Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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I am sending my strongest heart felt energy filled prayer for a total recovery to that cheerful smiling Dennis I was talking to at Windy Ridge.

...going to step back from this for the weekend folks, but by no means does that mean to lighten up on the prayers!!!

Do it in those still moments, do it while you're out riding, do it every time you see a m/c pass by. We're all here Dennis!!!!

...going to step back from this for the weekend folks, but by no means does that mean to lighten up on the prayers!!!
Do it in those still moments, do it while you're out riding, do it every time you see a m/c pass by. We're all here Dennis!!!!

I'm planning to attend this weekend's CMA state rally near here and will lift up the downed or missing riders I know including Dennis...there will be hundreds praying for Dennis Sat & Sun


Dennis, our prayers are with you.

I always tell people to spend the money on your riding gear. On July 27th when I wrecked, my gear, as a fluke saved me from breaking my neck. When the guy pulled out infront of me, I hit his fender, flew 40 feet and landed on my face that I slid on about 18 inches. My spine in my neck has a very sharp corner that my spinal cord rests against and if any of those vertibra shift at all will sever the spinal cord. Well luckly the spine protector on my riding jacket locked into the back of my helmet and kept my head and neck from moving at all. That saved me. After I stopped moving I laid there thinking I am screwed. Then I gathered my thoughts and stared to check myself out, moving fingers, then hands and arms, then toes and feet, and thought, sweet I'm good. Granted, I hurt like hell from my dislocated Femur, broken Pelvis and broke 2 Vertibra, but I was relieved! Please pass the word..

When I was in the hospital, it felt good that everyone was pulling for me. Now brother it is your turn. You have people all over this country wishing and praying for you, including my wife and I and my best friends that I told about this! If there is anything any of us can do, Please let us know. I am finally up on crutches, but am more then happy to do anything I can to help.


My best wishes and prayers to Dennis and everyone else who was there. It's always sobering to hear of these happenings. The older I get the more I think "there, but for the grace of God, go I". I've been fortunate over the years, but I've had some real close calls. It always happens so fast, and when least expected. I guess if there are lessons to be learned, it's "don't let your guard down, ever - drive responsibly - say your prayers and tell the people who count that you love them, on a regular basis".


That is a beautiful road that I made a special effort to ride this spring the day it opened. What a terrible place to have a get off. I hope he pulls through ok and has a chance to ride the rest of it!

I'm at a loss to see yet another tragic accident in our community. I didn't find this post until this evening due to life getting in the way, but I have brought my full attention to Dennis and his family with my prayers and thoughts.

Dennis - my family has you in our prayers.

Roamer - thx for posting, I know it wasn't easy but you can't get the support of the community without doing so.

For those of you who were there and helped out - hang in there! I know what the combination of helping and being helpless all at the same time feels like.

