running bad (feeling blessed)...limped home (walking on air)

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I talk too much I know,
, I made myself happy.
don't ya hate people who talk too much...oh wait...

I understand you have carpal tunnel syndrome of your right hand

well said and I couldn't agree more...I've learned the tinyest acts of random kindness mean much, and that it's an attitude to see when doors are open to help someone...many think helping others has to be a big, expensive task and that's not true. When I see a local homeless guy, I spend a big $7 and 15 minutes at the nearby McD's drive through to buy him a meal. In conversation, I found out he's a Vietnam Vet. So there's a tiny ministry that makes me happy. PGR does that, and my involvement in the Pet Therapy Program does too. Thank You All


Glad to see you again in the bike!You are very happy and this appears in your face and in your eyes..!

I wish you to have many happy riding miles with your beautiful Isabella..!

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To get myself back to normal: During Girl Scout Cookie season I take my 9 year old son with me EVERYWHERE I go. He is learning that a cute daughter often has a cute Mommie and he knows just which ones to approach with his little fist full of money. You have to donate your money where you SEE the results.
You have that kid on the Right Track Bro! It doesn't hurt AT ALL to start them heading in the right direction.

Then in no time at all, He'll be coming home asking dad: What the Hell is up with these Women?!?!

This is a motor with 160K on it and I thnik there might be a story here.
full disclosure #1...the old motor is the 2nd and grenaded at 90k...

the new motor is the 3rd one grenaded at 165k - it was bought with 20k

so your (now) motor has 95k actual miles

oh, also (full disclosure #2, ask those in the know)

Aaron had a way bitch of a time loosening the head bolts to remove head

like, 2 broken sockets tight...

To get myself back to normal: During Girl Scout Cookie season I take my 9 year old son with me EVERYWHERE I go. He is learning that a cute daughter often has a cute Mommie and he knows just which ones to approach with his little fist full of money. You have to donate your money where you SEE the results.
You have that kid on the Right Track Bro! It doesn't hurt AT ALL to start them heading in the right direction.

Then in no time at all, He'll be coming home asking dad: What the Hell is up with these Women?!?!
there's a reason those girl scouts sell so many cookies every year:


a "Forgotten Hero"'d be surprised at how many Veterans are in nursing homes and pass away and no one can find any family the PGR and local active duty military attend and stand for the Vet being their family. Funeral Homes and other groups donate a full blown military funeral with casket flag and taps. All attending sign a memorial visitation book and the flag is stored away with honor. The idea is if a family member or close friend contact the funeral home later on, they will be presented with the flag and book of their loved one.


a "Forgotten Hero"'d be surprised at how many Veterans are in nursing homes and pass away and no one can find any family the PGR and local active duty military attend and stand for the Vet being their family. Funeral Homes and other groups donate a full blown military funeral with casket flag and taps. All attending sign a memorial visitation book and the flag is stored away with honor. The idea is if a family member or close friend contact the funeral home later on, they will be presented with the flag and book of their loved one.
As a Vet I can not tell you how much what you do means to me and others. You my friend have a place reserved with all the FJR's you want, in every color, with a six speed, and cruise that will set at 150 mph.

My heart goes out to you and I wish you all that life can bring you in happiness and joy.

You are my Hero.

Gone, but not forgotten is all we can ask for at the end of our journey. I walk the fields at Fort Indian Town Gap here in PA and sit in their Veterans Memorial all the time thinking and paying respect to those I have lost.

With Respect,


Glad you got your FJR back on the road. I'm also glad I was a SMALL part of this ADVENTURE. If you ever get up to the North East Fred W and I can take you on a couple of "tours". Fred's do include DIRT roads!! Enjoy the FJR.

let me just's been a most glorious 2 weeks and I'm still riding high...Thur-Sun is the PGR Dixie Region Gathering of the Guard (rally) in Monroe, LA...250mi away...I can look forward to heading out at sunrise on Thur as Looziana hosts the 5 state Gathering. We will fellowship and enjoy each other's company - gather for a reason other than sadness, pain, and the feelings of loss of others.

Below, Ms Bonnie Guidry, Navy Veteran, USS Kidd Floating Museum, Baton Rouge, LA, Ladies Auxilary Member

willed her ashes to be sprinkled off the ship into the Mississippi River...symbolizing her going back to where she came from:

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Aaron of Graves Cycle, charged me, in cash, $821...I "tipped" him 5% or $40 for a total of $861.

I received $2145 that was donated and gathered by Fred with a net $1284

What I did was pay my vehicles insurances (Odyssey, Camry, Yammy)...April 1 - Sept 30 bill of $944

$344 in hand, so then I made a purchase from the PGR store:

PGR 3x5' flags -> are presented to the CO of a unit departing for the combat zone...PGR members at the departure ceremony sign it and get a pic of the flag with the CO...we ask them to email me a pic of the flag flying at their HQ or on a vehicle...then we take a pic of it home safe at their Welcome Home Ceremony. I always make the joke for the 1st Sargeant to handle the tasks as he knows how to get things done !!!

It is presented to the entire unit...usually a company...for them to keep.

Never Forget Flags -> presented to the family of a KIA or Killed in Action son, daughter, husband, wife, father, the funeral services. I have ladies who will embroider the name of the deceased on the flag's white border.

PGR Challenge Coins -> a coin if presented to any flag officer present at a mission & the senior enlisted...or anyone else I'm led to do so...

Mission Accomplished Pins -> a pin is presented to any new member at his first mission...he then can purchase a pin for each mission he attends thereafter

recently, a casuality of war by suicide was laid to rest...his wife received his casket flag, but his Mother and Father were so distressed, I couldn't stand it. Since he was, ah is, a Marine, I felt led to give his Mother and Father two items, Challenge or Memory Coins and Mission Accomplished Pins...I always always always explain/emphasize the Mission Accomplished was his becoming and serving honorably as a Marine. The Marines are arguably correct that their service is the most challenging of them all.

For Army, I either purchase or sometimes receive donations of "Soldier's Angels" dog tags...of course, there are only one set of tags that a son is wearing when he dies. The Military Mortuary in Dover, DE takes great care with those tags and the local Commanding General to the funeral sight presents a set of the deceased hero's award ribbons along with this dog tags (rarely they are destroyed and are substituted by the spare set in the deceased footlocker).

and lastly, those are the tags that were presented to me by Gold Star Familys in memory of their sons. I gulp when they tell me I am one of the good things that came of their personal tragedys. I wear them with great honor and remembrance.







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Mike, we don't need an accounting. Especially the former military among us. We trust you to do what fits best for you.

We are damn glad you are back to doing what you do well, and what makes you, well, you. The PGR is something you have every right to be proud of, and we appreciate your participation.

Mike, we don't need an accounting. Especially the former military among us. We trust you to do what fits best for you.
We are damn glad you are back to doing what you do well, and what makes you, well, you. The PGR is something you have every right to be proud of, and we appreciate your participation.
I realize that, my friend...I guess, in a way, I posted it primarily for me...that money is sacred...I probably needed to see it in black and white to be reminded I'm's not a big deal, I'm good and "stable" with it, but I'm so grateful, wayyyyy grateful, and am still at the top of the mountain...

In effect, how I chose to do my PGR job is all have made my worries about that moot for a long time

I am enjoying sharing what I do, even in some detail, so you can enjoy what you have done and be reminded of it

it's not a little thing, and my and all of your feelings staying on top of the mountain for a long time...well, there nothing wrong with that

and it's a team effort...especially since my disability, I had to learn swallow my argonance and pride and learn to receive. That's been a good growing experience. So have have hundreds of my dear friends on my team...will what's better than that

tooling down the road with a big smile, with each of you symbolically between my legs...oh wait...

Mike, we don't need an accounting. Especially the former military among us. We trust you to do what fits best for you.
We are damn glad you are back to doing what you do well, and what makes you, well, you. The PGR is something you have every right to be proud of, and we appreciate your participation.
I realize that, my friend...I guess, in a way, I posted it primarily for me...that money is sacred...I probably needed to see it in black and white to be reminded I'm's not a big deal, I'm good and "stable" with it, but I'm so grateful, wayyyyy grateful, and am still at the top of the mountain...

In effect, how I chose to do my PGR job is all have made my worries about that moot for a long time

I am enjoying sharing what I do, even in some detail, so you can enjoy what you have done and be reminded of it

it's not a little thing, and my and all of your feelings staying on top of the mountain for a long time...well, there nothing wrong with that

and it's a team effort...especially since my disability, I had to learn swallow my argonance and pride and learn to receive. That's been a good growing experience. So have have hundreds of my dear friends on my team...will what's better than that

tooling down the road with a big smile, with each of you symbolically between my legs...oh wait... :uhoh:
Thare are wwaaaayy too many of us to be down between your legs so I'll just take seat up on your shoulder some where, Okay?....though as OC stated it is not necessary for the accounting but reading your postings sure warms my heart knowing we've played a small role in the very important work you are doing for our veterans and their families. Thank YOU!
