SFO 2017 - Official Thread

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I've been following this thread and trying to determine my schedule.

You can add me as a strong "probably" to attend. Maybe with a friend or two as well. Will be travelling the first 3 weeks of Oct (not on the bike) but will confirm as soon as I can.

Hope the hurricanes don't dampen this event.


That's great, Glen! I hope y'all can make it!

hurricane smuricane, we don't need no stinkin' hurricane!

I have some great news for you - I have confirmed the Negotiators duo for Friday night!!! If you enjoyed Allen Barlow playing for us last year, you will be blown away by the addition of his sidekick, Jon Campell, playing along with him. As I mentioned to some of you last year, Allen prefers not to do the vocals. He did a great job, but Jon is the primary vocalist of the two. These two can play just about anything (rock oriented) from Jimi Hendrix to Coldplay. So get your request ready!!!

Here's a little sample for ya -

(fortunately, we won't have the loud little girls cackling in the background in Jemison!!!)

One other thing about these two guys, I've been going to see them at a local pub for ten plus years. They're both great family guys and have day jobs. The time they'll be playing for us is time they could be home with their families, and they are traveling out to the countryside for us. Don't get me wrong, we ARE paying them for their appearance and they LOVE to play. But they are giving us a deep discount off of their normal rate due to the friendship I have had with them going way back. This isn't meant as pressure at all - but if you enjoy the show and feel so inclined, please consider throwing them an extra bone or two. They typically don't have a tip jar set out, so in good Southern tradition, we'll pass the hat during their second set.

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senecahome posted: Hope the hurricanes don't dampen this event.
Hurricane season ends at Thanksgiving. There is always a possibility, of course, but the south Atlantic is usually too cold for hurricanes by late October. We'll probably have chilly nights, perfect "outdoor coffee" mornings, truckloads of sunshine, and fallen leaves all over the roadway.

For sure we'll have Tennessee fans in Tuscaloosa. Auburn has a bye week, and UAB is in Hattiesburg to play Brett Favre's alma mater.

PS: Those fallen leaves scatter beautifully when "whooshed" by an FJR.

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I was thinking of staying in the area and going to Barber Thursday after they open and spending a majority of the day there. Then head to the hotel.


An attempt has been made to keep me from making this trip. The attempt has been thwarted and my departure will likely shift from Wednesday to Thursday. That would get me to Jemison on Friday. I want to visit Barber for sure - I think that will be Saturday for me.

I am sure my boss is trying to find other fires that need my attention - I am expecting additional attempts.


An attempt has been made to keep me from making this trip. The attempt has been thwarted and my departure will likely shift from Wednesday to Thursday. That would get me to Jemison on Friday. I want to visit Barber for sure - I think that will be Saturday for me.
I am sure my boss is trying to find other fires that need my attention - I am expecting additional attempts.

Stick with it Joe, there are always going to be little detracting devils out to thwart your goals and aspirations!

The plan is coming together --

You can move me from the "maybe" list to "attending." Also, attending will be Dave (my BMW riding friend).

We will be staying at the motel.

Looking forward to this event !


P.S. Paypal funds sent

What kinda BMWs. We gots standards, ya know...
Dave is on a RT. Does that meet the standard?
Puh. I was just putting you on. If I coulda found an eleven-fiddy at the time, I might not have gone looking for the FJR. If you know this bunch, they'll give him all kinds of crap, but then hand him a cold one and let him at the food first.

What kinda BMWs. We gots standards, ya know...
Dave is on a RT. Does that meet the standard?
Puh. I was just putting you on. If I coulda found an eleven-fiddy at the time, I might not have gone looking for the FJR. If you know this bunch, they'll give him all kinds of crap, but then hand him a cold one and let him at the food first.
Oh, I've been around here long enough to understand the "flavor" of some comments
. BUT, I need to caution you - don't let Dave at the food first
- we've got to make sure there is some left for the rest of us.

Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, BMW, even Harley riders
are welcome! Sport touring minded, encouraged. Want to have a good time, required!

We're just over three weeks out now and I want to give everyone a quick update - Jana and I, with help from Hondapotamus Jim and LA2wheeler Randal, have been working hard to get everything in rally shape. We're about there and hopefully we're gonna have an even better rally than we had last year.

Important info for people staying at the hotel ---I just got off the phone with the manager at the Inn of Clanton. She told me that she doesn't have that many reservations yet from our group. She stressed that it is very important that you do not wait to make your reservations, even if you aren't 100% positive you are going to be able to make it. With a couple of prime fishing lakes nearby, she said that they get a lot of bass fishing tournament guests this time of the year and the hotel could fill up on short notice.

You can always cancel with one day's notice in the event it turns out you can't make it. So if you are even remotely thinking about coming to SFO and staying at the Inn of Clanton, please give them a call asap and make your reservations. Let the clerk know that you are with the SFO group. Your rate is $54 plus tax for single and $62 plus tax double occupancy. If you are going to room with someone, make sure you pay the double occupancy rate so that you both get the free breakfast coupon that comes with the room. The coupon entitles you to the huge breakfast buffet adjacent Shoney's next door to the hotel. It's not just a cup of coffee and a stale donut. The breakfast bar is definitely worth the extra $8.

The Inn of Clanton's phone number is 205-755-7829.

The weather is turning perfect for this time of year. The average temps in Central Alabama at the end of October is a high of 71 and low of 48. Last year, temps during SFO were well above normal. But the weather this year seems to be following the normal pattern right now. Also, October is the driest time of the year in Alabama. Hopefully, that will hold true for us this year.

Any questions, feel free to post here or shoot me a PM.

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