Riding Impression: FJR1300 vs ST1300

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I bought an st1300 after having my st1100 for 5 years. St13 was a huge improvement over the st11 except in one department. Heat management. The bike flat out cooked me. I sold it over the issue and bought the FJR. I've covered the plus an minuses of both in past threads. If your a dye hard honda person in the sport touring market, i would suggest you wait untill a newly revised st?? comes out in the next couple of years. If honda sticks with the same program, buy an FJR.


I rode an ST1100 for several years, and when the ST1300 came out, I rented one for a couple of days to see what I would think of it.

I decided I preferred the ST1100, and didn't switch.

Since then I've had several other ST style bikes. I just came on the FJR sort of by accident, and so far my impression is that its the best overall package for sporty touring.

I hate to say it, but if I were 60 I'm sure I would have bought the ST. The young at heart comment I can relate to. I'm 46 and not dead yet!
My opinion only.
Hey!!! I'm 60 and not dead yet. :dribble: Don't make us old guys ground you to your room!! B)

Come on guys, I was not grinding anyone's gears who are 60 or above. Truly sorry if I came-off that way. A million apologies. I should have qualified my comment with anyone who drives a FJR is young at heart regardless of age.


ok, i'm new here but i felt i had to chime in on this topic. (btw this is a hot topic on st-owners.com off and on, too) i rode an st1300 for a year. it was my dream bike but i had to work my way up to it (and no, i'm not anywhere near 60 <_< ) . my husband had the fjr and i just happened to ride it one day and realized it was a much better bike for me. here are some of my impressions:

the 04 st1300 has WAYYYYYYYY less heat than the 05 fjr...i understand the heat issue is fixed in 06 and above but it pours outta my 05.

the wind protection on the st1300 can't be beat even with my great rifle windshield on the fjr.

the st is much "twitchier", my husband calls it more responsive, in curves than my fjr. even after i put the fpr on the st, which helped tremendously, it reminded me of a high-powered stallion just waiting for me to make a mistake so it could buck me off.

the fjr shifts smoother and is much "torquier" (is that a word?) . it runs as comfortably at 3000 rpms, sometimes lower, as it does at 6500 rpms and maintains stability in the curves. the st doesn't like to run below 4000 rpms minimum and really fusses in the curves if its outside the power band.

the fjr is MUCH more forgiving. my husband refers to it as a "sweeper bike" while the st generally performs a little better in the really steep switchback curves.

the st is more top-heavy but honda really knew what they were doing when they put the tip-over wings on there. they really do work.....well.

i was more comfortable after two rides on the fjr, felt more in control than after a whole year on the st. and i LOVE my fjr. :D

I'm in the market again so shopping around. Just rode another ST1300 & it just doesn't do much for me. Nice bike, but doesn't do much. Likely an '08 FJR will be in the garage soon though I'm enamoured with the BMW R1200RT's "funk" & overall goodness, so seriously considering that. IMO both the FJR & RT are superior to the ST. No thanks on the GT & no thanks on the wide-bodied, skin-sizzling Connie (my '04 FJR was hot enough).

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