SE Ohio Ramble - 2-4 May 2014

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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It's nice to see that someone is actually poking around there. Thank you Tom (not in CA). Yes, that is where I will put the links once the files are set up.

I'm shifting the attendee list there as well, probably have some time Friday morning to spin the html wheel some more. Every time I look at the site, I find another something that needs to be better...

I saw that the website where we registered emergency info, also contains a link where the routes will appear. Probably a good bookmark:
Wayne, please don't take my posting as being impatient. I'm merely inquiring if I missed something again.

Come on, you - impatient - thought never crossed my mind!!

Once we get the east loop polished up, I'll put a notice on the first post. That way, no one will have to search through the 31 (holy cow!!) pages here.

No worries - still have 20 days or so...

Wayne, please don't take my posting as being impatient. I'm merely inquiring if I missed something again.

Just spooned on a new pair of stickers, new plugs, hoping to have the NOS Bottle hooked up by then. Will be gunning for you this year

after last years 135 blow by stunt you pulled on us last year. I'm hoping to pull a 145mph. on 78 east this year leaving both you and your Tuned exhaust equipped FJR in the dust. How's that for "Talkin Smack". See you Guys in a couple!

Dastardly Dave #65

If I remember correctly Dastardly Dave was the first guy eliminated in the "Parking Lot Slow Ride" contest last year.

By the way I still have the "Two Up Trophies" from last years event which was cut short by the LEO's.

Anybody up for another event?

I am seriously considering making the 700 mile trek from MA to keep gray ray and Dastsrdly Dave in riding with you guys

I don't know what your talking about,135 mph. Aint no place on those nasty south east Ohio roads to get up to those speeds.

I do remember going really slow in the hotel parking lot and getting a gold cup handed to me. Kind of a blur, think it must have been the Makers Mark.

If I remember correctly Dastardly Dave was the first guy eliminated in the "Parking Lot Slow Ride" contest last year.
By the way I still have the "Two Up Trophies" from last years event which was cut short by the LEO's.

Anybody up for another event?
Ray - Maybe we could adjust the event some, seeings how the hotel staff was less than enthusiastic about the high rpm turn arounds conducted during the slow race.

I have this little gem ready to go for Bustanut's techday, but I might be able to figure out a transport method for the trip to Marietta if there enough interest. How about a timed cone weave race on the clown bike? If we had two of these things, we could a real race...

Any takers?


I just confirmed I can import the prior year gpx files into Tyre for use on my TomTom Rider! Only a couple weeks to go! Hope you "clowns" are ready for some fun riding...I know I am after this horrendous winter.
