Signup For E. KY Ride April 11-14th

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I am not a huge fan of riding in the rain, so I am working on rain routes. Got one done for Sat. working on the one for Sunday. I'll start to e-mail them tomorrow so check your boxes.
Just curious how everyone feels about taking a more direct, less twisty route if we get slammed with rain. I am a huge puss when it comes to riding in the rain, I just have no confidence and will not be pushing it at all if the road conditions are wet.
Well, it's like this. I have made special arrangements for the kids. GF is off work. I have approved vacation for Friday. New Dunlop tires on the bike. Bike serviced this week. I bought heated gear in December. We have 600 miles to do in 22 hours from Thursday afternoon to Friday noon. We have 535 miles to do in 20 hours from Sunday afternoon to Monday at noon. Get the picture???

I'd rather hang out with you folks than anybody else I know. We are coming and we are riding, but only if the twisties remain included. I come for two things, good company and good roads. Just let me know if I need to find twisties elsewhere. It's going to be wet no matter where you ride in the Southeast this weekend.

I'm okay with shortening the routes a bit. Most of what I saw was circular routes/loops where we could simply bail and head to camp, once everyone has had enough. I'll be taking Aleve and feathering my clutch in the corners to keep the bike planted. My best suggestion, if you are running ME880 or Stinko Ravens, stay home or change tires. Bring good rubber and let's have some fun.


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I am not a huge fan of riding in the rain, so I am working on rain routes. Got one done for Sat. working on the one for Sunday. I'll start to e-mail them tomorrow so check your boxes.
Just curious how everyone feels about taking a more direct, less twisty route if we get slammed with rain. I am a huge puss when it comes to riding in the rain, I just have no confidence and will not be pushing it at all if the road conditions are wet.
Well, it's like this. I have made special arrangements for the kids. GF is off work. I have approved vacation for Friday. New Dunlop tires on the bike. Bike serviced this week. I bought heated gear in December. We have 600 miles to do in 22 hours from Thursday afternoon to Friday noon. We have 535 miles to do in 20 hours from Sunday afternoon to Monday at noon. Get the picture???

I'd rather hang out with you folks than anybody else I know. We are coming and we are riding, but only if the twisties remain included. I come for two things, good company and good roads. Just let me know if I need to find twisties elsewhere. It's going to be wet no matter where you ride in the Southeast this weekend.

I'm okay with shortening the routes a bit. Most of what I saw was circular routes/loops where we could simply bail and head to camp, once everyone has had enough. I'll be taking Aleve and feathering my clutch in the corners to keep the bike planted. My best suggestion, if you are running ME880 or Stinko Ravens, stay home or change tires. Bring good rubber and let's have some fun.

Amen!! Good Sermon Reverend Ashe! ;)

My tires are not worn out simply because I've had no time to ride, so I'm good there.

I'm not afraid to ride in rain. It really doesn't freak me out badly. After all, I learned to canyon carve in some mountain rains.

I am not hot on riding twisties or no twisties, if it's a total deluge... but have done it. Ya' gotta' figure, I'm pretty much doing a, for the most part, man's sport. I cannot be a wimp... (well, that is except for that steep, slippery grass/graveled driveway... & I got over that)

I'd want to wait out the really heavy stuff & cut the trip short if it looks like it ain't gonna' stop... but still do some twisties.

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Bring good rubber and let's have some fun.
What would the KY ride be without good rubbers?


The rain routes are only if we are just getting pounded by storms. We will get to do twisties. In this part of KY, it's almost impossible to avoid the twisties!

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If the weather report looks like that Wednesday/Thursday I will stay here and ride.
Hey roomie, there is someone depending on your attendance. Uh,..... ME

I agree with Brent... right down to his statement about NO BALD TIRES.
I go for the ride first and socializing second. I don't mind riding in the rain to get there or back home, but rain 75% of the trip kind of kills the reason. Understand there are no great roads here in LA and these trips are more important to me to enjoy the riding.

Heidi, don't worry if I don't make it and you don't have a roomie I will still cover my half. I will decide Wednesday night since I am leaving work early Thursday. I hope this becomes a moot point and I see you guys Friday. :)

Agreed, riding is first & socializing 2nd. So, in light of that... your ass will be there, right? :p Looking forward to meeting you, Heidi

If the weather report looks like that Wednesday/Thursday I will stay here and ride.
Hey roomie, there is someone depending on your attendance. Uh,..... ME

I agree with Brent... right down to his statement about NO BALD TIRES.
I go for the ride first and socializing second. I don't mind riding in the rain to get there or back home, but rain 75% of the trip kind of kills the reason. Understand there are no great roads here in LA and these trips are more important to me to enjoy the riding.

Heidi, don't worry if I don't make it and you don't have a roomie I will still cover my half. I will decide Wednesday night since I am leaving work early Thursday. I hope this becomes a moot point and I see you guys Friday. :)
Taking off 2 weekends in a row to ride.......your boss must ride also. See you next week. Wade

How many post does it take to have a Ride in Ketucky?

266 and counting.

20% chance of showers on Saturday, 30% on Sunday. I can live with that.

I have a question are there any Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, First Responders or have put a bandaid on a kid once in our ride group?


I have a question are there any Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, First Responders or have put a bandaid on a kid once in our ride group?
I have a nice first aid kit w/ pamphlets on how to stop bleeding, etc. Does that help?

Heidi, don't worry if I don't make it and you don't have a roomie I will still cover my half. I will decide Wednesday night since I am leaving work early Thursday. I hope this becomes a moot point and I see you guys Friday. :)
See there, just the kind of person that rides an FJR. Good people!

Agreed, riding is first & socializing 2nd. So, in light of that... your ass will be there, right? :p Looking forward to meeting you, Heidi
Sounds to me like, if you can't be there, just sending your ass will do. My GF says the ass is always piloting the FJR. It never goes anywhere without him!


Come on Borrec. If all you want to do is sit around and bitch about the weather, then you won't find a better place or better bunch of people to do that with.

I carry a First Aid kit on the bike and the GF is a nurse. We play doctor.

Paging Dr. Perv, Paging Dr. Perv.


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Still following the thread even though I can't make it. Makes me "greener" as the time gets near. Hope you all have a safe and fun ride regardless of the weather.

See you at EOM!

Damnit....still have some decent tread left on the Storms but at 7500 miles time is running short....if it's really wet and twisty I'll just fall back and rely on the old GPS for guidance since I'd rather save my bacon for a ride another day.

Oil and TBS done last night. Gave her a once over, and magically, while working on the bike, the little rubber threaded plug that holds the plastic side cover panel to the tank dissapeared???

Searched my entire garage floor for it, and under the tank. Gone... I'm thinking twilight zone or it's somewhere with the socks that seem to dissapear from the dryer? :dntknw:

These have been the longest 3 days at work... seems like Friday is so far away!!!!!!!!

I hope the skylift is still open if it rains. It would be cool to go to the top of natural bridge in the rain, now I just need a waterproof camera!


How about that weather! I'm coming to KY regardless of the weather. Yeah, I hope that I don't regret that statement.

I'll be prepared, though. It is VERY rare that I do a trip & it doesn't rain at least once. I ain't skeert if it does!

Question - will we be hoofing-it on Friday afternoon to the tourist gawking place, or will we need to mount the loyal steeds and ride there?

I'm wondering if I should bring some regular street clothes and a disposable poncho to walk around in?

Question - will we be hoofing-it on Friday afternoon to the tourist gawking place, or will we need to mount the loyal steeds and ride there?
I'm wondering if I should bring some regular street clothes and a disposable poncho to walk around in?
I'm going to the skylift as long as it is open. That is a hell of a hike to get up there without the skylift! It is .5 miles from the park. An easy walk, but I was hoping we could ride around the park a little before going on the skylift. I'm just going to leave my gear on, since it's mostly waterproof anyway.

Saturday is looking better, although it's going to be on the cool side.
Cool is definitely ok... especially if it's dry.

Edited to add: Does anyone look at Their forecast is... well, liveable, sort of: click this puppy

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Holy Crap! I leave for one day, and suddenly 20 posts about rain appear. Pansies!

I'll be a little cautious riding in Friday, given the shallow front BT021 tread. :unsure:

Once we've arrived Friday, it's one shot of Jager for every hour of rain! :drinks:

Saturday should be fun: Pineville Weather. The loops planned for Saturday are great. Reverened Ashe will have ample Dunlop reports to post, after that.

See post # 18.

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