S.E. Ohio Ramble - anybody gonna organize one?

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Bad news, my Mom just got into put into intensive care, so if anyone that's going see this, tell the others at the Budget Inn I won't make it.

Sorry to hear that Tim.

Hope everything works out ok for your Mom.


Sorry Wheaton but I have to cancel.Last minute work change.Believe me,I'd MUCH rather be riding with you guys.The weather is going to be great and an exellent route.Damn!

Enjoy the ride.

Just got back from the ride. Ended up with 4 riders (2) 04 FJR's (1) 03 and a 07. I have to say that wheaton knows how to plan a ride. Total miles for me was 410 miles in less then 12 hours. Great roads and great people. The riders were wheatonFJR, griff, Kevin daily, me. Man I love my FJR 1365 mile on her now. :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

griff and wheaton


WVFJR and wheaton


rest stop


rest stop


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And what a beautiful day for the ride. I'm really jealous guys. I hope I'm in town for the next one. Looks like fun was had by all.


My first group ride in probabily 20 years and it was totally awesome! WVFJR and I had to ride in 150mi at in the early hours and I had just cut my windshield down in prep for the hotter days ahead. There was frost in the grass along side the road before sunrise ( know cause i stopped a couple times to get the blood flowing :cold: ). So i froze my cheeks off and was pretty chilled by the time I arrived at the meeting site. but i warmed up quickly after that and by the time WVFJR took the pic that newly built contry store :lol: we were stripin down!

Wheaton, thanks for a perfectly planned and excicuted day! :fans: I only wish I had joined the board earlier, I would have spent the night the night before and done the second half. Hhow was the rest of the ride? WVFJR and I had a very nice ride back!

Hi all...first I want to say sorry Timk about your mom. I hope she is okay and/or getting better.

Next, I want to say to all you who missed this ride due to work commitments..you gotcher priorities messed up :lol: . j/k..ya gotta feed yer family. :)

Lastly, it was a great time for all who were there. I was pleasantly surprised by the condition of most of the roads. The 555 is not in good shape...but all the rest of the roads were great by and large. There was very little car traffic...so it was almost like we had the amusement park by ourself! Thanks to all the tips from the locals..tstaff & drc.! tstaff was right about 556 & 536! Great tips... Also, 78 from mcconnelsville to glouster was really good, too. I really think the whole route was stuffed full of good roads...and I'm not tooting my own horn because it was everybody's input. Actually yamaholic was the one that first showed me these roads and gave me a guided tour a few times. After we got done, griff wanted more..so we went to the hocking hills region and did 56 and 664 and others.

3 days of great weather!! 1400 miles in three days...and all of Saturday was good ridin'...and parts of Friday and Sunday. Unfortunately my pictures are basicly duplicates of those already shown. I don't have O'vales wife taking pictures over my shoulder...if she was there I'm sure there would have been some great pictures and writeup! ;)

It was nice meeting you Kevin & Bill/WVFJR...

Griff...check in when you get home so we know you are okay.

EDIT - I do have some pictures with Kevin in them, so I will post them in the next day or so.

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I got home about 6:30 after riding with a friend of mine from Columbus up to Cleveland (with a bunch of Harleys). Unfortuneately, I had to leave those guys early and book back home on the super slab, so I went about 570 miles today and most of it was BORING!! A bit of humor though - on the way to Cleveland my windshield (a Rifle) suddenly flopped back and wouldn't raise or lower. On further inspection, the two bolts holding the wedge Rifle uses to angle back the windshield sheared and the windshield came loose from the bracket. Luckily all I had to do was take out the wedge and refasten the windshield back to the bracket. The humor (for my riding companions and not me) is that here I am fixing a Japanese bike with all these Harley riders waiting for me. Needless to say, there are plenty of pictures to document this fiasco. Anyhow, it was a minor annoyance.

It was great to meet the WV boys and wheaton again did a great job of planning the routes. You WV boys missed the little air time wheaton and got (at least on the front wheel) on one of the whoop de doos in the afternoon. I am definitely ready to go back. Hope you found some interesting roads on the way back today Wheaton. Looking forward to the next outing.

Enclosed are a couple more lame pictures from Saturday...

At the start..this time with Kevin


At the morning stop in "deliverance country"...notice griff seems to be looking at WV's bike and saying "what the ...?" :)


"the bucket" at the Ohio miners memorial on OH 78. (The bucket cycled it's load every 60 seconds according to the literature!)


wheatonFJR at the bucket...does this bucket make my butt look big?*


*(to borrow scuter cruser's phrase from a couple years ago on ezboard)

Thanks for the pics Mark! Glad to see guys made it home. Next time you are planning to be in the WV area lemme know, we might have a spare bed.

By the way I think it makes you look really tiny :D

Thanks for the pics Mark! Glad to see guys made it home. Next time you are planning to be in the WV area lemme know, we might have a spare bed.By the way I think it makes you look really tiny :D

Thanks for the offer. I love riding WV...so I most likely will take you up on that offer sometime.

I presume you are aware of EOM in WV this fall. Will school being in session prevent you from being able to make it?

Griff, it was great riding with you too. WVFJR knows the roads so we had a good time getting home. So, did you guys think that 556 (?? the after lunch road) was better than the one just before lunch?

Wheaton, School starts in mid August but I dont think I will be teaching on Friday the 14th :yahoo: Dunno much about EOM as yet but i'll be looking into it after i get back from FL in a week. Perhaps you can crash here Thursday the 13th and we can shoot down to the Brier it is easily a day from here (if we take the right route). Bill lives just a few miles from here so we could all cruse down together. He is a true local (I'm a WV import) so he knows roads well!

Griff, it was great riding with you too. WVFJR knows the roads so we had a good time getting home. So, did you guys think that 556 (?? the after lunch road) was better than the one just before lunch?Wheaton, School starts in mid August but I dont think I will be teaching on Friday the 14th :yahoo: Dunno much about EOM as yet but i'll be looking into it after i get back from FL in a week. Perhaps you can crash here Thursday the 13th and we can shoot down to the Brier it is easily a day from here (if we take the right route). Bill lives just a few miles from here so we could all cruse down together. He is a true local (I'm a WV import) so he knows roads well!
Both roads are good...556 is twistier.

I will be going to the CFR the weekend before and then traversing down thru the adirondacks, catskills & Pennsylvania hopefully with others before getting to EOM on thursday night

Hey Wheaton,You're not toting your own horn when you said the whole route was full of good roads-you mapped out a great route.I wish I could have joined ya.

You have a better knowledge of S.E.O. roads than a lot of locals.Not to mention some of the best keep secrets.Was that 556,536 loop twisty enough for ya?That route has a few,what I call, cartoon corners.Kinda like the old cartoons where they'd be racing up a mountain and they'd overshoot the corner and half their body would be in mid air while the other half would be back on the road.

Hey Wheaton,You're not toting your own horn when you said the whole route was full of good roads-you mapped out a great route.I wish I could have joined ya.
You have a better knowledge of S.E.O. roads than a lot of locals.Not to mention some of the best keep secrets.Was that 556,536 loop twisty enough for ya?That route has a few,what I call, cartoon corners.Kinda like the old cartoons where they'd be racing up a mountain and they'd overshoot the corner and half their body would be in mid air while the other half would be back on the road.
I would have to agree about those roads. They were unbelievable. This flatlander had alot of fun. Sad to have to leave and return to flatsville.
