Rider Protection for newer rider

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2009
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Choctaw, OK
I just bought a used '07 FJR and plan on riding as much as I can, not sure what that will be though, at least to work and some weekend trips every now and then. I have a Fieldsheer jacket with shoulder, elbow and back armor, kind of mesh with a liner. I wear gloves that provide little to no protection, just to cover my hands and fingers mainly and some steel toe shoes/boots that cover my ankle. I do wear a helmet.

What do you guys typically wear when you ride? Any suggestions on how 'geared up' to get when a guy rides? How do you handle 100 degree temps, in your gear, riding in town? Just handle it?



You're going to see those letters a lot here. It means "All the gear, all the time." It's a good habit to develop.

I wear an armored jacket, pants, shoes and gloves and a full face helmet. All the time. Even when it's 100 degrees. During those days when it's smokin' hot, I wear a cool vest like this one: https://www.tuffrhino.com/MiraCool_Poncho_Vest_p/hs1045.htm and carry a lot of water.

When it's cold, I wear heated clothing.

I have a five block ride to work (lucky me) and when I take the bike I still gear up.


Many of us subscribe to the term ATTGATT (All The Gear All The Time)

I'm not a fan of Fieldsheer stuff, it's made out of some Poly stuff that is basically plastic which can melt under the friction heat of sliding down the pavement (and melt to your skin), now that's not to say it's a bad jacket, it's just outside of my comfort Zone, and that's what it's all about, how much risk are you comfortable with, which is a question only you can decide.

The best protection hands down is full leathers, but that's not practical for most of us

For me:

CyclePort AirMesh II Kevlar Jacket and pants (Mesh so it's nice and cool, but I have liners for when it starts getting cold out) which is expensive, but is allegedly as strong or stronger then leather..Allegedly..

Sidi Motorcycle Boots

Motorcycle Gauntlet Gloves (Forget the brand, but has armor in Knuckles and wrist, have a summer pair that is vented and a winter pair that is not)

Full Face Helmet

Polycarbonite sunglasses (Gotta protect the peepers)

Proper Rain Gear (Liners and overgloves) for when Mother Nature decides no be pissy

All my gear has reflictive strips down the arms, across the back, and down the legs

Also let's not forget the protective gear for the bike

1) Bag reflectors to attract attention of other traffic (Don't see em normally but they glow like hell when you hit em with a headlight at night)

2) Reflective material on helmet

3) Headlight or taillight modulator (this is just my preference, there is a lot of debate about these, but for me I like em)

4) A PROPERLY maintained motorcycle, check your tire pressures every time you ride (or laze out like I did and get a tire pressure mgmt system :) )

Hope this helps

Shoei helmet, Aerostich RC, gloves, boots. There is no typical. If its hot, I usually wear shorts and a T-shirt under the RC, open up the cuffs and unzip a bit from the neck. As long as I'm moving not to bad. I've added ice to my pockets sometimes, that works pretty good. When it gets really hot (as in Texas hot, 100+) I dont ride. You being from Choctaw, OK know about that kinda heat. The cold and rain, yet again a whole nother story. I've spent lots of money trying to find just the right solution, when said and done I would have been money ahead had I just bought the Aerostitch RC from the beginning. It is pricey roadgear, but you get what you pay for.

If you can take a look at the SFO forum under FJR meetings, theres a rally May 13th - 16th in Eureka Springs AR. Lots of good ridin, meet some of the folks on this board.

I'll agree with what everyone else says. It isn't really a question of whether or not you'll need the gear, but rather when you'll need the gear. I have been fortunate enough to not go down on my FJR, but I did hit a patch of sand on my FZ6 and found out how much good gear matters.

The impact scraped up the side of my helmet, scuffed up the front of my riding jacket, and wore through nearly 1/4 inch of the 1/2 knuckle guards that were in my gloves. I came off the bike at about 35 mph and landed on my knees first, the armor in my First Gear pants took the impact and I slid on my knees for about 15 feet before pitching forward onto my chest/head. The pants show no damage what so ever. The jacket was serviceable but mildly torn. The drop and slide on my knees would have severely damaged my kneecaps had I not had had the armor and riding pants.

I have, and will, occasionally ride to the store (two blocks) with only a helmet, riding jacket, gloves, and boots. However, anything more gets full gear.

Pretty much the same as Mcgyver74 for me, although I also have an Aerostitch 1pc. Roadcrafter for cooler months. I wear Kusatani gauntlet racing gloves year 'round. I no longer trust vented gloves. ATGATT

Hiya, Drew!

As you will see / have seen, opinions on gear vary significantly. Find what's right for you. Most of the guys around here are ATGATT to one degree or another.

If you can take a look at the SFO forum under FJR meetings, theres a rally May 13th - 16th in Eureka Springs AR. Lots of good ridin, meet some of the folks on this board.
Very good suggestion, and you'll also meet some ... uh ... interesting people. :rolleyes:

If you're looking at upgrading your gear, depending on your budget, lots of guys have Aerostitch gear. I have an Aerostitch Transit suit. While it works well for me, I would not recommend it for regular riding in 100+ heat.

The mesh gear from Cycleport is probably the best mesh gear out there. I don't have any nor have I ever worn any of their mesh gear, but the guys in the southern states that have it love it.

There's also a new player in the market: Tiez Motorsports. Our very own Motorcycle Ed has some of their gear and has given it favorable reviews.

Good boots (I have a pair of Sidi's that have proven themselves to be very waterproof... Did anyone mention it rained at SFO 09?? And EOM '09??) and gloves are essential if you're riding in all weather and / or long-distance.

Ride safe,



There's also another new player in the motorcycle gear market: Most Unique Motorcycle Gear EVER!!

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It really depends on the weather. If it's cold out I'll wear a a windbreaker, jeans and a helmet. If it's hot, I'll just throw on my gym shorts and some flip flops and leave the helmet at home. Kidding of course. Full gear including riding boots, full face, one piece suit designed to spare my skin, and gloves designed to do the same thing.

The Tiez suits are a good bargain however the thickness of their leather is not as thick as some other makers, does this make a difference on the street? Probably not...but for any sort of track day I would want top quality thick leather :)

Well, most of your question has been answered.

Yeah, another ATGATT (most) and if I deviate it's just the pants only.

It's the heat that makes people take freaky risk with reducing the gear. It's the cager's who drive around you.

When in traffic and commuting, I always put on:

Helmet (modular-flip up),

Armored leather jacket,

Really hot, mesh armor,

moisture wicking stocking cap,

This year I will be experimenting with different pant combinations; perhaps armored jeans, but when you're commuting to work I like to hop off and shed gear, not change clothes...so some air-mesh armored overpants may do the trick.

You have to make the commitment for safety. You will be dressed ATGATT burning up sitting in traffic praying for traffic to move faster where you can get some air-flow; and here comes a Cruiser Rider/ with no helmet, t-shirt and jeans...not safe, but smiling at ya. Texas humidity-heat will make you think a bit crazy sometimes.

Gear is needed , if you hit the ground which would you rather have get sanded off by the road, skin or your suit ( Jacket & pants ) or gloves? As far as helmets they are the law in many states , but there are many styles to choose from. Consider the primary impact point if the head hits the ground ( over 70%) in the chin and jaw area.

I wear a Shark modular helmet, either a First Gear Kilamanjaro or Alpinestar leather jacket, First Gear overpants, and Alpinestar boots. Good gloves with knuckle protection. If it is hot I will go to an armored Vanson mesh jacket with all the rest.

Hi there,

For me:

Full face helmet (really like a working jaw),

Gloves (hard to work with hands turned to hamburger)

Armoured Jacket (want to minimize skin grafts, broken shoulders, broken elbows, spinal injuries)

Riding boots with aromur ankles (really good traction in all that junk at stop lights, armour and leather may work if sliding under the bike)

Armoured pants (see jacket above) Sometimes skip the pants wearing just jeans, yes it is a risk.

Heat is not too bad in Wisconsin 90+ when moving is fine. Cold is a tolerance issue, getting too cold slows your reflexs and adds risk. (Below freezing is very questionable due to ice)

Good luck


Wow guys, lots of input and I really appreciate the responses. This is what I was looking for and what I kind of figured, the suggestions are going to help with my search. It'll be hard to choke down the cost of everything, but it's like insurance. It sucks, but it's needed. RemingtonRider nailed it for my thoughts, we have a TON of cruisers around here that wear no protective gear at all. AGATT is definitely in the minority in OK but I'm sure we're not alone either.

I would like something that is easy on/off for when I ride to work.


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