Shorai battery

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newbs need the forum
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Spring Hill, Florida
My battery's been slowly spiraling down to its inevitable demise for the last 3 months. As of late, the voltage has been dipping to 12.3 or 12.4 when I switch on the volt meter just before I start it up. And, just as you'd expect, once it's warm, there've been many times that it just BARELY started the bike when I've had to restart it at a gas station. I know, I know, I've not been very bright... chancing it like this. Anyway, 6 weeks ago, after doing my research on this forum, I made the decision to buy a Shorai. I know, there's been some concern over its cold weather abilities. However, it'll never see anything less than about 45 or so around here. Gotta love Florida, even if my neck of the woods doesn't have many decent roads to enjoy. For the occasional morning when it dips into the 20's around here, it'll be fine in the garage. Whatever cold weather issues it has... shouldn't be an issue. I bought the regular 14AH battery, not the 18AH that many have chosen. When examining the CCA of these two choices, I don't see the need for all the extra amperage (or $$). For what it's worth, the battery's been sitting out in the shed for about 6 weeks. I hooked it up to the charger, but never actually charged it as it registered 13.2 volts @ an a 100% charge as soon as I hooked the clamps on it this morning. Imagine that; right it out of the box.
It was exactly the same width (left to right) as the factory battery, and maybe 1/4 inch narrower from front to back. The height was perhaps 1 and 1/4 inches shorter than the factory unit. The supplied shims made quick work of filling in the space. They're so easy to put on - with the supplied double stick tape. I've got a BUNCH of it left over. EHH- I'll find something to do with the stuff one of these days, I'm sure. It came with 4 bolts and nuts, though I only needed two, obviously. Each had a neat little piece of foam glued on the end of the nut to keep 'em tight while I'm hookin' up the cables. So, I finished up the installation and fired it up. As expected, this battery provides some serious horsepower. Spins the engine over faster than I thought possible.
I'm a happy camper, and my FJR just lost 10 pounds. Come to think of it, that's about the weight of all the farkles I've put on, so I guess we're about even now (not that it really matters).

darksider #44

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I've got the original battery in my 05 and lately, every now and then it acts like its slow to turn over. Most of the time it's after it's been ridden or rather hot. Seldom does it turn over slow when it's been parked for a while. Seems strange but I figure it's about lived out its life.

Shorai will be its replacement. +1

Well, come to think of it, this may be just the excuse I need to get the new Gen3 :lol:

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I have the 18 amp-hr battery, and I think Shorai plays a little funny with numbers like CCA and amp-hour ratings. One thing you will notice is the much higher resting voltage of 13.4-13.6 volts, and how quickly the battery recovers to 14.2 when under power.

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I'm going to have to get rid of the Shorai and go back to a regular battery. Twice on the return trip from EOM I needed Ray to jump the battery on my bike to get the AE started. Both times it had been cool, OK cold in the morning when we went out to start the bikes. There was ice on the seat on my bike in Lewisburg, WV and the tire pressure monitor alarm light had been on probably for quite a while.


The next day I pulled the fuse for the tire pressure monitor so that would not drain down the battery but I still had the same problem.

Once we put the jumper cable and let Ray's bike charge my battery for a few moments, disconnect the jumper cable and the Shorai would start my bike. It seems it just needed to have some heat but into the battery to get enough cranking amps out of the Shorai. As long as the bike is in the garage and plugged in to the Shorai charger I have it is not a problem but I'm not always going to have the opportunity to plug in when travelling and I don't want the hassle of taking the battery out to take it inside to keep it warm so I'm going back to a regular battery.

I've got the original battery in my 05 and lately, every now and then it acts like its slow to turn over. Most of the time it's after it's been ridden or rather hot. Seldom does it turn over slow when it's been parked for a while. Seems strange but I figure it's about lived out its life.

Shorai will be its replacement. +1

Well, come to think of it, this may be just the excuse I need to get the new Gen3 :lol:
Yep, sounds like your bike is in need of a new battery! My 3yr. old Westco started getting weak like you describe.

Seriously was thinking of a Shorai, which is probably a great battery, but after hearing my friend's Ducati crank slow with a Shorai, and the cost of them, I opted for a MotoBatt for $85 shipped to my door in 3 days-so far, working well.

Yeah, that Gen3 would fix it, for only a few $$ more! :p

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yamafitter, do you have the 18amp-hr Shorai? I do, and never had a problem starting in cold (low 30's) mornings...

yamafitter, do you have the 18amp-hr Shorai? I do, and never had a problem starting in cold (low 30's) mornings...
It is the 18 Amp-hr Shorai. This was the first time I had problems so I'm not sure what to tell you. All I can say is that it was an issue for me.

Andy (BikerGeek) also experienced similar problems on his Gen 1 last spring.

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Been enjoying the Shorai for several days now. Sure is refreshing to hear the way it cranks that engine. Wow. But keep in mind, I live in Florida.

Yamafitter, wish I'da known you were gonna get rid of your Shorai, i woulda offered to buy it from ya. Oh well. So-- if yer gonna switch back, I'll betcha one of our southern FJR riders will buy yer Shorai from ya.


darksider #44

Let's see, how do you spell, E-A-T---C-R-O-W?

I've had the Shorai in the FJR for about 7 weeks. It got nasty cold about a week ago... 34 outside and maybe 40 inside the garage. My 14ah Shorai couldn't turn the engine over more than once. Tried all the tricks, forget it. Took the cage to work. Next day, I recharged it using a 2 amp charge through the 12v. power outlet I have installed on the dash. I tried again the next morning when the ouside temp was 53. It wouldn't start. Turned on the lights for 5 minutes. Tried again, better, but no start. Waited 10 seconds. Another 2 second burst on the starter. Faster again, but no start. Repeated this process like 4 times and she started. The Shorai does indeed work better as you use it.

So, I contacted Shorai. They sent me a return shipping label. They've been real good about it so far. It's on it's way back to the factory. UGGGH. I'm not happy. Put the old bat back in the bike. It works as long as it's warm out.


darksider #44

Thanks for the info Gary. I was getting close to trying one, but I am going to wait.

Why are you sending yours back? I thought it was 'normal' that they don't perform in cold weather? And are you going to get the 18ah model now instead?

They took my old one back as well after it stopped cranking on cold. I had bought a 14AMP as well last year (before they switched officially to 18AMP only for FJR), and they were nice enough to upgrade to a brand-new 18MAP battery for free. I am surprised to see that you still bought a 14AMP just a few months ago!

Whatever you may say about the battery, their service is definetly top-notch. And the new owner of my FJR has not had any issues with the Shorai as far as I know - but it might be time to check in with him again!

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The no start/cold weather situation is an issue for me.

Even in Boise Id. the temp can drop to single digit conditions.

I sometimes do solo runs to the Eastern Sierras and other like places where the early morning temps leave ice on the FJR.

I would love to shed 10 lbs off the old girl but not at the expense of a no start.

If they could fix the cold start condition I would be a candidate for the Shorai, but the way it looks at this point it's a no go fo me.

Jury's still out, fellas. My old battery's been starting the bike OK... glad I kept it. I took a chance on the Shorai 14ah. Since I live in Fla, I ride the FJR every day. Anyway, I knew better, and I was warned, but I decided to cut 40 bucks off the purchase price for some unknown reason... and NOT get the 18ah like the forum was recommending. I hoped that the warmer temps around here and the fact that the bike is always in the garage when it gets REAL cold at night (occasionally) would make the difference. Well, it didn't. I asked Shorai to upgrade me to an 18ah when and if they replace the battery. And with the battery now nearly 4 months old, this is ENTIRELY up to their good graces. I installed it in early October, but I actually bought it in early August. I'm a little slow I guess. Now, I get to hurry up and wait.

I'll keep ya posted.


darksider #44

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Well Gary, It will be interesting to see how their customer service department handles your situation.

Thanks for posting your experiences with the Shorai.

Looking forward to your next post.


No Shorai for this Candy Butt Association member.

Not when temps here can drop to 17F (rarely) and routinely into the high 20's.. and KrZy8 lives in an uninsulated trailer overnight.

I really respect several fjr peeps opinions on this forum.. and Yamafitter is one.

That, plus the cost of the battery?

No, I'll go on a diet, lose 10 pounds and will call it a win-win.

I'm healthier, and so is my wallet.


Gee thanks, Carve. I was just getting to the point where I wasn't thinking too much about the extra few pounds I've put on lately, and now somebody had to go and mention the idea of losin' 10 pounds...


darksider #44

Latest update. FINALLY got a reply from Shorai. As of today, it's been 11 days since I mailed my battery back to Shorai. They rec'd it Tuesday morning according FedEx tracking. After they had it 2 days, they emailed me to say they're testing my battery. They've given no answer to my request to upgrade the battery to an 18ah. Their email was short and strictly business, but at least they did get back with me. They've had it something like 4 days now. Guess they're still testing it. That's all I know at this point. The old battery is holding up, but just barely.


darksider #44

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