Ride your FJR to Work!!!!!!!!!!!!

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my FJR got run over at work last week. Does that count for me since it is in the shop on Ride to Work Day. Normally ride everyday year round, guess, I'll have to make up for it when i get her back.

<snip>They have a consultant in from someplace.


My conclusion? Mr. Horsepower is Mr. Horse$h!t.
Wait... A consultant? Full of $h!t?!


That's krazzy talk....


Darn, I always ride to work....75 mile round trip, but didn't today of all days because we're playing golf after work and I needed my clubs and pull cart.
I play in a golf league which forces me to drive the cage one day a week. A month or so ago as I was heading into the club house, I saw a guy leaving the parking lot riding a full-dress touring bike (dopey me didn't see for sure but it looked like a Classic or an Ultra), and somehow he had his golf clubs on the bike. It kinda looked like he had something rigged where a trailer hitch would be that supported the bag, and then strapped the bag down up top. I was hoping he was coming to the course because I really, really wanted to check out that rig.

A friends co-worker has devised a way to strap his clubs across his lap when he rides. When / if I get pictures, I'll share.

It was actually, in fact, my justification to the wife for buying the bike in the first place! Riding about 15 miles into Boston each way to work, mostly surface streets from the North Shore suburbs. My gas price is about 1/3 of what it was. And parking is free compared to the $12/day that it was.

The economics are compelling:


$8/day in gas at 15mpg

$12/day in parking

$3 for tolls

= $23/day


$3/day in gas at about 40mpg or better

$0 in parking

$3/day for tolls

= $6/day

I'm commuting about 10 days a month. (I get to work at home fairly often and travel quite a bit as well.)

All in, for the month, I'm saving about $170 a month, up to $2,000 a year. And you know that gas is only going to get more expensive. This has been a great deal for me. (When the weather gets really bad, I'll drive the SUV or take public transport.)

I'm definately riding my FJR to work, and generally having a lot more fun getting there!

I play in a golf league which forces me to drive the cage one day a week. A month or so ago as I was heading into the club house, I saw a guy leaving the parking lot riding a full-dress touring bike (dopey me didn't see for sure but it looked like a Classic or an Ultra), and somehow he had his golf clubs on the bike. It kinda looked like he had something rigged where a trailer hitch would be that supported the bag, and then strapped the bag down up top. I was hoping he was coming to the course because I really, really wanted to check out that rig.
A friends co-worker has devised a way to strap his clubs across his lap when he rides. When / if I get pictures, I'll share.
I'm not a golfer, but it seems like you could strap a golf bag across the passenger seat and the saddlebags? Where there's a will, there's a way! I actually brought some 8 foot 2x4's home on a motorcycle once. They were strapped sideways on the passenger seat and had red flags on each end. I just had to consciously keep the bike in the center of the lane to make sure my board ends didn't intrude on other lanes. :dribble:

It was actually, in fact, my justification to the wife for buying the bike in the first place! Riding about 15 miles into Boston each way to work, mostly surface streets from the North Shore suburbs. My gas price is about 1/3 of what it was. And parking is free compared to the $12/day that it was.
The economics are compelling:


$8/day in gas at 15mpg

$12/day in parking

$3 for tolls

= $23/day


$3/day in gas at about 40mpg or better

$0 in parking

$3/day for tolls

= $6/day

I'm commuting about 10 days a month. (I get to work at home fairly often and travel quite a bit as well.)

All in, for the month, I'm saving about $170 a month, up to $2,000 a year. And you know that gas is only going to get more expensive. This has been a great deal for me. (When the weather gets really bad, I'll drive the SUV or take public transport.)

I'm definately riding my FJR to work, and generally having a lot more fun getting there!

Add up and compare all of your costs per vehicle. In my case, car vs. bike, the car wins. Tires kill the economy equation.

I never thought to figure total ongoing cost per vehicle. but for me the daily cost to take the FJR to work is .20 cents. LOL

I ride my 2008 FJR everyday 102 miles round trip to work when it's not raining . That is if I am not riding my other bikes to keep them from sitting too much . It's a tuff job ( I really like riding my FJR best ) but someone's got to do it .

Well, it's ride to work day....do you know where YOUR FJR is???????? Mine is with me at WORK. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
I've ridden my bike to work every day (that there isn't ice/snow conditions) since July 1975. :rolleyes:


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