SE Ohio Spring Ramble - 3-5 May 2013 - Marietta, Ohio Microtel Inn

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Put a new Pilot Power up front and some new EBC HH binders up front and in the rear. Spent all afternoon riding to seat the brake pads. Soon as Beth is off school tomorrow we head for Columbus. This is gonna be good.
You guys staying in your FJR towed barn...or are you stayin at the Microtel with we-uns?

I plan to bring a camera and a laptop for some photos. i hope to upload them to a flickr site each day but im not sure my free limit will hold for all the photos. If you would like a copy of any or all the photos before you leave just bring a stick and ill copy them for you. ed

RaYzerman made it Casa de BikerGeek last night.

We went to dinner and, since it was gorgeous out, we sat on the patio.

Thanks for buying us dinner, Ray. We appreciate it!

Ray tried to beat me up, but after this picture was taken, I defended America's honor and tossed a bookcase on his toe. THAT'LL show HIM!!

Smell y'all tomorrow in Marietta.

Is it time yet?!
I thought you'd be on the road by now
Naw, cutting out after lunch. Jim's bike is here. I was running late this morning so I've got to run home at lunch time 'n get mine. Spending the night in St. Catherines, then hitting up Duane in Mentor, then Marietta later in the day on Friday.

T - 2.5 hours and counting. Can you tell I'm not getting any work done today!

Is it time yet?!
I thought you'd be on the road by now
He must've missed a turn.

Try to make it to the ramble this time without hitting Nebraska m'kay :D

Your Captain U-Turn title is safe Bungie; The Geek shall now be known as "The Directionally Challenged One"...
See you guys Ohio.
See that's the difference between The Directionally Challenged One and I. I go the wrong way a lot, but catch it and U-Turn back in the right direction within a couple of hundred feet. Geek does it after he finishes crossing the state.

.. it's gonna be a bitch when he rides clear across Ontario to Manitoba trying to get to CFR.

T-60 minutes and counting.

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Ok, it's official - there is some pretty weird crap in Ohio.

courtesy of the Geek...

Field of Concrete Corncobs


One mans concrete corn cob....

T-30 minutes.. that's the news, and I'm OUTTA HERE!

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I wasn't sure I was going due to a number of factors lately, but I'm going now, and am starting to pack my bags. I'll get a room somewhere in Marietta.

If there are any last minute cancellations, or you want to share a room, let me know. I'm leaving early tomorrow morning and taking the scenic route down.
