Reverse Trike

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Moving right along, working on some of the cosmetic items since it was raining all weekend. Hopefully next weekend I can do my final test drive and the steering and alignment will be spot on. If so then I’ll get the rest of my cosmetic things done and finally start tearing the whole thing down to get ready for powder coating!

The weather is starting to turn to crap so it’s going to be a long winter for me in anticipation of the summer months when I can start riding. It’s probably a good thing though so that I can take my time finishing it so I don’t rush.

Also this weekend I did some measuring and calculations for my center of gravity weight distribution and overall weight so here are the stats;

(Wet) Trike weight without driver and passenger:


Total: 1252

Front weight: 747

Rear weight: 505

Front-to-rear weight distribution: 60% front, 40% rear

That may seem heavy to you guys but think about it… a production built T-Rex, built by a company that has the money for the expensive lightweight aluminum materials and high-tech fabrication equipment, the T-Rex is sitting at about 900lbs DRY. I had a welder, a 2-car garage, and a dewalt angle grinder… Just to help you keep things in perspective.  AND I might add, I’m not trying to build the lightest fastest trike on the face of the planet, just something fun.

I also weighed the trike with a driver and then again with a driver AND passenger and the weight distribution stays the same at 60/40, which is exciting but also surprising because I expected the center of gravity to shift toward the rear significantly when occupied but it didn’t! That is a good thing because too much weight in the rear will cause a nasty over steer tendency which could be dangerous. Ether way I’m actually still trying to do whatever I can to shift even more weight toward the front. 60/40 is optimal from what I’ve researched but I think I would still like to shoot for about 70/30 if possible.

So I found some material to stretch over the front skeleton and I think it turned out pretty sweet!






I also finally started cutting the inside panels, it’s really starting to change the look too.





Here I started to experiment with how I’m going to cover the support bars in the back as well as to cover up all the ugly wiring and create a bit of a storage area behind the seats. Not exactly sure if this is how I’ll do it yet but just trying to visualize a few things...




Nitro -

You HAVE seen this car built by Arial haven't you?

It's not a trike, but it does have some serious grunt for such a light weight vehicle.

Saw one demonstrated the Laguna Seca Raceway, it was fast and did the job :dribble: !

Wooooohoooooooo!!! I got the steering and suspension issues worked out! I took her up to 90mph this weekend and she was lock-tight, no floating, no wobble, no vibrations, no pulling to either side and straight as an arrow!! I even swerved back and forth a little at that speed and it straightened back out just like it should with no over correction. I'm extremely happy with it's performance now. I can finally start tearing it down and powder coating and get it back together, do the cosmetic touches and then register it and I'll be on the road!! I'll probably wait to register until spring though so I'm not paying insurance on it all winter for nothing... It's going to be a long winter but at least I won't rush the cosmetic stuff and it should look sweet by the time I'm ready to take it out.

Ok so still struggling with a powerful enough motor for the backup motor but here is what I have come up with so far. It actually tucks up under the tail nicely and would look cool dropping down to the tire but the problem is the motor just isn't strong enough so I still have to do some thinking...

You can tell where it hits the slope of my driveway and then just can't go any further:

Haha, thanks! Well really it's just a matter of time, energy, research, education, trial & error, money, and planning... that's all... ;)

My neighbors think I'm crazy and can't believe the amount of time I spend working on things in the garage. It's funny because they've watched me through this whole process, making noise, grinding, welding, banging on crap and all wondered what the hell I was doing until one day I emerged from the garage with a driving vehicle. And now they see me cruising around the block testing and tuning. Now not only do the neighbors stop by and check it out but every single car that drives by stops and people are breaking their necks to try and figure out what it is... LOL

That's kind of why I'm building it... just to see the looks on peoples faces. (And of course the satisfaction of the build)

My wife and I were thinking of putting a fake machine gun on top of it, dressing up like Tina Turner and Mad Max and drive around giving people crazy looks. :p

Well, unfortunately it's not going to happen because I never got it registered. To register it I have to haul it down to the State Patrol to have it inspected, then if I pass, I have to put insurance on it, then go pay to get it registered and then the snow hits and I'm paying all winter for a vehicle I can't ride... :(

Ok guys, getting ready to start tearing the whole thing down now so I can powder coat everything. I'm going to do a little custom work on it too so I'm taking suggestions and ideas for a name for my trike...

I haven't really thought much on it yet so the only thing I've really come up with so far is "FJR3", "FJ3R", or "FJ-RT" (not very creative yet I know but I'm sort of having a "creative block" right now...) and it doesn't have to be a spiff off of the FJR possibly something totally different...

Let me know if you guys have any ideas?

Ok guys, getting ready to start tearing the whole thing down now so I can powder coat everything. I'm going to do a little custom work on it too so I'm taking suggestions and ideas for a name for my trike...

I haven't really thought much on it yet so the only thing I've really come up with so far is "FJR3", "FJ3R", or "FJ-RT" (not very creative yet I know but I'm sort of having a "creative block" right now...) and it doesn't have to be a spiff off of the FJR possibly something totally different...

Let me know if you guys have any ideas?
How about NITRO FJR, or FJR3D or something completely different, like King-Feejer..

Just trying to help with the influx of stupendous name ideas...

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Thanks guys, think I have a winner... "FJRT1300"

I worked up a pretty sweet logo so I'll show that once I get a panel done with it.

I'll still take ideas though until I actually complete it...

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Ok so I was going to keep this quiet but it turned out so nice I had to show it off. This is the black heavy wrinkle powder I'm going to be using on a lot of the trike and I think it's a sick ass color! Here is my trike name in it's finished state. Now I just have a ton of work ahead of me to get everything torn down and start cleaning up all my welds and sharp corners and then powder coat everything. Can't wait for reassembly!!



It's actually Chinese and stands for the word commitment. Sort of to signify my dedication to the project and how I never give up and finish what I start. I'm also studying Mandarin for my job so it wasnt just some random chiinese I picked.
