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Russell Day-Long Touring Seat

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I'm sending an Email to Heather tonight. My seat is supposed to be done on Nov. 8th. Maybe she'll include me in the deal and that will also help out for the rest of you for the larger discount.

I tried to see if Heather would budge on the time and they were very adamant that it was in December only. I hope you are able to get them to bend this policy and please let us know one way or another. Good luck!

Hope they'll budge. It's my second Russell Seat from them. I'll let you know either way..

I tried to see if Heather would budge on the time and they were very adamant that it was in December only. I hope you are able to get them to bend this policy and please let us know one way or another. Good luck!
Let's start a list of people who are for sure and people who are mabyes. Please add your names to either list or feel free to move it around if I entered you in the wrong area. Let's see how many orders we can get!
Will purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead
We need this post stuck to the top of the thread please.


I just got off the phone with Heather at Russell and I thought I would start a post for those of you thinking about buying a seat. The special will be in December and the level of discount will depend on the amount of seats we purchase. The discount will start as low as 10% and could go up to 25% (maybe more) if we get some good volume on this group buy. Heather is going to send me the breakdown in the next few weeks but I thought I would post this now for those who might need to save up. Please post if you would be interested?

Count me as a definite Yes.

Anyone have an old set of 1st gen seat pans I can scarf up?
FredW is a yes but showing in a maybe.



Guys: Please copy and paste this when you want to add yourself to the list. Thanks everyone.

Will purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

5) bbailey925

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead

Put me down as a definite maybe :rolleyes:

My issue is I really want to drive in so my wife and I can sit on it. Is the no drive in's non-negotiable?

Ya had to go and do this after I went and did mine already :blink:

You folks getting yours are gonna love em! Gotta love full leather :yahoo:

Will purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

5) bbailey925

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead


ill purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

5) bbailey925

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead


10) dave

ill purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

5) bbailey925

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead


10) dave

11) skuehl

COG does a group buy every year (same deal, December, no ride in). You may want to contact someone there and see if you can combine the two.

I got my Russel on a COG group buy.

Hmmmm...looks like I would have to find a stock seat pan. That along with the fact that Corbin is going to re-cover my seat from them under warranty because of a wear issue, and I think you can count me out. Maybe next year. Good luck to the rest of you guys.

Hook up with folks on the COG list, too. They do one every year but I've not seen anything mentioned yet. I posted a link to the thread you started over on ST.N so they can check out and chime in.

ill purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

5) bbailey925

6) FredW

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead


10) dave

11) skuehl

As someone else already said, I am in the definite category. Definitely definite. Fur sure...

Also, still spamming for a set of 1st gen seat pans so I can hang onto (or sell off) my original ones. I had them gel inserted and memory foamed and I'd hate for that to go to waste.

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I just put in an order and have a production date in mid November. If this GB is a go I will cancel the current order and push the date to December. So add me to the will do list.


Will purchase for sure

1) 2006FJR

2) FJR pig

3) phil

4) devanator

5) bbailey925

Maybe (depends on discount/time/money)

1) Renegade (More than likely if the wait is short)

2) cywolv

3) Fred W

4) TriggerT



7) 7xray

8) hoghead


I can certainly understand them wanting to do this during their 'off' season to boos business. I'm in if the turn around time is significantly shorter than normal. I ride year round if/when I can unless there is snow, and I'm just an impatient SOB. :)

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