Sky High this morning

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Evil come on down and not only can you wax the NSX you can take it for a spin.

Exskibum, your are correct about the grin, all day all my patients have been asking me if I'm OK because of the ear to ear grin. I can't seem to control myself.

Evil come on down and not only can you wax the NSX you can take it for a spin.
Exskibum, your are correct about the grin, all day all my patients have been asking me if I'm OK because of the ear to ear grin. I can't seem to control myself.

I have to get cleared by the ENT Doc first, but I got some vacation time at the end of june coming. I just might!

Dang, I knew I shoulda moved to Oklahoma. That's the best gift one could ever get. Happy father's day! Give the wife a hug from all us. PM. <>< :yahoo:

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Thanks guys, I do have a keeper, actually 2 of them now.
I appreciate you're kind words.

I'm not sure what changed her mind but she did say she could tell I had really been missing it. I promised not to hoon around like I had been before.

I'm telling you, I thought it would be 8 more years before I could get on a street bike.

TWN No you can't have the NSX, I just detailed this week end and it still looks like it came off the showroom floor.

Unfortunately I won't make WFO as my oldest daughter is getting married then.

I made Moscow and had a blast , so I'll be at next years event.

My wife bought my FJR in February.I was shocked but also I think she was fed up with my oldies and no goodies.Blew me away so for her birthday which was Saturday I gave her two carats worth of iced earrings.I am really blesed to have her.

FJRMGM, she hasn't asked for anything but.............................she won't tell me how much my daughters wedding is costing either.

Kiethaba, NSX not T

Good luck with the new ride. Your wife is the greatest.

That story reminds me of how I got my first car. My two older brothers and their girfriends at the time, bought me a 1966 chevy II for Christmas. They hid it in the garage and after everyone opened gifts and I was sitting there, my dad asked me to put the bag of torn up wrappers in the garage. I didn't think of why everone was following me, until I turned on the light.


welcome back, glenn...

story brought tear to my eye, as i remember the beginning of it...

that is soooo awsome, congrats!!!!!

Ain't it great to have a Good and Understanding Woman! My wife didn't buy mine but did everything in her power to find me one when my "Italian Whore"(Futura) left me stranded in Atlanta on the way to Daytona last year. Called dealers all over Ohio, Indiana and 'Tucky to find some place with one in stock who'd take an Aprillia trade. She knew I'd wanted one sense I sold my '86 Venture and tried to turn a '01 Bandit into an FJR. Long story short Bandit blew up 3 times , got Futura, electrics melted down twice she said lets go get your Yamaha....Happy Man? You Bet...Her and the Bike!!

I had no idea where the title was going to take this thread. Congratulations, Glenn, on many levels! Welcome keep your promise to ride safer and more sane. Think "Touring Mode"...well, mostly. :D The only thing left to say is:

:clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:

:blink: I am absolutely astounded.

Glenn, you have an unbelievable wife, congratulations and enjoy it in good health and may it bring you and your wife untold good times and memories of trips to distant places that you can share with the rest of us.

Great story! I like it when there is a winner in it!

Congrats and ride safe. You really owe it to her to be safe, ATGATT, and all that stuff.

- BD
