Setting the Record Straight about Deflate-gate

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Hang the lying, cheating bastards. If those balls hadn't been deflated the Patriots defence would have been useless and Brady wouldn't have thrown an interception to the Colts. After halftime when the balls were properly inflated Brady didn't throw another interception. To make things right for that major atrocity the Patriots should give back the super bowl win and forfeit next season. Dirty lying, cheating bastards that only win because they cheat.

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As much as the New York Daily News is the highly respected font of impeccable, unbiased news :rolleyes: , I think I'll just wait and see what commissioner Goodell actually does first. If he does come down hard on Brady, I would expect him to challenge that ruling.

I've read the Wells report. There was nothing in it that indicated that Brady ever asked for anything less than 12.5 psi. There isn't any evidence that the "ball boy" let any air out either. Just a bunch of text message bantering from prior games (not the Colts' playoff game) about ball pressures and such that casts general aspersions on him and the equipment manager.

The report even goes so far as to say, "the Ideal Gas Law predicts that the Patriots balls should have measured between 11.52 and 11.32 psi at the end of the first half," which is exactly what they measured, on average. All of the conclusions that Wells makes are based on "feelings" and innuendo, not facts or science. Even the two dummies' text messages do not implicate the Brady ever asked for any pressure to be released after the referees inspection.

What is clear, and was completely glossed over by the Wells report and most of the media thus far, is that the whole game day situation was a "sting operation" with the goal predetermined to catch and discredit the Patriots from before the game ever began. When Grigson of the Colts told the league officials before the game that he suspected they might be playing with balls softer than the rules allowed, instead of confronting them up front and avoiding the entire controversy, they waited and clandestinely measured the ball pressures at half time.

The really stupid thing about the sting was that they never recorded the pressures before the game. Even though the Patriots balls were all below 12.5 psi, which is totally expected considering they started at 12.5 and then were cooled off by more than 20 degrees, so were 3 of the 4 Colts balls with one of the gauges used, and they supposedly started at 13.0 or higher.

The accusations and investigation have been a total farce from the very beginning, and the league and "investigators" only made themselves look like fools. They still have not proven that a softer ball is even of benefit, other than meeting the preference of one QB as compared to others.

...the whole game day situation was a "sting operation" with the goal predetermined to catch and discredit the Patriots from before the game ever began. When Grigson of the Colts told the league officials before the game that he suspected they might be playing with balls softer than the rules allowed, instead of confronting them up front and avoiding the entire controversy, they waited and clandestinely measured the ball pressures at half time...
And coach of the Jets (at the time) Eric Mangini could have simply told Bill B that he has heard (or knows) that Bill was filming in a way that may not be entirely to league rules and ask Bill to please stop or Eric will report Bill to the league. Or Eric could be a rat and turn Bill in. (Where is former Patriot Eric these days?) Anyhoo, people sure seem to want to try and stick it to the Patriots even when there is a better path available...

... . Dirty lying, cheating bastards that only win because they cheat.
Come on, if they lost and didn't cheat, then they wouldn't have been trying hard enough

(This from a Brit that hasn't a clue what you're talking about. Now, if it was a game of cricket ...

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Nice thing is about Hockey is you cant deflate a Puck....And altho Wheatie hasn't caught on there are No ******* quarterbacks, kickers or recievers..... Either you ******* score or you don't... Period end of story. A Man's game.....

Browns GM Ray Farmer got 4-6 weeks suspension for texting down to coaches during games. This is a violation of league policy. My point is, if he got this much for some measly texts to suggest player personal and not even play calling... What is Brady going to get?

Any moron can clearly see just in that guilty ass Grey (10 min of live feed) led discussion, Tom is guilty as all get out. He should just fess up, say yeah I had a ball guy take out some L-bees and take it head on. But, he won't.

I believe both the owner and coach however did not know. So the question remains... How many games should Brady get suspended for? .... Flick, Adrian Peterson got a whole season for hitting his kid who a switch. **** myself and my entire Italian neighborhood got the switch when we deserved it... And we had respect to our elders as well in which today's kids... Well, we won't go there!

So for Brady? I say 8 games minimum. The league seams to wanna set examples after the Ray Rice ordeal. The Peterson Punishment was a bit extreme, but the Patriots always seem to get the easy road... Going back to the video (spy gate) and losing only a 5th rounder w some cash that Robert Kraft easily laughed at.

Interesting outcome to come!

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First 8 games of the season, send the Patriots offense out on the field without a ball. That'll learn 'em to handle their balls with care.

I'm expecting there to be no League action, or at most a refinement of ball verification/management procedures.

Any moron can clearly see just in that guilty ass Grey (10 min of live feed) led discussion, Tom is guilty as all get out. He should just fess up, say yeah I had a ball guy take out some L-bees and take it head on. But, he won't.
So for Brady? I say 8 games minimum.
I think 8 games is about right....2 for actual infraction, 4 for refusing to cooperate with the investigation, and 2 more just for being such a bad liar at the press conference. Come on Tom, if you can't lie any better than that you should just tell the truth...

How much MORE time will be wasted on this phenomenally insignificant event? The NFL is such a circus of manufactured "news" ...

I much prefer college football, a virtuous game contested by amateur student-athletes.

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I will volunteer for the firing squad for Brady. You can stand Lucic beside Brady and I'll put a cap in his ass too just because.

Nice thing is about Hockey is you cant deflate a Puck....And altho Wheatie hasn't caught on there are No ******* quarterbacks, kickers or recievers..... Either you ******* score or you don't...but you get to beat the crap out of the other guy Period end of story. A Man's game.....
Fixed it for you.

The NFL has turned into a bunch of cry babies.

.but you get to beat the crap out of the other guy
Yup, that's what is great about Hockey, if Tom Bardy wants to step out on the ice, yup, He will get the crap beat out of him.....

Kinda like Odot clubbing a Baby Seal....
