SkooterG munches Playa dust!

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Get well soon, SkooterG.

It's funny how this forum works, I feel like I'm old friends with people I've never met in person.
+1. Never met most of the folks that frequent this forum but, when I read abt get-offs like this, I feel as though a close friend was involved.

I was with Ignaco in the truck when we pulled up to see Skoot sitting on his side bag, bike pointing backwards.

He really is a crasher extraordinaire.<G>

But I tell ya, Skoot has cat sensitivity. His bike went end over end and probably a knee or elbow dented his tank. This could easily have been a fatality, so Greg did something right. Broken collarbone and wounded pride is a small price to pay for his arc across the playa.

Steve Hobart ( CHP ) sorta ran the scene and Tom Sperry was the medical-trained dude who first spotted the collarbone akimbo. No doubt about it, this is the best group of folks I know of.

Heal up fast Skoot.


Same here. Strange isn't it. Like when my daughter looked at me with concern and asked me if Lorie and I were really going to Boone NC to meet a bunch of people we met on the internet!

Best wishes for the interior decorator's recovery!! :D

Belay my last - TWN's the decorator as I now recall.

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No doubt about it, this is the best group of folks I know of.GZ
No doubt! At all!

Heal up Scoot dude, I feel for ya. This was a good group to crash in front of and pride heals, no doubt faster than the collarbone.

The playa has almost bit my ass a few years ago.

I did the "Invalid Tour" on the way home and visited my brother and another in Bend and Redmond who are recovering from much worse crashes. Neither of these fellows will be walking under their own steam anytime soon.


Sorry to hear about the off-roading exercise...

Heal up soon.

Collar bones feel much better after about a week, don't ask me how I know.


Hey Skoot..

The 'new' FJR going to have long travel supsension, high front fender, and knobbies? :D

Oh, Vicodin + Vodka = Vodkadin... :dribble: Guranteed to make you drool and for creative posts to the board..

All in all, you'ze was pretty lucky.. Collarbones and ribs, while they hurt like hell, are fairly minor injuries. Take some time, heal up, don't push the healing envelope too soon lest you do bigger long term damage. But you know all this! I'm very glad you're OK SG...

So basically, the the Official Forum Pain-In-The-Ass is now suffering from a Pain-In-The-Neck.

Get well soon, beotch. :)


Same here with the best wishes and heal fast, Skooter.

To paraphrase Family Vacation "Dad you must have flipped that bike end over end three times.." "Yeah Russ, but it's nothing to be proud of...." LOL

Heal up fast there Skooter...

I'm sure the confidence takes a tumble for a short bit after something like this. Not to worry, you'll be good as new pretty soon -thanks to your buddies who helped you out- and your psyche will be right along side...


Skooter, i broke my right collarbane some years ago falling off a horse. I'm right handed so i had to learn to do things lefty. Eating, writing,driving,etc. aren't too hard but that wiping your butt thing gets a little tricky :blink: . Heal quick, Bob

Here a couple of the photos I took of the scene.

Notice how close the actual path is on the left to navigate back to the highway. His bike ended in the shadow created by my bike. You were very close to a safer exit, damn!


If you look closely at the the lower left portion of this photo and in line with my bikes shadow, you will see the rear avon tire profile right before the 'bump' in the playa.


I talked with him this morning and he is very sore right now. I'm resisting adding anything humorous at this point in an attempt to not further aggravate the already painful situation. :D

Heal fast Greg, we're all rooting for ya! :)

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Skoot's doing well. I talked with him last night when he got back into Phoenix. Ironically, he got home around the same time I pulled in! (13 hours after I left Gerlach) He was in a fair amount of pain, and said he was going to be taking it easy for the next few days. He called me a few minutes ago, and was running errands..... so much for taking it easy.... One of the errands was getting a new rear tire for his 'new' FJR. My only comment was "Why are you doing that? You cant ride the thing for like two months!!" Skoot has a hard time doing nothing.

Damn, Skoot. Sorry, dude. If it is any consolation, my son shattered his collar bone in a fight with his dirt bike and a tree stump. Dr.s estimated his time off the bike would be 6 weeks. He was sneaking the bike out when I wasn't looking and riding in less than 2. Heal quick, man.

If you look closely at the the lower left portion of this photo and in line with my bikes shadow, you will see the rear avon tire profile right before the 'bump' in the playa.
Ahh. It wasn't a worn "lane" of traffic travel then. It was a flow area or a natural bump. The edge of the playa (within a mile of the edge or so) seems to be much more dynamic than out in the middle. I'm sure there's some geologic explanation for that bump.

For folks that haven't been here before if you were to turn the camera 180 degrees you would see a flat surface that extends like 20 miles until the next mountain range. It is truly a surreal sight.
