Side stand resting plate

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, NC
Cost: $0.79 (plus velcro)

Time: 10 minutes

Gets really hot around here. Side stand sinks into asphalt during the summer.

Lots of sand everywhere. Side stand sinks year round!

Motorcycle dealers use 4" electrical box cover plates, nailed into their parking lots, to keep side stands from sinking.

I found a good place to stash one on the FJR that can be reached while supporting the bike with your body.

Buy one of these most anywhere.


File the edges smooth and stick four little squares of velcro on the corners.


Stick it here. It fits neatly in the recess area and does not interfere with normal packing.

Drop the side stand and help support the bike with your legs.

You can manage to open the side bag and reach in to get the plate.

Lift the bike slightly and slide the plate under the side stand.

Keeps the side stand from sinking, but you are on your own when it comes to not forgetting to ride off without putting it back!



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Here's what I do: Go to nearest garbage can, scrounge empty beer or soda can, place on ground and stomp flat, place below kick stand (when toes are not in the way.).

Cost: 0 And, no need to store on the bike. Toss it back into the trash til the next stop. ;)

Course, you could also order something from Gary McCoy and get a free 'foot' and coozie!

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Here's what I do: Go to nearest garbage can, scrounge empty beer or soda can, place on ground and stomp flat, place below kick stand (when toes are not in the way.).
Cost: 0 And, no need to store on the bike. Toss it back into the trash til the next stop. ;)
Only works around here if you can drive by the garbage can to grab the can.

If you need something within reach of where you stopped, then try my fix.

But I definitely like the recycleable idea.


Course, you could also order something from Gary McCoy and get a free 'foot' and coozie!

I have one of these from Gary and will now mount it where Jeff has his. Thanks both. :clapping:

I'm not a fan of routing in garbage cans. :(

I have my plate (a rectangular piece of carbon fiber) stashed in my fairing glovebox... one of the few useful things that actually fits in there and doesn't get affected by any heat buildup.

I have my plate (a rectangular piece of carbon fiber) stashed in my fairing glovebox... one of the few useful things that actually fits in there and doesn't get affected by any heat buildup.
hey, that's the ticket.

or you could get one of these and have multiple uses for it!


:assassin: :assassin: :assassin:

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I stuck my garage door opener to the underside of the glovebox lid.

Don't think anything bigger than a stick of gum will fit in there now.

But I definitely like the carbon fiber idea. I'll have to scrounge around and find some.

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Close to what I have. I bought a 1gang cover (like you would place over an outlet or single light switch). I found one made of metal without any cutout. Fits well in the glove box.

Here's what I do: Go to nearest garbage can, scrounge empty beer or soda can, place on ground and stomp flat, place below kick stand (when toes are not in the way.).
Cost: 0 And, no need to store on the bike. Toss it back into the trash til the next stop. ;)

Course, you could also order something from Gary McCoy and get a free 'foot' and coozie!
Never happened to me personally but I would be concerned a homeless person would come along and think they need the can more than I do.

I find enough concrete in San Diego (fortunately) to not have issues. Good idea though I will have to pick up a plate for road trips.

You forgot to mention the most important part of your stand contraption- an attached string!

Think of this- you pull in to a stop on soft dirt, you reach back and drop you stand support plate- so far so good.

You get back to bike and ready to go- mount bike, lift kickstand, hmm reach down and grab plate as bike leans over and now you are the bikes side stand plate!

Attach a string or fishing line and hook on handle bars and viola- problem solved for retrieving stand plate.

yeah! :clapping: you can thank me later!

I bought a round electrical plate and you can run a heavy string through the hole. Simply pick up the string when you get back on you bike and "reel" in the plate. Saves you haveing to hold the bike up while bending over to pick it up. It fits in the glove box on my 06. Cheap and if you forget it no big loss.

not sure on the FJR (still an AE waiter), but I've used the license plate fasteners (back side) to store a plate by a single wingnut.

String is a good idea, and i use it -- drape it over the left bar, and you won't forget to retrieve it!

I guess in situations like that you could always just use the center-stand,

it's far more stable anyway.

Sure beats dumpster-diving!!!

Or you can use a blue Yamaha Canada side stand puck that Yamaha Canada give out for free :clapping:

Attach a string or fishing line and hook on handle bars and viola- problem solved for retrieving stand plate.
yeah! :clapping: you can thank me later!
If you do that, you might want to make sure that you don't use anything remotely resembling this:


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