Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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If you folks expect God to have any mercy on you this weekend (and avoid a deluge), you better stop referring to me as Reverend Ashe. Not even The Almighty would consider that title funny, given my lack of "redeeming qualities" and abundant character flaws.

What would you rather be called (I'm afraid to ask)?

Well, not too happy about the extended weather forecast, but things may change! Everyone cross your fingers.
By the way, we will be in Slade, KY Friday, just in case you want to watch the weather for yourself.

Looks like everyone is still meeting at Natural Bridge at about 2:00 pm. Go to the lodge in the park, we will be there.
Looks like we may make it in time for the 2:00 meeting. If we get there late, where will everyone be at say 3:00 or 4:00? If we don't run into any thunderstorms or snow on the way down. :angry2: Looking forward to a weekend away :yahoo:

OK, I have caught up with this thread since April 6th: I am ready, I am bring my Magellan GPS named Dufus and my steed is shodded with Shinko Ravens and I got an brand new shinny yellow oil filter too boot! Got out my winter waterproof gear I bought when I weight 320+ lbs. (now weight 209 :) ). Keithaba says I rooming with him Saturday and I have a room reserved at Beaks Sunday and I think Drew is rooming with me. PMing Scab to make sure I not out in the cold Friday night. :huh: Going to be riding tomorrow with my bud Heidi, life couldn't be better! Damn the torpedo's, full speed ahead!
OK, I have caught up with this thread since April 6th: I am ready, I am bring my Magellan GPS named Dufus and my steed is shodded with Shinko Ravens and I got an brand new shinny yellow oil filter too boot! Got out my winter waterproof gear I bought when I weight 320+ lbs. (now weight 209 :) ). Keithaba says I rooming with him Saturday and I have a room reserved at Beaks Sunday and I think Drew is rooming with me. PMing Scab to make sure I not out in the cold Friday night. :huh: Going to be riding tomorrow with my bud Heidi, life couldn't be better! Damn the torpedo's, full speed ahead!
If you are wearing hi-vis yellow and running Stinkos with lots of air... Well, let's just say there's NO WAY Scab will leave you alone.


Ride Safe. See ya there!

My family plans just changed so I will be able to make the ride this weekend. I have to work on Friday so I will just ride down to natural bridge Saturday morning. Looking forward to doing some good riding and meeting everyone.

I don't have any lodging reservation so I will just see what works out. If someone needs a roomate give me a shout.



I have had my Ravens since the week before EOM 2007, Once I got them scrubbed in, they haven't been to bad, better than the OEM Metz Z6's BUT, the only riding in the rain with them has been on the slabs and the flat land twisties here in Tidewater VA. Right now they have about 4500 miles on them. Do I need to be wary of them in the rain on this ride?


:( Sorry but you can count me out on this one. Rain every day but one pretty much defeats the main reason for going. Yes Jeff I know the company would be great, but if I was going for that I would take the cage. Plus the boss thinks I am doing him a big favor by staying to do testing Thursday & Friday.

Keith, If this costs you more than the $80 I have sent just let me know.

Heidi, If you end up having a room with no room mate let me know what I owe you.

I hope you guys have a great time and the weather man really messed up again. Take care.

:( Sorry but you can count me out on this one. Rain every day but one pretty much defeats the main reason for going. Yes Jeff I know the company would be great, but if I was going for that I would take the cage. Plus the boss thinks I am doing him a big favor by staying to do testing Thursday & Friday. Keith, If this costs you more than the $80 I have sent just let me know.

Heidi, If you end up having a room with no room mate let me know what I owe you.

I hope you guys have a great time and the weather man really messed up again. Take care.
That's cool, I understand.

You already paid for the 2 rooms, the only night that it changes things is Friday. If we can't work it out, it would be cool for you to pay your roomate half the cabin expenses.

I'll make sure to drink a beer in your cabin for you! :D

Check your e-mails.

If you didn't get an e-mail from me with the 5 routes, then e-mail me.

Keithaba at yahoo dot com.

I screwed one thing up, most routes are self explanatory, Sundays route is called US25ES to HWY801.

I should be at the lodge at 2:00. First thing everyone needs to do, is pay for your room when you get to Nat. Bridge.

If your meeting up with us at Nat. Bridge, we will be departing from the park at 9:00 AM. We will either be at the lodge or at the cabins (we gotta see how far the walk is from cabins to lodge).

11th At Natural Bridge (No one paid yet, we pay when we get there)

1. Keithaba / Jager and S.O.

2. Drewvanracer / Borrec's Ghost

3. Luvtoride / Haulin Ashe and Lovely Lady

4. Violione / Scab

Got their own rooms, meeting up at Natural Bridge in the A.M.

5. Ohio FJR and S.O.

6. Quicksilver and S.O.

12th At Pine Mountain

1. Keithaba / Violione

2. Luvtoride / The Spirit of Borrec

3. Drewvanracer / Scab

4. Haulin Ashe and Lovely Lady

Got their own rooms registered at Pine Mountain

5. Ohio FJR and S.O.

6. Quicksilver and S.O.

7. Jagermeister and S.O.

13th at Breaks Interstate Park

1. Keithaba / Scab

2. Luvtoride / Drew Scores a bed, If Heidi is cool with rooming with him!

got their own rooms registered at Breaks

3. Ohio FJR and S.O.

4. Quicksilver and S.O.

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:( Sorry but you can count me out on this one. Rain every day but one pretty much defeats the main reason for going. Yes Jeff I know the company would be great, but if I was going for that I would take the cage. Plus the boss thinks I am doing him a big favor by staying to do testing Thursday & Friday. Keith, If this costs you more than the $80 I have sent just let me know.

Heidi, If you end up having a room with no room mate let me know what I owe you.

I hope you guys have a great time and the weather man really messed up again. Take care.
That's cool, I understand.

You already paid for the 2 rooms, the only night that it changes things is Friday. If we can't work it out, it would be cool for you to pay your roomate half the cabin expenses.

I'll make sure to drink a beer in your cabin for you! :D
That brings a tear to my eye that you would make that sacrifice for me. ;)

If my not being there is going to cost someone just let me know or they get a free night that is fine too.

I have had my Ravens since the week before EOM 2007, Once I got them scrubbed in, they haven't been to bad, better than the OEM Metz Z6's BUT, the only riding in the rain with them has been on the slabs and the flat land twisties here in Tidewater VA. Right now they have about 4500 miles on them. Do I need to be wary of them in the rain on this ride?

If you are riding solo on mostly worn Ravens, then definitely YES, be careful. They aren't bad when two-up and above 55F. Just watch for cold starting temps and rain mixed. Definitely give them a good 30 minutes of precautious warmup.

2. Luvtoride / Drew Scores a bed, If Heidi is cool with rooming with him!

Don't worry Heidi Im a really nice guy. You can trust a guy who wares SpongeBob pajamas.

Jay & I are leaving here @ 1:30 this afternoon (Thursday), spending the night @ Jim Meadows, meeting Steve (daddysbike) for breakfast in Beckley on Friday morning & arrival into NB will hopefully be before 2:00. We plan to slab on 64 to NB if Friday looks like rain. We'll make that decision last minute. If we slab, we'll be in NB in time w/o much doubt.

As far as a roomy, it looks like I'm shy a roomate on Sat & Sun. nights. We are riding in... rain or no rain. So, I'm a sure bet as a roomy if someone rears their ugly head & needs a room. Be forewarned, I snore unless I lay on my side & I've been having old person problems w/ my left shoulder... so, I cannot lay on it for long & cannot stay on the right all night. "Have earplugs will travel" makes good sense. I lent my young boy blow up doll to Jeff's lovely lady, so you wouldn't need to worry about that. I also smoke but do not do so inside... so, all rooms are smoke free. Be good you guyz, will see you very soon, Heidi

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2. Luvtoride / Drew Scores a bed, If Heidi is cool with rooming with him!

Don't worry Heidi Im a really nice guy. You can trust a guy who wares SpongeBob pajamas.
Damn, I guess I will take my SpongeBob PJ's out and go with my Spiderman so we don't clash at the PJ Party? :p

2. Luvtoride / Drew Scores a bed, If Heidi is cool with rooming with him!

Don't worry Heidi Im a really nice guy. You can trust a guy who wares SpongeBob pajamas.
Hey, we must've been posting at the same time. Drew, that's fine with me.

Borrec, sorry to hear of the departure... but I definitely understand.

Borrec, sorry to hear of the departure... but I definitely understand.
I think he has been hanging with Fencer too much, afraid to play in the rain!! :p

J/K Borrec, Look forward to seeing you on the next one! Come up to N. GA sometime and we will go play in the twisties!


I think he has been hanging with Fencer too much, afraid to play in the rain!! :p
Does that mean that at EOM, we'll be setting up a display of Summer's Eve for Borrec, also?

jk Borrec. I completely understand. I was watching the weather channel this morning. Looks like severe weather moving thru AL.

You better believe that if this weekend turns out nice for the most part, I'm REALLY gonna' tease you.

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jk Borrec. I completely understand. I was watching the weather channel this morning. Looks like severe weather moving thru AL.
You better believe that if this weekend turns out nice for the most part, I'm REALLY gonna' tease you.
You better believe I'm gonna kid you, no matter what!


Lovely Lady and I are leaving at 14:00 today. See yall there. Hurry up Scab!!!
