Seattle metro PNW route to CFR

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Searching for Dry Roads
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Snohomish, WA
With CFR looming, many Seattle area attendees suggested a group run to Canada. On the ride around Rainier last weekend, we firmed up the route and finished the logistics. This particular plan will leave Thursday AM and make the trip in one day. Most of the crew (sans Panman) will also be returning (in one day) on Sunday.

So far those confirmed or expressed interest are:

Auburn FJR & SO


Barabus (?)

Beemer Reamer & SO








The plan is this --

Meet at the HWY 9 Arlington McD's 6/18 at 8 AM fueled up and ready to leave.

Take 530 to Darrington & Rockport.

SR20 east bound for approximately 250 miles to Republic.

We'll take a short break at Ross Lake overlook...75 miles from Arlington.

Fuel and short break at Winthrop or Twisp...140 - 150 miles from Arlington.

Lunch & (Fuel) at Republic -- 1 PM or so...250 miles from Arlington.

North on Hwy 21 to Danville (Fuel) and border crossing.

BC 3/3B east bound Grand Forks - Cascade - Castlegar.

Fuel & short break at Castlegar.

BC 6 Castlegar to Nakusp.

Total mileage -- 472. As long as we keep the train moving, we'll be in Nakusp in time for whiskey / beer-thirty. Pace will be moderate, typically 5 - 7 over. I don't have a radar detector nor plan for any performance awards. If we get too large a showing, we'll break into smaller groups prior to leaving. For those that want to stop more frequently or run faster...great, we'll see you at the stops or border crossings. The idea is to have a safe, fun ride to CFR.

Please respond on this thread if you have an interest and I'll add you to the list. See you in two weeks. :clapping:


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Thx George! I was getting antsy waiting for the big announcement. Did I mention that I enjoy the Tonasket to Republic road? Republic has the pub/restaurant that has bathrooms with one door labeled shafts and the other labeled tunnels. The teenagers got a kick out of that on a pizza stop in the past. Homage to the mining roots, I suppose

I imagine the Mrs and I will be at the McD's Thur morning, see you then if not on a quick ride before hand.

With CFR looming, many Seattle area attendees suggested a group run to Canada. On the ride around Rainier last weekend, we firmed up the route and finished the logistics. This particular plan will leave Thursday AM and make the trip in one day. Most of the crew (sans Panman) will also be returning (in one day) on Sunday.
So far those confirmed or expressed interest are:

Auburn FJR & SO

ahchiu (?)

Barabus (?)

Beemer Reamer & SO




The plan is this --

Meet at the HWY 9 Arlington McD's 6/18 at 8 AM fueled up and ready to leave.

Take 530 to Darrington & Rockport.

SR20 east bound for approximately 250 miles to Republic.

We'll take a short break at Ross Lake overlook...75 miles from Arlington.

Fuel and short break at Winthrop or Twisp...140 - 150 miles from Arlington.

Lunch & (Fuel) at Republic -- 1 PM or so...250 miles from Arlington.

North on Hwy 21 to Danville (Fuel) and border crossing.

BC 3/3B east bound Grand Forks - Cascade - Castlegar.

Fuel & short break at Castlegar.

BC 6 Castlegar to Nakusp.

Total mileage -- 472. As long as we keep the train moving, we'll be in Nakusp in time for whiskey / beer-thirty. Pace will be moderate, typically 5 - 7 over. I don't have a radar detector nor plan for any performance awards. If we get too large a showing, we'll break into smaller groups prior to leaving. For those that want to stop more frequently or run faster...great, we'll see you at the stops or border crossings. The idea is to have a safe, fun ride to CFR.

Please respond on this thread if you have an interest and I'll add you to the list. See you in two weeks. :clapping:

Add me to the list pour favor.


I will be there before 8am to get some breakfast and ready to go @ 8am.


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I'll take sweep! With all the farkles that will be in front of me, I might get some cool stuff!

Sign me up. I'm coming from Puyallup so if anyone from the south end wants to meet up for the ride north...\


Can I join you guys somewhere between Tonasket and Danville?
Why sure. Since BReamer has a line on an eating establishment in Republic, this might be the easiest place. As long as we keep moving, Republic should come in 1 - 1:30...Figure Tonasket at 12:30 or so. Hooking up at the lunch stop is probably the easiest unless the stars perfectly align. :rolleyes:


I'll take sweep! With all the farkles that will be in front of me, I might get some cool stuff!
Since the 'king' bailed on us you got it! Depending on group size, we might need another sweeper. Volunteers?

Sign me up. I'm coming from Puyallup so if anyone from the south end wants to meet up for the ride north...\
Done, glad to have ya aboard Matt.


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Can I join you guys somewhere between Tonasket and Danville?
Why sure. Since BReamer has a line on an eating establishment in Republic, this might be the easiest place. As long as we keep moving, Republic should come in 1 - 1:30...Figure Tonasket at 12:30 or so. Hooking up at the lunch stop is probably the easiest unless the stars perfectly align. :rolleyes:

Will look for you there, ya should stand out. We will probably be ahead of you, only 3 hrs at most from Wenatchee.

Still trying to get Wingshot to commit. But he won't be able to come up late thurs or Fri a.m.

I'll take sweep! With all the farkles that will be in front of me, I might get some cool stuff!

Since the 'king' bailed on us you got it! Depending on group size, we might need another sweeper. Volunteers?

Hi G,

Can you please add me to the list also; I can sweep on the additional group if you like.



I have put the route that George posted on Map Source, PM me with your e-maill if you want to upload onto your Garmin, I also want to put it out there If someone wants to have Bike to Bike communication I can set you up for the trip, let me know.


Done Jay...I was going to remind you if we didn't hear from you soon.

I have put the route that George posted on Map Source, PM me with your e-maill if you want to upload onto your Garmin, I also want to put it out there If someone wants to have Bike to Bike communication I can set you up for the trip, let me know.
Thanks for the route information Marcus. For those with 'smart' GPS that will be the ticket...I OTOH will use maps and rely on you guys to keep us heading the right direction.


Sign me up. I'm coming from Puyallup so if anyone from the south end wants to meet up for the ride north...\

I will be heading up that morning from your neck of the woods. Probably leave in time to top off for gas before the 0800 meet and to get one last coffee in me. We can PM back in forth for a good meeting spot, maybe Sumner or the Algona Pacific exit off 167.

Sign me up. I'm coming from Puyallup so if anyone from the south end wants to meet up for the ride north...\

I will be heading up that morning from your neck of the woods. Probably leave in time to top off for gas before the 0800 meet and to get one last coffee in me. We can PM back in forth for a good meeting spot, maybe Sumner or the Algona Pacific exit off 167.

PM sent.

