Sacramento to Morro Bay (6/6)

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Not Safe For Work
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA (honest)
I know there's a bunch of us heading down for the M.B. get-together from these parts (or parts north). Let's start thinking about times and routes. Looks like a pretty full day riding to get there at a good hour, especially if we don't take the absolute shortest route. I'm thinking a mid-morning Friday departure? So who wants to ride down in a bunch, and who has some route suggestions? Sign in please.

I know there's a bunch of us heading down for the M.B. get-together from these parts (or parts north). Let's start thinking about times and routes. Looks like a pretty full day riding to get there at a good hour, especially if we don't take the absolute shortest route. I'm thinking a mid-morning Friday departure? So who wants to ride down in a bunch, and who has some route suggestions? Sign in please.
..bump.. I'll meet you in Morro Bay! :rolleyes:

Mid-morning? YOUR mid-morning, or Old Michael and my mid-morning?

Gotta Do you have a planned route? Wanna Do you plan to ride Hwy 1 South, or take another route South and cut through the mountains on Hwy 41? Hwy 152?

Maybe we should think about a PM to Highlander to find what his plans are and link up with some of the Bay Area riders?

I'd guess that Bay Area traffic is pretty ugly until after 0900. IIRC, even the Altamont is ugly until 1000 or so, but there are other routes, That means leaving here @ 0800 would be a safer time than 0600.

It might be worth our while to find out what time Steve and Cindy plan to get through Sacramento (from Marysville). It seems there are many options to be explored.

I'm just stirring it up, as usual.

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On Friday Terri and I are going to have lunch at Phil's Fish Market at Moss Landing

We should be there by 11:30 am and ride down Hwy 1 after a leisurely lunch. If anyone wants to join us, we would enjoy the company.

It's 168 miles from Sacramento and 140 miles from there to Morro Bay, riding down Hwy 1.

Mike and Terri

Mid-morning? YOUR mid-morning, or Old Michael and my mid-morning?
Gotta Do you have a planned route? Wanna Do you plan to ride Hwy 1 South, or take another route South and cut through the mountains on Hwy 41? Hwy 152?

Maybe we should think about a PM to Highlander to find what his plans are and link up with some of the Bay Area riders?

I'd guess that Bay Area traffic is pretty ugly until after 0900. IIRC, even the Altamont is ugly until 1000 or so, but there are other routes, That means leaving here @ 0800 would be a safer time than 0600.

It might be worth our while to find out what time Steve and Cindy plan to get through Sacramento (from Marysville). It seems there are many options to be explored.

I'm just stirring it up, as usual.
Hey Mike!

I came home from Auburn on 49 last weekend, as you well know! After you guys peeled off last Sunday on Highway 4 heading west, I continued south on 49 until I reached China Camp. There I swung northeast for about 5 miles on 120 then took G19 southward to Merced around Lake Don Pedro, to the 59. 15 miles or so south of Merced I turned west on the 152, where I linked with 33 South to the I 5 at Firebaugh. After a 20 mile run on 1 5 caught the 33 again at Avenal to the 46 then 41/46 near Chalome back to Paso. Then took the 101 south to Atascadero, and lastly headed to Morro Bay on the 41! ;)

Last Sunday was a glorious cloudy day in the Central Valley! Temps were in the 70's and altogether, the ride home was not too much superslab!

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Hey Mike!
I came home from Auburn on 49 last weekend, as you well know! After you guys peeled off last Sunday on Highway 4 heading west, I continued south on 49 until I reached China Camp. There I swung northeast for about 5 miles on 120 then took G19 southward to Merced around Lake Don Pedro, to the 59. 15 miles or so south of Merced I turned west on the 152, where I linked with 33 South to the I 5 at Firebaugh. After a 20 mile run on 1 5 caught the 33 again at Avenal to the 46 then 41/46 near Chalome back to Paso. Then took the 101 south to Atascadero, and lastly headed to Morro Bay on the 41! ;)

Last Sunday was a glorious cloudy day in the Central Valley! Temps were in the 70's and altogether, the ride home was not too much superslab!

Actually, George, I've considered taking Hwy 33 South from Tracy. I'd have to jump onto I-5 for a small stretch to Hwy 41. Its all farm country and there are stop signs every so often through the smallish towns, but it'd be better than "slabbing" I-5.

Mid-morning? YOUR mid-morning, or Old Michael and my mid-morning?
Gotta Do you have a planned route? . . . link up with some of the Bay Area riders? . . . Byy Area traffic is pretty ugly until after 0900. . . . leaving here @ 0800 would be a safer time than 0600. . . It seems there are many options to be explored.
And that's why I wanted to get the conversation going. Frankly, I've never even been down the coast that far, so I definitely don't have a route in mind, but it looks like there are some good rides planned out of M.B. in the other thread so I was thinking we should do a fairly direct route, at least much of the way (with a minimum of big flat freeway). I'm open to whatever we can agree to here, tho. As for the time, I was thinking about something somewhere between what you and Semi-Old Michael might propose and what I'd normally propose (in other words, 8:00 is probably ok-ish). Would that hwy. 33 route take us close enough to hook up with Mike and Terri at Moss Landing? etc., etc., etc.

On Friday Terri and I are going to have lunch at Phil's Fish Market at Moss Landing
Mike, what time are you leaving?

What route are you taking to get there?

Frankly, I've never even been down the coast that far.....
Then you owe it to yourself! The decision is made..... :yahoo:

Would that hwy. 33 route take us close enough to hook up with Mike and Terri at Moss Landing? etc., etc., etc.
No, it wouldn't have. That's why we should consider riding along with the Hycles. ;)

On Friday Terri and I are going to have lunch at Phil's Fish Market at Moss Landing
Mike, what time are you leaving?

What route are you taking to get there?

Frankly, I've never even been down the coast that far.....
Then you owe it to yourself! The decision is made..... :yahoo:

Would that hwy. 33 route take us close enough to hook up with Mike and Terri at Moss Landing? etc., etc., etc.
No, it wouldn't have. That's why we should consider riding along with the Hycles. ;)
I was thinking of leaving Dixon around 8:30 or 9:00 am on Friday. Heading down 80 to 680. Then across San Jose to 17 to Santa Cruz to Hwy1 into Moss Landing for lunch. From there down hwy 1 with stops as needed for pictures and pitstops.

Just an outline, nothing set in stone.

We could hook up somewhere along the way if you did not want to head into Sac. from Elk Grove.

Maybe Hwy 12 and I80 or 680 and 580 further south.

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Easy on 17, the revenue crew is out there every day !! :angry:

I cannot commit to a time yet, until the day before, probally a late departure for me.

No can commit !!! How do you tell management you need another 1 1/2 days off ( after taking almost all of July off ) ? :rolleyes:

This is another ride this FNG can't make on that weekend but I have two words for your route to the coast - Nacimiento Fergusson.

The Nacimiento-Fergusson road starts in Fort Hunter Ligget just out of Jolon, south of King City. One of the best routes to the coast period. Bring your A skills and you can not be afraid of heights. Also make sure you have your Reg and insurance cards or they won't let you through. Just an Option, Ride Safe.

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John, that ride is one of the planned day rides on Saturday, so I think the mindset is to ride Hwy 1 South from Monterey on Friday and then enjoy Nacimiento-Fergusson on Saturday. But I've been wrong before.....

No can commit !!! How do you tell management you need another 1 1/2 days off ( after taking almost all of July off ) ?
Yeah...about as happy as my manager is about my taking the time off for NAFO after my 5 month recuperation.
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If we were trying to get to Moss Landing by 11:30, we could probably leave South Sac/Elk Grove at 8 and go over Pacheco Pass, Hollister, etc. and make it fine.

If we were trying to get to Moss Landing by 11:30, we could probably leave South Sac/Elk Grove at 8 and go over Pacheco Pass, Hollister, etc. and make it fine.
Except my mapsource shows that route as 201 miles vs. 166 miles by going across on 205 to 680 to 17 to Hwy 1.......and almost an hour longer.

And I'm not willing to run along I-5 @ 85-90 mph.

Via Dixon is 211 miles/3:45???

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Easy on 17, the revenue crew is out there every day !! :angry:
I cannot commit to a time yet, until the day before, probally a late departure for me.
Do you want to join up for lunch? That'd be minute ride for you?
Easy! "If you don't let me have this time off, then I'll just make my adventure longer"! Oh, to be young again! Someday.. Someday.... soon.