Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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I hope some humor can be tolerated.
Dennis, if you can read this post, I'm going to stand in my jockey shorts tomorrow morning, 0500, in the sprinklers, and wish you luck.

After all, you're from the great northwet...

So, to commensurate, I'll get drenched too, in your honor.

Thank goodness I won't take any pix.. :blink:

Get well Dennis!

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Dennis is plumbed into some serious pain killers, is not cognitively responding at this point, and is probably days away from 'coming around'. Sorry, I just don't want to see this thread get too casual I know folks don't mean to be casual in your responses but just keep the prayers going. I'll let you know, with his family's authorization, how he's coming along. It's not a time for levity at this point

respectfully, Roamer

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Roamer, it appears to us that you also may need some healing..... sending good juju to you, too.

...I'm here at Harborview. The good thots, good ju ju, good karma aren't going to be enough. We now need prayers for a miracle.lots of them and coming constantly!!!!! He is alive

In respects for the family, I'll share no more. Do not plan any visits w/o immediate familys permission.

for those who believe in the efficacy of prayer, now is the time!!!!!!!


Roamer, it appears to us that you also may need some healing..... sending good juju to you, too.
+1 With all due respect Roamer, you are going through some tremendous stress. See to it that you recognize it and deal with it soon.
No speculation intended, but don't rule out the possibility that Dennis removed his own helmet. I know this sounds crazy but hear me out. Approximately 15 years ago I hit a pedestrian on a dark and stormy morning in San Francisco. Evidence suggests I did a face plant at 35 MPH. The EMT's treating me said the police found me wandering along the railroad tracks more than 100' from the scene. My only recollection is coming to sitting in the back of the ambulance while the paramedics worked on the pedestrian in the street.

When I asked about the lack of recollection from the time I hit the pavement to the wandering by the railroad tracks to the "waking up" in the back of the ambulance, I was told that the brain has the ability to shut down certain functions during these traumatic events and that victims of head trauma often are able to function yet have no recollection of the period of time after the first impact.

One other example is that when Old Michael was found after his flight last year, his flip up helmet was in the up position. He has no recollection of lifting it up and given the lack of evidence of it being forced open I surmise that he opened it himself within seconds of the impact and sat there dazed and confused for the ensuing minutes until help arrived.

I'm not trying to speculate, I'm simply offering a very real possibility to a puzzle that Dennis may never be able to fill all the pieces of.

So, Roamer, relax and know that no one on this forum means any disrespect. Your friend is in serious need of our prayers and God's help and we all deal with it a little differently.

As with everyone else, I will keep Dennis in my thoughts and prayers. But just know that you are there too.


...I'm here at Harborview. The good thots, good ju ju, good karma aren't going to be enough. We now need prayers for a miracle.lots of them and coming constantly!!!!!
Wow, Roamer, this indeed sounds ominous, and I know you are going through a lot yourself... please heed the advice of others and ensure you look after yourself!

Prayers for Dennis beaming in from the Columbia Basin. C'mon, God, let's see some of that miracle stuff happening here....


Thanks for keeping us informed as much as you can, this really hit too close to home, as to what others said you need to take care of yourself also.

please keep us informed as much as you can, I havent stop praying for Dennis and his family.

...I'm here at Harborview. The good thots, good ju ju, good karma aren't going to be enough. We now need prayers for a miracle.lots of them and coming constantly!!!!! He is alive In respects for the family, I'll share no more. Do not plan any visits w/o immediate familys permission.

for those who believe in the efficacy of prayer, now is the time!!!!!!!

+1 Praying for a miracle to heal Dennis and his family.

I wear a Symax II every day. I'm looking forward to reading what Dennis has to say about the incident...hopefully he will remember if he took the helmet off or not.

Get well SOON!
