Reverse Trike

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Need a 205/50-17 on that rear wheel pretty soon!!!! I don't think we'll give you a Darth Vader icon, though, since it don't lean! :bleh:

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Next on the agenda;

• 4-point seatbelts are on order

• Supports for the lower control arms so they don't flex backward when braking

• VW collapsible steering stem

• Mirrors

• Find permanent location for radiators

• Mount electric fans

• Finish rollbar

> Car tire on rear!!!

• Design the reverse gear solution

I'll keep you guys posted!

Fixed it!


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Hey guys haven’t updated you in quite a while.
I’ll keep you guys posted!
Hey Nitrotate??

Are you going to make it to one of the regional FJR meets with this trike this year? If so, which one, cause I'd like to ride there to see it!
I would love to but I'll have to see when they are and where I'm at on the build by then but if I can I would definitely be there. I'll try to let you guys know.

Need a 205/50-17 on that rear wheel pretty soon!!!! I don't think we'll give you a Darth Vader icon, though, since it don't lean! :bleh:
Yep, I have some items up for sale on ebay and praying they sell because that's my rear tire fund. :yahoo:

Next on the agenda;• 4-point seatbelts are on order

• Supports for the lower control arms so they don't flex backward when braking

• VW collapsible steering stem

• Mirrors

• Find permanent location for radiators

• Mount electric fans

• Finish rollbar

> Car tire on rear!!!

• Design the reverse gear solution

I'll keep you guys posted!

Fixed it!

Yep forgot that one thanks! :D

New update. The seatbelts arrived last night so I’ll be getting them mounted here in the next week or so. In the past week I’ve gotten started on fiberglassing up the air scoops for the radiators (one on each side). These will take a while to get them all nice and solid, mounted, and painted etc. I’m not super worried about the looks because once the body is on they will be hidden but I’m going to practice getting the best finished surface I can with them.










Just some heart-felt words of enc ouragement: Way to go! I have watched this for quite some time now and I like seeing it evolve. Can't wait to see the finished product at a rally.

Keep going! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Thank ya, thank ya! Yeah I've gotten another big wave of motivation so I'm really pushing to get it roadworthy and registered in the next month or two if possible. Once I'm satisfied that I am done welding, mounting and fabbing stuff up I can finally take it out for some real testing on the backroads. Once I'm happy with all the safety features and performance then I'll tear it all the way down and start powder coating everything then I can put it all back together, get it inspected and registered and then I'll be on the road!! At first without a body. This winter I'll probably start building the body which will take quite a while and a lot of patience...

Just some heart-felt words of enc ouragement: Way to go! I have watched this for quite some time now and I like seeing it evolve. Can't wait to see the finished product at a rally.
Keep going! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Wholeheartedly agree here ---------------- wonderful project ... you're talented for sure.

Just some heart-felt words of enc ouragement: Way to go! I have watched this for quite some time now and I like seeing it evolve. Can't wait to see the finished product at a rally.
Keep going! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Wholeheartedly agree here ---------------- wonderful project ... you're talented for sure.

What’s up guys, well it’s been a long time but I’m still making progress. I had a couple week break while I epoxied my garage floor, finished the drywall, painted and hung cabinets. I got the Seatbelts all done, one of the scoops is done and currently working on the other. As soon as the other scoop is done I’ll be ready to tighten everything down and take it out for some testing. I’ll get video. I tested the brakes pretty good the other day from about 40 mph to stop and they stop on a dime! Actually got a good shot of adrenaline just from the braking experience!

I just put a rear spoiler on that I think looks pretty good too, let me know what you guys think.

Anyway here is the latest photos.






Ok guys another update. I did a lot of work the past week or two getting things finalized so that I could take it out and test it for real. High speed, corners, lateral strength of the bikes connection to the frame, engine performance and cooling etc. etc.

Both air intakes are done finally I just need to do the bodywork on them and paint them and then I think they’ll fit the vehicle a little better visually. In case anyone is interested, here is how I built them on a cheap budget;


Just carved them with a saw, file and sandpaper by hand and fitted them to the radiators;




This foam melts when you put epoxy on it so after the final shape is achieved I smooth and coat it with drywall mud, it’s cheap, dries fast and is really easy to sand and work with and protects the foam from the epoxy;


Here is the scoop mounted with the air intake tube for the motor and the cooling fan hooked up. I’m going to buy another fan for the other side, I think dual cooling fans will be pretty sweet sounding and cool really good too;


Here’s some better pics of the trike in the sun;







Final word for now; I tested the trike out this weekend and was very pleased with it’s performance. The engine ran perfect, stayed cool, ran hard and strong. Gears shift effortlessly and smoothly! Everything worked perfect except one little concern I have… The steering is great until you get over about 50 or 60 mph where it sort of starts “chasing cats”, in other words I think it’s just an adjustment issue with the toe, steering box, alignment, and shocks. We did a couple adjustments while we were out there and it improved slightly so I’m confident that I’ll get the little bugs worked out soon.

Back Tire: After testing and some much anticipated burnouts I brought the trike back home and pulled the rear wheel off so I could powder coat it and put the 205/40/R17 car tire on it. I think that will also improve the handling performance and traction quite a bit. Can’t wait to feel the difference!!!


Here’s the test video we did this weekend! Sorry for the shaky video but we forgot the tripod, we’ll bring it again next time.

Very Cool!!!! I guess there probably wasn't much left on that tire when you got around to pulling it off.... :lol:
