Russell Seats taking a stance... (my rant)

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They contend the pics we sent with the order did not have the saddlebags on and they are not going to fix it. I contend every pic they show on their website shows the FJR with bags on it and they should know whether a bike has stock bags or not.
First issue I've ever heard of with Russell.

Curious why you sent them pictures to begin with. If you sent pictures why didn't you include side bags as you run it? That seat looks particularly custom--especially with the passenger seat.

Something just doesn't seem to add up here..... :glare:
I agree .....

......... or is the body size of the passenger requiring a larger seat?
Me guesses this is the issue.
-If you did not do a ride-in, the next best thing is to send pics of the bike with riders ON THE BIKE, without doing this the custom seat maker is having to use their imagination. Of course you'd be expected to have luggage on the bike if that is the way you run -certainly top case, and surely saddlebags too. Sure the yamaha marketing people show saddlebags on the website, but many of us don't run with the bags -and for me I'd want my pillion's comfort to come way before the luggage.

Even during a ride-in, some custom seat makers will take their own pics of you and use them -Rick Mayer for example. Here is my buddy when we did a ride-in; Rick Mayer is taking a picture of my buddy's ass.


-You're way more finicky that I would be, we're all different. I certainly go for function and if the function of your pillion seat is awesome, then pushing the seat in a bit to open the bags is minor IMO. ...but that's me, I'd want my pillions comfort foremost and could give a rat's ass about having to push in a millimeter of seat to open the luggage.

Here is what I foresee happening:

You'll whine and bitch to Russel directly and through public forums -and they'll agree to modify the seat. Weeks later your modified seat won't be as good as the first one .....but thank god you can open your luggage without having to use your pinky finger to push the seat away a millimeter or two.

How about a picture of your wife on the new seat ....and that's see how bad of a job Russel did fitting that seat to her ass. Did you buy the seat for her or the luggage?

I'm still in the "something doesn't add up" camp. God knows that Russell has made tons of saddles for the FJR and their customer service has always been exceptional. :dntknw:

Watching this thread for the answer to this mystery. . .

Thank you everyone for your input/opinion, even those that disagree. I always want to see both sides of an issue and this is a good source for that. I have not been able to speak with Russell today since they are in California and I am in NC. Russell has made it clear they are not going to fix it without my paying for it. The point of this post is to help someone avoid this issue in the future. I will have this fixed because it is MY hard earned money that paid for it and I do not want it to interfere with the function of one of the main reasons I bought this bike. I really like the bags on this bike and do not feel the need to modify them because a seat was made a little too wide.

And YES!!! the seat is very comfortable and have expressed this to Russell. The seat is comfortable and quality made. I just need an adjustment.

Here is what I foresee happening: You'll whine and bitch to Russel directly and through public forums -and they'll agree to modify the seat. Weeks later your modified seat won't be as good as the first one .....but thank god you can open your luggage without having to use your pinky finger to push the seat away a millimeter or two.

How about a picture of your wife on the new seat ....and that's see how bad of a job Russel did fitting that seat to her ass. Did you buy the seat for her or the luggage?
Couldn't have said that any better myself! I see nothing wrong with the seat, lets see the pics you sent to Russel.

I think you're upset over the cost and that it doesn't fit perfectly. When I sent my seat pans in I followed their website instructions of rider and passenger sitting on the bike. I didn't think to take the saddlebags off and I don't know why anyone would. If you don't normally ride with them but you're after the passenger seat, my guess is that you'd need the sidebags for the trip.

I was only marginally concerned with mine since I emailed the pictures (6 of them total) and when the seats arrived they were "stiff" and your concern with them sagging a bit more later is valid. I have WAY more clearance between the seat and saddleag though, so whoever brought up the point about the heavy weight support also has a valid point...all of my pillions can sit without interfering with the sidebag openings...

I agree with RenoJohn too...just sayin'

I think we'll find out that the interference is due to having the "heavyweight suspension" option on the rear seat. Does anyone else have that feature added that can comment on the amount of clearance that they have?

What is wrong with this bunch, Russell should have never made A seat that interferes with the bags!! I dont see how there are two sides to this I would not be happy with it either!! As far as the pictures go who gives A DAMN Russell should no better!!!

What is wrong with this bunch, Russell should have never made A seat that interferes with the bags!! I dont see how there are two sides to this I would not be happy with it either!! As far as the pictures go who gives A DAMN Russell should no better!!!
I gotta agree. Unless Russell had a chat with them and specifically indicated that the seat may interfere, they should make it right. I am in the market for a seat right now and looking at lots of options. I was really liking the Russell for a new seat before this. I will see how it pans out, but unless there is some background we are missing (ant there may be) they should make it right.

If it was my business i would probably do it to avoid this exact situation.

I too have a Russell seat which was sized for both myself and my wife. Neither of us are lightweights and required the "heavyweight suspension" both front and rear. I have no clearance issues whatsoever with the saddlebag latches. In fact, I'd say that they clear by at least 1.5-2" to the side of the seat. From looking at my seat and the originally provided picture to this thread it appears to me that the passenger saddle in question is either significantly wider than a typical Russell for an FJR or has been made much lower for some reason.

Thank you everyone for your input/opinion, even those that disagree. I always want to see both sides of an issue and this is a good source for that.
Good on ya, Pop, to adopt this position. B)

I supposed I would be kinda miffed if Russell had done this to me, but.....

At the same time, looking at the photo you provided, I am of the opinion that, while it isn't absolutely perfect, I would consider it no huge screaming deal to simply push in the seat wing a bit with your left hand thumb just to clear the latch as you raise it with your right hand... :unknw:

I can see both sides of the coin here. On one hand I agree with WC that it wouldn't bother me to simply push the seat in slightly to unlatch the bag, it seems so much easier to live with it than have to box it up and ship it back. On the other hand, it does seem as if Russel would want to maybe alter it if that is what you wish without charging you for it.

It always amazes me how many people take it personally when a custom seat manufacturer's quality or policies are challenged. Pop is obviously not trying to drag the company through the mud here he is simply stating his case. At $800.00 for a seat, you would think they would be a little bit more flexible in helping him out, what with their outstanding customer service and all. I have a Bill Mayer seat that I ordered through the mail and think that it is far from perfect and realize that it will never be as good as a ride-in fitment but not everyone has that luxury. Pop has a legitimate complaint. It will be interesting to see how it is resolved.

I can also see both sides hear. If it was my business considering all the seats that they have sold here they should just fix it and make the customer happy. (even if it cost them) Russell should just eat this one IMO.

Now that being said, I would just live with it the way it is or if it could be taken care for less than $100 I would just eat it and take some responsibility for the pic's without the bags.

Having done a mail in seat from Russell w/heavyweight option, and having seen many, many Russell seats with a variety of requested mods, I've never seen this issue before. Not to say it hasn't occurred, but every passenger seat w/wings I've seen had plenty of clearance.

I'm starting to wonder if the 'attitude test' was failed at some point in the conversations with Russell.

Both sides - Russell is very solid on making comfort adjustments. Asking for an adjustment/alteration not related to comfort could be the defining line between their cost and your cost, but that's merely speculation on my part.

OTOH, you're not completely happy with the seat you paid for, and it would seem to be in their interests to correct the condition with a minimum of hassle. All the more since it's a mail in from a distance.

I have to wonder if, in the attempt to minimize the wings, but still incorporate the steel spring/heavyweight option, this was an unforeseen result. Most people wanting/needing the heavyweight option don't want a narrower seat if they are getting a Russell. Part of the Day Long seat is the wings to support the rider's butt.

Question - Why did you ask for the wings to be minimized?

As one who happens to be employed in the upholstery field I feel compelled to comment..

In Russell's defense I'd say they most likely built the seat to what the picture indicated. I know when I get a picture I also want specific dimensions for certain areas. Now being this is a familiar platform for them I can see where things should stay somewhat close to stock form. However not having the bags on would indicate the possibility of never using them so It would be a guess as to how they would want the seat formed.. I know really simple, but you work with what you believe people want.

When I get the things I need, it will be exactly what you asked for.. If it doesn't work out and all things match what ya sent me, well that's your baby.. I'll fix it, but it's going to cost ya

As far as reworking? This could have been avoided with a simple phone call by Russell. I'd split the difference with ya pop.


What is wrong with this bunch, Russell should have never made A seat that interferes with the bags!! I dont see how there are two sides to this I would not be happy with it either!! As far as the pictures go who gives A DAMN Russell should no better!!!

Agree completely. Commons sense, given their vast experience with these bikes, shouldn't be ignored by Russell. They know damn

well that these bike come w/bags, whether the customer included the bags in the pics is irrelevant. If they were unsure, they

should have called.

Now, to fix the problem they are unwilling to at least share the cost, and want to void the warranty?? C'mon, when most of their

business is word of mouth, how stupid in these times.

What is wrong with this bunch, Russell should have never made A seat that interferes with the bags!! I dont see how there are two sides to this I would not be happy with it either!! As far as the pictures go who gives A DAMN Russell should no better!!!
I gotta agree. Unless Russell had a chat with them and specifically indicated that the seat may interfere, they should make it right. I am in the market for a seat right now and looking at lots of options. I was really liking the Russell for a new seat before this. I will see how it pans out, but unless there is some background we are missing (ant there may be) they should make it right.

If it was my business i would probably do it to avoid this exact situation.
I also agree. This is a cut and dry issue. Russell should know better as they have made hundreds of seats for the FJR and as stated, unless they warned of possible interference with the bags this should be 100% on them to fix.
