Russell Seats taking a stance... (my rant)

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Boy Howdy it's FRIDAY!!! :eek:

Nothing like derailing a thread on DPF! But I won't. B)

Now as much as I hate to do this both Bust, MM2, and Ig have excellent points (if that's possible). Dealing with the public is shaky at best. Also we don't know both sides and I find it rather interesting others want to get involved and ask Russell about this. This is between the poster and Russell, period. Alleged photos, that we haven't seen, one side of the story, etc, this could be a great book.

Listen to the Mgt here. ;)

Let us know how it worked out for you, good luck. ;)

***EDIT**** Crap, I type real slow. Looks like it's headed for goodness. Popcycle, good recovery.

OK now, group hug. SkooterG....

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Cool everyone wins :clapping: Glad to see things worked out.

Might I suggest no one take Simon up on the group hug?? He seems to always drop something behind ya.. Then yer butt hurts :blink:


Fridays is always the bestest.


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Hello,It has be brought to our attention that there are some people angered by the post(s) from PopCycl.
Oh, what the hell do you know about it, Mr 1-Post Noob? Go learn how to use the damn Search feature, damn newbies.... :angry:










:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hello, Russell!

And by the way, I want to complain about this POS seat youse guys made for me a while ago. My complaint is that after only a mere 115,000 miles of gentle, easy use (ahem), a boot rub mark has developed on the outside edge of the right side of the seat.

Obviously, this is a huge flaw in your design approach. The bike is almost un-ride-able. What were youse guys thinking?

What are you going to do to make my angst go away? Now, don't go asking me to post photos, 'cuz, you know, I got them, and stuff, but I am only going to vaguely suggest I might post them, not, like, *actually* post them, and stuff.

:rolleyes: ;)

I certainly understand your dissatisfaction, Dale. The Russell on my Goldwing started looking really tatty after a mere 145,000 miles. Hopefully, the one that they're going to build for my FJR next week will hold up much better.

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Hello,It has be brought to our attention that there are some people angered by the post(s) from PopCycl.
Hello, Russell!

And by the way, I want to complain about this POS seat youse guys made for me a while ago. My complaint is that after only a mere 115,000 miles of gentle, easy use (ahem), a boot rub mark has developed on the outside edge of the right side of the seat.

Obviously, this is a huge flaw in your design approach. The bike is almost un-ride-able. What were youse guys thinking?

What are you going to do to make my angst go away? Now, don't go asking me to post photos, 'cuz, you know, I got them, and stuff, but I am only going to vaguely suggest I might post them, not, like, *actually* post them, and stuff.

:rolleyes: ;)
Yeah, as long as this has turned into a complaint thread.....

....about the 75,000 miles on mine while comforting my "hinder parts" all over the Western US and Canada. My CyclePort gear has been a little abrasive on the leather and I'm sure my 250 lb. girth has nothing to do with the wear pattern. :rolleyes:

....about the 75,000 miles on mine while comforting my "hinder parts" all over the Western US and Canada. My CyclePort gear has been a little abrasive on the leather and I'm sure my 250 lb. girth has nothing to do with the wear pattern. :rolleyes:
I told you to get vinyl, but noooo, you like the smell of leather. Seat sniffer! You just want some fresh seat to sniff. :rofl:

Now to wait until Monday and see what happens.

:jerry: :jerry: :jerry:

After 3200 miles on the Russell seats last week, Terri is very happy with her seat and so am I. :rolleyes:

It is really cool that the folks from Russell have responded and have reached an amicable solution with the buyer(s). However, for better or worse, this thread will remain in the minds of many forum folks who are potential Russell buyer for some time to come. And through the beauty of search engines, it will be available to anyone that types in the right combination of words into a Google search string.

With that in mind, it seems to me that PopCycl now has an obligation to make us all understand what precipitated the difference in the way that his seat was made compared to all of the other hundreds and hundreds of other FJR seats that Russell has made in the past. That way, folks can avoid having to go through the hassles that he's had over it.

We've got the idea about the bags not being on the bike for some (or all?) of the order pictures. It's still not clear if the bags were on any pictures supplied before the original seat build. But the real question is; Why was that seat made so low and wide? If you feel it is because of the size of your passenger, simply saying so would be sufficient. If it is because of some special request you made in the ordering, maybe you can provide the verbiage on the order verbatim.

PopCycl now has an obligation to make us all understand what precipitated the difference in the way that his seat was made compared to all of the other

Honestly I do not know why the seat is lower than others (width seems comparable to others). We did not request anything special other than to please "minimize" the wings (on the phone not order form) on the passenger seat. My wife was told at the time of the request that they build to the specs given on the order form and the pics provided to maximize comfort and the wings should not be an issue. We provided the standard pics requested with the order form, aside from the bags off. We have been in communication with others of the same stature and no one else's seat is anywhere near the latches or as low as ours (similar widths though). When we asked these same questions of Russell they tell us the seat was made to their formula for our specs provided. The seat also compresses heavily into the grab rails but since this is not a "moving" part I didn't really care that much. It just makes the seat a little harder to install.

I trust that Russell tried to make the seat their very best for our comfort. I do not fault them for that. No one can foresee every situation that can arise thus the usefulness of a warranty. I wish I had made a copy of the order form for my records but failed to do so. I used their online ordering form and expected a copy would be sent to the email address supplied. To reiterate, I do not know why our seat is so different from others of our size aside from not explicitely showing or communicating the bike had saddlebags. It is a custom, one-off seat and comparing to others is not completely fair. We are getting the situation remedied and will be glad when all this is over. As for others ordering a seat from Russell, just make sure the bike has the bags on it when taking the pics.

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However, for better or worse, this thread will remain in the minds of many forum folks who are potential Russell buyer for some time to come. And through the beauty of search engines, it will be available to anyone that types in the right combination of words into a Google search string.
That being said, wouldn't it be a good idea is the OP would include the resolution in the first post? This would give everyone that finds the thread the solution right off the bat and not require them to read through 5 pages of posts to find it. Some may not have that patience and might come away with a bad impression of Russell because of the first couple of pages of posts.

I also don't understand why one bad experience (if it had actually turned out that way) would negate the many satisfied customer's experiences.

Edit: Hmm, I guess I should have gone back and looked at the first post again before I wrote this. Apparently the OP is a pretty smart guy and figured this all out on his own. Just when I think I have an original thought....

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