Running bad #2

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Bad gas my ass. Here's my story. Last Sunday I rode to the Membres cafe for coffee. It was 21F when I left the garage. 30% humidity, dew point of 2. Got to the cafe and it was 27F. Beautiful day. Went in the cafe for about 1 hr. ( this was a 60 mi. ride). Came out and it had warmed to about 32F. Started the scooter and it ran for ****. Wouldn't take throttle and the idle was off. Same symptoms that my 07 had with the bad altitude ECU. Proceeded from the cafe about 1 mi., gave it full throttle in a taller gear, and the symptom was completely ******* gone. I've had this happen on several occasions. Not often, but enough to completely **** my head up. This subject comes up about this time of year every year. I'm convinced that it's a fault in the ECU. I thought it was a weak battery, but have eliminated that. I have tendency to nudge the throttle (TPS) on a cold restart). I'm trying to eliminate that.

While I am very glad the bike is running well and I really hope that it continues to run well, I am skeptical. If the bike was running that bad, the supposedly bad gas is still in the tank and just the addition of Seafoam fixed it...I need some of that Seafoam.

My Gen-2 had the exact same problem about a month back. I fill my bike with 89 octane at a Chevron in San Juan Capistrano, CA. The problem did not become apparent to me until the next day. I started the bike and she sputtered. I reved her to about 2500 to 3000 RPM and she really acted nasty, spitting the whole time. I took her to the dealership and they told me it might be bad gas and to add an additive. I burned the fuel to about 1/4 tank and put in a quality additive with water dispersion capablility. This made a difference but slowly. I changed the grade of gas to 87 octane and of all brands Arco; she began to run much better. Problem solved.

Likely additives in the gas. Just saying.

That is how I would expect the symptoms of "bad gas" to appear. And that is how I would expect them to disappear. I would be highly suspicious of just being able to add Seafoam to a tank of bad gas and IMMEDIATELY everything is all better. I'd have to wonder if there might not be some other issue. Of course, I have no idea how "bad" kman's bike was running. "Running bad" is different to each of us.

I am truly not making light of kman09's situation, I do hope his problem is over. But...

I want to pour some of that Seafoam into Patriot's gas tank!

Redfish com down. Like Terry Hairston bike, mine was very similar to what he describes on his.

I'm not saying that Seafoam is a cure all for what ales our bikes.

And I'm not a 100% sure that I'm out of the woods just yet.

Like Terry,after adding an additive (seafoam) and riding it for 30-45 minutes,it's running good.

I plan to take to my bike mechanic asap,for further evaluation.

If I had to guess Redfish you must be an engineer of some sort?

Have a safe ride all.........

And sometimes, thinking of Jestel now, people that have some real answers and genuine contributions to offer the collective get fed up with the bullshitters and leave.


Are you saying beemerdon's the one that pissed jestel off enough to make him leave?

Maybe we should post Jestal's picture on the side of Oil Filter cartons. He still may be found....

It's Jestal. For "Just Al".

And while he did get pretty annoyed around here it wasn't due to the bullshitters, but because of the arguers, naysayers, and insulters and sometimes the admin authority when things were getting out of hand. And while he was my Hero and knew his ****, he had at times a really thick skin, and at times a thin skin. And you know how that works around here.

Anywho, the primary reason for his departure was not the ******** around here, but health issues.

Still, I know of some who aren't around here or rarely show up due to the constant inane crap that goes on around here. Not really sure how to fix that.

Its just the internet FFS.

It ain't so serious. Serious is **** that kills ya.

and, Chucks rule #2.

Most people have a bit of ******* in them, expect the worse from them and any surprises will be pleasant.

If you doubt rule 2, just get to know me better!

Redfish com down. Like Terry Hairston bike, mine was very similar to what he describes on his.
If I had to guess Redfish you must be an engineer of some sort?
Please work with me here kman09. 1. I don't know you but I want your bike to run well. As much as I like to be right, that is not the purpose of adding to a thread that is a plea for help. The idea is to help the OP (You) get your bike fixed and running well. I would rather be completely wrong and your bike be fixed than otherwise.

2. I am NOT trying to be a jerk here, it may work that way, but that is NOT the intent. The description you gave and the description Terry Hairston gave are completely different. You said IMMEDIATELY it started to run badly. I take IMMEDIATELY to mean, "As soon as I let go of the starter button." Running badly could mean many things. In the case of Terry Hairston, we got a very good description and timeline. We see the symptoms taking some time to develop and we see "the cure" taking some time to work. That is not what you described. In order for the really really smart guys to troubleshoot, they need accurate information. No, I don't include myself in that group.

3. You guess wrong. I am not an engineer. Although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time...

4. I am quite calm. Or "com" as you put it... I was actually just making a rather half hearted joke regarding Patriot's bike. I would love to have a cheap miracle fix I could just pour into his tank.

With all the sincerity I can summon I truly hope that your bike is running well and that it continues to do so for a very long time. I don't care if it is due to Seafoam or Voodoo or because SkooterG wears women's underwear.

Kman..........everyone's an engineer here on the fjr forum.
aah, Golden Bullet.

It's Jestal. For "Just Al".
And while he did get pretty annoyed around here it wasn't due to the bullshitters, but because of the arguers, naysayers, and insulters and sometimes the admin authority when things were getting out of hand. And while he was my Hero and knew his ****, he had at times a really thick skin, and at times a thin skin. And you know how that works around here.

Anywho, the primary reason for his departure was not the ******** around here, but health issues.

Still, I know of some who aren't around here or rarely show up due to the constant inane crap that goes on around here. Not really sure how to fix that.
Inane Crap, don't fix it that's the reason I'm here. Sure beats TV.
