Isabella is Lazarus
I'm sorry
I'm venting and off kilter
I'm venting and off kilter
Completely understandable Mike. We will help you through this.I'm sorryI'm venting and off kilter
You're allowed to vent. Ya big dork. We have the answer, we just need to find a way to buy it before someone else buys it. 19 days left on the auction, and btw, it's or best offer, so that might be something to consider too, though I feel that's a fair price, especially shipped.I'm sorryI'm venting and off kilter
O.K. here is my deal. I am wanting to donate some swag for this effort.
Folks can get some WynPro products (at a slightly lower price than normal) and instead of sending me the funds you can send it to the account that Fred W has setup for Patriot. Please make sure to put your address and forum name along with your payment in the information. Fred can then forward the information along so that I can get the WynPro products shipped out.
Here's how this is going to work. The first person to post up in this thread for each of the items will be the one with first dibs to purchase. If you have dibs you can go ahead make the Paypal payment to Fred and send him your ship to address via PM.
Let the posting begin!
Big Foot, $20.00 Shipped to US or Canada
Ram Bone, $36.00 Shipped to US only
Pair Covers, $45.00 Shipped to US only
Floor Boards, $63.00 Shipped to US only
I apologize to my Canadian Brethren but the Postal Fees to Kanukistan have gone out of sight.