Signs of Spring

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Oriskany, NY
I have seen sure signs of an early Spring, in the following order of arrival:

Flocks of robins-

Flocks of geese-

Flocks of red winged black birds-

Harley rider with German helmet, fixed, scowling, baleful glare-

Decent roads and riding weather is not far behind!!!

I have seen sure signs of an early Spring, in the following order of arrival:Flocks of robins-

Flocks of geese-

Flocks of red winged black birds-

Harley rider with German helmet, fixed, scowling, baleful glare-

Decent roads and riding weather is not far behind!!!

Yeah, rub it in! I have a brother-in-law living in Malibu, where I plan to be next Winter!

cold,warm,wet,dry,cold,warm,dry,cold,warm,wet and snow this coming weekend. Just Oklahoma weather, but 1,150 miles in this sht since middle of Feb. aint all bad.

Seeing the classic HD riders now that the weather is in the 50s - - no windshield, no helmet. Don't see them on the road when the temps are below 50.

Well, I'm sleeping in this wonderfully cozy den hollowed out in a stump and some dork with a top hat bangs on my house with a stick! Already irritated he reaches in through a hinged door I swear wasn't there last Fall and pulls me out to show me to a crowd of equally dorky spectators. You think he'd Google that Spring is still a week away.....dork.



I have seen sure signs of an early Spring, in the following order of arrival:Flocks of robins-

Flocks of geese-

Flocks of red winged black birds-

Harley rider with German helmet, fixed, scowling, baleful glare-

Decent roads and riding weather is not far behind!!!

Yeah, on March 16th. Be sure to post what the temp is in July and August. :)

Yeah, on March 16th. Be sure to post what the temp is in July and August. :)
That's why I live where the fun Sierra roads with temperatures in the 80's or just a bit higher in July and August are only 1/2 hour to an hour away :)

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They're finally starting to sweep up all the sand off the roads. Does that count?

First sign of Spring?






College Girls!!!!


(Yeah, I know! I need a new picture! Haven't been out there for a couple of weeks, though.)

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First sign of Spring?





College Girls!!!!


(Yeah, I know! I need a new picture! Haven't been out there for a couple of weeks, though.)
What's the matter with you? We were promised a show with a high powered zoom lens... :unsure:

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All the cherry trees in our local area have already blossomed and now the winds are blowing them all over the front yard and down the street. Daffodils have been up for well over a month. In the backyard the sedum, hostas and crocosmia are coming up, and I've already seen hummingbirds. I've even had to cut the lawn once already, cutting in to my weekend riding time.

I'd say things are at least one month ahead of normal, at least here in the Pacific Northwet. But last week when I was in Vegas it was downright chilly, although I heard they were supposed to see 80's this week.


For me it's when the beach maidens make their first shy, graceful entry onto the warm sands of the San Diego waterfront. I can close my eyes and hear their soft voices now. "I don't give a rat's ass what he's doing, tell OM to get his sorry butt over here. I'm in the mood." It's cherished annual traditions such as this that, for me, announce the arrival of Spring.

PS - That's me on the left, by the way, in my part time job as a bodyguard, trying to keep the beach hooligans (Bust) from having their way with these gentle young girls. If you ever see any other pictures of me on the forum that feature a rather large midsection, you'll know they must have been photo-shopped.

Whenever the ice melts from the road is riding season; spring is only a bonus!

when the hose comes out of storage and I find myself washing 2 cars and the bike on a sunny weekend afternoon.

that's a more reliable sign than any stupid rodent

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I know it's spring when I get email from out of state friends that they went on their first ride for the year.

Yep, I'm with Highcountry, but most "Bros" around here won't even ride in the 50s. It's getting into the high 60s and now all them noisy silly, pirate-posers are come'in out of the wood works. It must be spring! :pirate:


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