Well-known member
Bad gas my ass. Here's my story. Last Sunday I rode to the Membres cafe for coffee. It was 21F when I left the garage. 30% humidity, dew point of 2. Got to the cafe and it was 27F. Beautiful day. Went in the cafe for about 1 hr. ( this was a 60 mi. ride). Came out and it had warmed to about 32F. Started the scooter and it ran for ****. Wouldn't take throttle and the idle was off. Same symptoms that my 07 had with the bad altitude ECU. Proceeded from the cafe about 1 mi., gave it full throttle in a taller gear, and the symptom was completely ******* gone. I've had this happen on several occasions. Not often, but enough to completely **** my head up. This subject comes up about this time of year every year. I'm convinced that it's a fault in the ECU. I thought it was a weak battery, but have eliminated that. I have tendency to nudge the throttle (TPS) on a cold restart). I'm trying to eliminate that.