SFO Website Launched!!

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Just a girl in the world, having rode 3 FJRs
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Woodbury, MN
[SIZE=14pt] :clapping: Check out our new website: :yahoo:

SFO: Southern FJR Owners![/SIZE]

It's where you will find all the info and registration for the[SIZE=24pt]

2007 SFO Spring Thing!

April 27-30, Russellville AR
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I hope everyone else is as pumped up about this as I am! Last year was a blast! This year is shaping up to be even better.

Why is it the Wesern and Southern riders have the sense to have their rallies when the weathers warm, an' us knuckle heads in the north and east have these things when the snow is just weeks away? :cold:

Is it something to do with the cold and the need for heated gear? or are some of these guys just nutty? :dntknw:

And all this time I thought kalliefornya wuz the land of fruits and nuts :evo:


I have a room. :yahoo:

Now, to see if I can survive Arkansas. :blink:

email sent to "Contact link"


Great job on the site guys! I won't be able to make the Spring event since I'm going to do my 4-corners jaunt this spring, but I'm definately going to try and make the Fall event.

Great job on the site guys! I won't be able to make the Spring event since I'm going to do my 4-corners jaunt this spring, but I'm definately going to try and make the Fall event.
Darn Marcos! But I know that 4 corners ride is gonna rock! We'll miss ya! ;)

I've made my reservations. (I think) the guy at the Best Western is one wave short of a ship wreck!

If your coming to Arkansas, put on some new rubber, your gonna need it!!!

I've made my reservations. (I think) the guy at the Best Western is one wave short of a ship wreck! If your coming to Arkansas, put on some new rubber, your gonna need it!!!
funny! i've worked with Brandon on everything both times now and he does seem to be the brightest one there. he works evenings, if anyone wants to call back and reconfirm your reservation.

2 quick notes for anyone interested in coming:

Please submit your registration info on the website so we plan better this year and get you on the list of attendees.

And call the hotel to make your reservations, don't use the website. That is given just so you can get a visual of the place.

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The list of attendees and sponsors continues to grow! :fans: :clapping:

Bounce and fjrchik,

I reserved a room (double) and contacted you through the web sign-in.

Thanks for your great work putting this together!!!


Hotel Update:

I have spoken to Brandon and conveyed my concerns about people not getting the group rate when they call. He has asked us to ask for him (most evenings) or Shirley (daytime) when you are making your reservations and then things should get done right. Donroger1 - your reservation has been fixed! And we know who the culprit was that gave you a hard time. This shouldn't happen again.

As of right now, we have only 3 single rooms left.

I also asked if we could get all the rooms on the same side of the hotel. He said that most of the double rooms are on "the Waffle House" side. I will call back a few days before we arrive and work with him on getting the singles over there too. There is another group that has 50 rooms reserved so we have to wait and shuffle it around with them.

Folks, please make sure to call and reserve your room on your own card. Don't assume that signing up on the website means you'll get a room, because you won't. I just want to be very clear on that. You have to call the hotel yourself.

ok, enough business for now. who's bringin the partyball?? :D

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I booked a room too (double) and sent my e-mail with my information. I look forward to meeting you guys.

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I'm in. Thanks to all putting this on.

I'll be pulling in Saturday evening.


:yahoo: cool emoticons over here. :lmaosmiley:
