Seriously Injured fellow FJR'er

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...from the 'roaming' thoughts of Roamer...
Which brings me to another reflection. Dan (Scout) has remained relatively silent on this thread but he has made frequent and regular visits to Harborview, documented everything for the family, kept in touch with me almost daily (remember, before that day's ride, none of us ever rode with each other and I had never met the other two). He has been torn and restless, missed some work and is as concerned as anyone. He was the first one to have sighted Dennis and approached him. We are/ were not heroic in our responses but if anything, Dan was more so than myself. We were just compelled to do the right thing.., the caring thing..., the non proud (hero) thing.

Some posters wanted to be encouraging through some 'lighter moments'. I may have been too quick with some to keep this on a most serious level and I apologize for that as I know everyone, in their own unique way has expressed genuine concern for Dennis. We're hoping he can soon look back and appreciate the 'lighter side' as he himself enjoyed the humorous edge of things. Feel free to encourage your 'brother'.

...from the last stanza of a poem I wrote some years back, it captures my thoughts at this time.

"we cry for answers, a hope to keep...,

where thoughts flow shallow, Grace runs deep." RMH
Thanks, Roamer, for reminding us about Dan’s close involvement during this most stressful of weeks. In my book, you are both heroes! You exhibited qualities that my great-grandfather (on my Dad's side) and his fellow Medal of Honor winners exhibited: coolness under difficult circumstances and the drive and dedication to do the right thing even when it would have been easier to go the other way; the only difference being that you were not putting yourself in deadly danger while doing it. Still, I can’t imagine that anyone on this forum won’t be honored when you and/or Dan will “have their back” during future rides. Whenever Dennis is able to say so for himself, I’m sure he will tell you the same thing. You and Dan are the best! :clapping:

(I would love to read your entire poem someday, BTW.)

Also, I agree with Roamer... Now that the long wait for some encouraging news is over, and we can all breathe again, perhaps now is the time to interject some levity in order to encourage Dennis during his long recovery. Those who know Dennis can attest to the fact that he enjoys a good joke as much or more than anyone else we know. He had all of us in stitches last month when I was out in Seattle… He was telling us good jokes, in the best Scandinavian style, where the jokes were on himself, and he laughed as hard as everyone else there! :yahoo:

Work hard and get better Dennis! We love you & look forward to the next time when we can get together and share a few more laughs! :drinks:

Hugs to all,


...from the 'roaming' thoughts of Roamer...
I've read through this thread from the beginning and am encouraged by all the support from all over the country. When you think of it, it's posted in an obscure 'Regional Ride Planning/ Pacific Northwest' thread and not on a main thread yet folks from all over have migrated to this call for support. What a community, huh?!

We're pulling hard for one of our own and as far as I know, this has not been put on other forums but that's o.k. as that would be just one more thing to monitor.

One plus for me (and perhaps Dennis' family) is the fact that due to the remotness from any major town and the quickness of the response time, there was no media with cameras and mics. Reporters would have been like pesty flies. Pictures/ video footage would not have been pleasant. Scout (Dan) was able to get pics from the scene and these have only been shared with the family.

Which brings me to another reflection. Dan (Scout) has remained relatively silent on this thread but he has made frequent and regular visits to Harborview, documented everything for the family, kept in touch with me almost daily (remember, before that day's ride, none of us ever rode with each other and I had never met the other two). He has been torn and restless, missed some work and is as concerned as anyone. He was the first one to have sighted Dennis and approached him. We are/ were not heroic in our responses but if anything, Dan was more so than myself. We were just compelled to do the right thing.., the caring thing..., the non proud (hero) thing. Grab a Bible and read Micah 6:8.

(yeah, I'm making you folks look it up)

My emotions have been sharpened and dulled at various times over this. The mental fatigue of "what could have been done differently?" Some posters wanted to be encouraging through some 'lighter moments'. I may have been too quick with some to keep this on a most serious level and I apologize for that as I know everyone, in their own unique way has expressed genuine concern for Dennis. We're hoping he can soon look back and appreciate the 'lighter side' as he himself enjoyed the humorous edge of things. Feel free to encourage your 'brother'.

...from the last stanza of a poem I wrote some years back, it captures my thoughts at this time.

"we cry for answers, a hope to keep...,

where thoughts flow shallow, Grace runs deep." RMH
Roamer, anytime any place give me a PM if neeed. I know the great responces from these folks when I wittnessed a wreck here a couple of weeks ago sure helped me.

If I'm gone just lookk in this post, there are bunch of PNW guys who would drop anything to be there for either of you!

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PTL for all of this encouraging news!!

I will add my thanks to Roamer and Scout for all that they have done and continue to do.

I did bring this situation to the attention of the fine folks at the ST-Owners forum. We have a "Prayer List" forum over there so I merely linked to this thread. As distasteful as it must be for some of us ST owners to hang out on a forum with a bunch of FJR folks, :p there has been overwhelming response for Dennis there, as well. Check It Out

Now, to Dennis: [SIZE=12pt]If you didn't want to help me work on my kitchen, all you had to do was say so.[/SIZE] You coulda' saved a lot of trouble. :lol:

Keep Up the Good Fight most esteemed brother !!! My prayers for you and family continue....what great riding buddies we are blessed with !



We want to say "hurry up God!", but He is working in His way and His time... ...Roamer
I'm guilty on a continual basis:

Hey Roamer,

Your thoughts and time are well appreciated and taken to heart, as I'm sure you have inspired many of us to take stock and

reflect back on our own past for those of us that have been riding for many years and been involved in accidents and close

calls. Knowing how easily it could have all taken an illfaded turn bringing our dailey lives to a screeching halt, that said I'm

still glad I ride because of the people Ive met,friends Ive made,the places Ive been and seen on two wheels (dirt and street).

I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers for my brother Dennis, If someone tells you the small things in life

don't count-- They are wrong !!!!

Dave Anderson

Hey gang...., Roamer here at Harborviw with update from Dennis's family members:

Hello all this Dennis' daughter, I am over joyed at how well my dad is doing. We could'nt be happier!!!! I want to thank everyone for their support and warm thoughts and prayers. It helped. GO DAD!!!! :yahoo:

Things are looking much better than a few days ago with some eye contact, spoken responses and response to commands for movements (hand/feet). There is deep and greatful acknowledgment for the beginning of a miraculous comeback. Keep it coming!!!!!!!

I know all the prayers and good wishes have helped both Dennis and his immediate family. Dennis' mother and sister have told me how much it helps them to know how much everyone cares.

Personal thanks to you, Roamer. I know my family appreciates all you've done for Dennis, and I do too. I am thrilled to hear that he has been able to make spoken responses and eye contact! Bless you! Take care of yourself, too, ok?
Hey Melanie,

Good to see you on the forum, Dennis is receiving great support from many good people.

Congradulations Grandma, your cousin Dave

Hi Roamer,

I know I’ve been kinda quiet, but you’ve done such a great job of keeping everyone up to speed that I’m not sure what more I can add. It was WAY COOL to see Dennis looking around the room yesterday. I continue to pray that his healing and recovery are complete!

It has been a little difficult, and I know that’s been true for you as well Roamer. It all happened so suddenly and we just aren’t geared emotionally to deal with something like this. On the positive side, I think I’ve made some new friends in both you and Dennis and I look forward to the three of us getting together after Dennis is better!

...from the 'roaming' thoughts of Roamer...
The mental fatigue of "what could have been done differently?" [/i] RMH

Dont even go there....if you're going to 'what if' this start with what if you hadnt been riding with a friend and what if you hadnt realized he was down and what if you hadnt been there to find him and what if....better yet dont even go there.

Not only were you there when he needed you, you continue to help and support his family. You cant ask for more or better than that. I cant speak for others on the forum but I'd ride w/you anyday.

Best wishes for the family and a speedy recovery

...from the 'roaming' thoughts of Roamer...
The mental fatigue of "what could have been done differently?" [/i] RMH

Dont even go there....if you're going to 'what if' this start with what if you hadnt been riding with a friend and what if you hadnt realized he was down and what if you hadnt been there to find him and what if....better yet dont even go there.

Not only were you there when he needed you, you continue to help and support his family. You cant ask for more or better than that. I cant speak for others on the forum but I'd ride w/you anyday.

Best wishes for the family and a speedy recovery

I agree with FJR13k, Thank God you (Scout and Roamer) were there to look for him, find him, get help to him as quickly as possible and stay by his side until help arrived. Prayers and best wishes to Dennis and his family for his continued healing. Sounds like he has a great family there to support and encourage him! Jed

Hi Roamer, I know I’ve been kinda quiet, but you’ve done such a great job of keeping everyone up to speed that I’m not sure what more I can add. It was WAY COOL to see Dennis looking around the room yesterday. I continue to pray that his healing and recovery are complete!

It has been a little difficult, and I know that’s been true for you as well Roamer. It all happened so suddenly and we just aren’t geared emotionally to deal with something like this. On the positive side, I think I’ve made some new friends in both you and Dennis and I look forward to the three of us getting together after Dennis is better!
Hey Scout,

Good to here from you, It was a pleasure to meet you at the hospital the other day, I just wanted to thank you for helping

Dennis and the family the way you have and I hope your doing better as well.


Here's the latest from Theresa, wife of Gary, Dennis' older brother:

Audrey (Dennis' mom) Jennifer (our daughter) and I (Theresa) went in to see him today. When we last saw him on Monday he was pretty non-responsive however when we went in today he immediately opened his eyes wide. I said hi to him and he whispered hi back. We joked around with him and even got him to crack a couple of smiles. He is moving both legs now. He's still isn't moving his left arm but that is the broken wrist and the side that has broken ribs so that may explain his lack of desire to move it. He is having problems getting out words and you can see how much that frustrates him but that in itself is a good sign that his mind is working. He gets better each day we go in so for each little improvement we are grateful.

From me:

This sure is good news, isn't it? Glad to hear it! Prayers are being answered! Please keep them coming! :yahoo:

Thanks and hugs to all,



That's great news, thanks for keeping us updated, I wiil still keep praying till he's completely recovered.

Here's the latest from Theresa, wife of Gary, Dennis' older brother:
Audrey (Dennis' mom) Jennifer (our daughter) and I (Theresa) went in to see him today. When we last saw him on Monday he was pretty non-responsive however when we went in today he immediately opened his eyes wide. I said hi to him and he whispered hi back. We joked around with him and even got him to crack a couple of smiles. He is moving both legs now. He's still isn't moving his left arm but that is the broken wrist and the side that has broken ribs so that may explain his lack of desire to move it. He is having problems getting out words and you can see how much that frustrates him but that in itself is a good sign that his mind is working. He gets better each day we go in so for each little improvement we are grateful.

From me:

This sure is good news, isn't it? Glad to hear it! Prayers are being answered! Please keep them coming! :yahoo:

Thanks and hugs to all,

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Keep Going Dennis! The best is yet to come....

Just came home from Harborview. Saw Leslie (Dennis' wife) while I was in there.

He is off the critical care floor and is in less need of monitoring. He occassionally responds with one word replies but this is an area that will take time to come back. He moved all of his limbs, even the left arm and turns his head side to side and flexes both legs (as if he's restless and anxious to be let out of a cage).

I had the intense joy of seeing Leslie standing off to his side and firmly saying "Dennis!" He immediately turned his head sideways towards her with eyes wide open. She then said "squeeze my hand" which he did and she had to tell him "not so hard!" and he released a bit.

Earlier in the afternoon a nurse was in the room trying to get a reply and Dennis was silent. Leslie said to the nurse, in sort of light sarcasm: "no comment huh?" Dennis then chuckled to their surprise!!! (I was not there at the time). He is starting to tune in to things/people around him but the road to recovery is yet long but heading the right way.

Please fervently continue in prayer!!! This is so much better than a week ago. The family deeply appreciates everyones concern and prayer support. What they do ask, at this time though, is no visitations as too much stimulus would not be appropriate and Dennis cannot really converse with anyone yet. We're all so anxious to have him restored and back amongst us but time and prayer is the key. The time to visit with him will come, I'm sure!


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havent been keeping up too much with the thread but just enough to haer of the progress. what a long PIA process but I am relieved to hear that things are moving in the right direction. Best wishes and Melanie! :)

Thank you Roamer and Melanie for the updates. I was so pleased to read about the chuckle - He's Back!

I have been following this topic (many times daily) since the beginning, as have a couple hundred of Dennis' other friends and co-workers.

Roamer and Scout - thank God you were with him. My heart goes out to both of you as you recover from this ordeal.

To Dennis, Leslie, and family - we will be here when you need us.
