamn day like its my least one day, i'll finally be right !!! FJRay got it is for the living...NOW !

Bonsai, huh? Are you going to the Austin Bonsai Society shindig in New Braunfels next month? My wife will be there as a vendor.

I'll turn 53 this summer, and am looking ahead to retirement, that is hoping I get out of the rat race before they carry me out feet first.

I have deduced a common theme from the posts here that support a theory I have had for many years now

Work Sucks !!!!
