Was that you waving like a madman as I was coming the other way on 281??Home and safe after a very satisfactory sprint across Mount Cheehaw.
Maybe it was, and maybe it wasn't.Tyler posted: Was that you waving like a madman as I was coming the other way on 281??
FIFY because you had more important things to do than to actually come to SFO headquarters and visit with folks. I had to entertain that damn WheatonFJR guy all by myself.Maybe it was, and maybe it wasn't.Tyler posted: Was that you waving like a madman as I was coming the other way on 281??Knew it was you from a mile away, sweetie, and it was proof that I can wave at near supersonic speeds due to my very feminine limp wrist!
While it's true I never made it to Castle du Bandit this year, I had breakfast with several nice people at the Clanton Shoney's Saturday morning. (Thanks, pjleduc, and your wife is very nice and very polite. Why is she hanging out with bikers?)FIFY because you had more important things to do than to actually come to SFO headquarters and visit with folks. I had to entertain that damn WheatonFJR guy all by myself.