Sky High this morning

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Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Reaction score
Mustang, OK
I had just finished dinner yesterday evening when I heard a bike coming up the driveway. As I gazed out the window I noticed an 07 go by. I thought to myself , well finally Mack ,(20valves) on the fjrowners board, had finally come to show me his new 07. He had been promising to bring it by for sometime so I could get a good long look. He had brought his bumblebee R1 by last year for me to ogle, knowing full well the torment it would cause. On closer inpection I quickly ruled out Mack as the rider was wearing a 3/4 helmet with a large visor. Not Macks style. Then I quickly realized It was one of my best friends, Eddie, who had just taken a sales job at Maxeys Yamaha/Honda in OKC. Great I thought, he knew I loved my 03 and came back to torment me. I yelled at the family to come see the new 07 FJR. Eddie took his helmet off, and said what do you think. I immediately begin to salivate like one of Pavlov's dogs. He said do you like it. I said does a one legged duck swim in a circle. As you all knoe beautiful doesn't even begin to describe the FJR. So there I was ,gawking, speechless, and growing more envious as I stared. Starting at the front, it alredy had Motovation sliders,A Throttlemiester, aaaaaannnnnndddddd two brothers racing slip ons. As I went around the bike Eddie said look at those pipes. I said yeah they are sweet. No look harder at the end caps. Yeah they are nice. Finally Marla yells" look at the tag STUPID." There it was MAXEYS CYCLE and under DR. PARTIN. :blink: :shok: :shok: My brain, not quite registering what I was seeing, tried to process it all. I thought back 2 years earlier, and Marla telling me I was done with motorcycles till the kids were out of the house and raised. Then I could go kill myself. Connor was only 9 at the time. I looked at Marla and she said the magic words, ITS YOURS :shok: :shok: :shok:

I was dumdfounded :shok: :shok: :shok: I started jumping up and down like a bunch of schoolgirls that just saw a 6 ft rattlesnake.

Happy fathers day she tells me. :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Is she the best wife on the planet or what? :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Thats right boys and girls Glenn is back in the saddle


You have no idea Odot. I'm on cloud 9 today.I piddled around in the Garage till 11:00 last night. Trying to find the zip tie I'm suppose to cut at the bottom of the ignition switch. I've got to check the bag lock screws too.

Rock friggin' on! WOOOT! Congrats, Glenn! Wada Wifey you got there, bro! :good:

Can I have the NSX now? Obviously, you won't be needing it anymore. :)

Edit: Oooh, can you make WFO now?

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That's awesome!!!

So how many miles did your friend put on it before bringing over???

I probably would have racked up a few hundred before the magic drop off moment, you know, just to make sure it ran o.k. :)

You are a very fortunate man to have a wife that supports your desire to be happy, joyous and free to ride. My wife of 44 years is just like yours. Keep on living and ride safe. Congrats on the 07. Hope to meet you someday down the road.

Glenn, how cool was THAT?!! Thanks MOM! Bet that made your SUMMER!!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

Who's got that banner that says "This Thread Is No Good Without Pictures".....

Good luck with the new ride, even if it is purple. :)

Do you think your wife would consult with other forum member wives!! Congratulations. Ride long and prosper.

Thanks guys, I do have a keeper, actually 2 of them now.

I appreciate you're kind words.

I'm not sure what changed her mind but she did say she could tell I had really been missing it. I promised not to hoon around like I had been before.

I'm telling you, I thought it would be 8 more years before I could get on a street bike.

TWN No you can't have the NSX, I just detailed this week end and it still looks like it came off the showroom floor.

Unfortunately I won't make WFO as my oldest daughter is getting married then.

I made Moscow and had a blast , so I'll be at next years event.


Sky High this morning
Guess thats better than being "Skyway High this morning" :blink:

Congrats on the cool ass wifey who bought you the new scooter! I'd say this would maker her a keeper. :good:

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WOW! :yahoo:
That's great news Glenn. Give your wife a hug from all of us for doing such a great thing. :clapping: :clapping:

I think she'll be getting a lot more than a hug. Congrats! Enjoy the ride(not that one, well, that one too!)

Be frickin' safe too, there's enough of that stuff happening, and can I come over and wax the NSX next time? Just to say I "waxed" one to my friends ;)
