OK gang, here's a quick post with basic arrival info and a rough itinerary of riding and the evening festivities. Also, there is pertinent info for those staying at the hotel and requiring transportation to and from SFO Headquarters for the dinners and socializing, as the tipsey taxi will be in operation again this year.
Directions to SFO Headquarters from Inn of Clanton
Those directions bring you in from the South. But whether you are arriving from North I-65 or South I-65 there will be directional signs from the interstate exit that will lead you the approximately one and a half mile to my gravel driveway - I'll have the driveway scraped down and it shouldn't present you any issues riding the bike in or out.
Thursday arrivals - Mrs. Bandit will be preparing a large pot of chicken and apple sausage gumbo for dinner. We'll eat sometime after 6 pm. So if you are riding in Thursday and camping, just come on whenever you feel like it and set up camp. Mrs. Bandit will be there, even if I'm not and she'll direct you to the camping area. If you are staying at the hotel and need transportation to SFO headquarters on Thursday night, please contact me directly in advance so that I can get that coordinated based on how many people are going to need transportation.
Both Friday and Saturday morning - Those of us staying at the Jemison property will ride the bikes to meet the people staying at the hotel around 8 am. We'll have breakfast at Shoney's then strike out in small groups from there. Plan on kick stands up from Shoney's/Inn of Clanton by 9 am. Regardless of where you ride each day please try to return to the hotel by 5 pm so that you can get cleaned up and catch the tipsey taxi at 6 pm!
Friday and Saturday evening - we will be eating around 6:30, Friday night we'll have the shrimp and corn boil and Saturday night we'll have smoked pulled pork BBQ, smoked ribs and maybe some smoked wings. The Negotiators will start between 7-7:30 Friday night and we might even have some amateur entertainment Saturday night.
The tipsey taxi will be in operation on Friday and Saturday night
departing from the hotel at 6 pm on Friday and Saturday night. We have roughly 20 people staying at the hotel so this will take some coordination. I'll have more details about this on Friday morning at Shoney's. But we will likely have a large passenger van and my pick-up truck will be provided to get you to and from Jemison. Bottom line is, please don't expect to have to ride your bike to and from my property in the evenings.
We'll get you to SFO Headquarters from the hotel and back at a decent hour!
Should you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to send me a PM. Let's not clutter up the thread with individual needs / requests, I'll handle those on an individual basis. Just send me a PM, I'll give you my phone number and we can go from there.
One last thing - If you have signed up and at some point see that you can't make it, please let me know as soon as possible. If you have already paid via PayPal I'll get a refund to you. I just need to know a solid head-count No Later Than Sunday, October 22 so that we can buy the right amount of food and other supplies. EDIT - And if you haven't signed up, it's not too late!!!! Come on, we'd luv to have you. Again, I just need to know NLT 10/22 for the purposes of provisions.