Skyway motorcycle accessories

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Assuming the best of everyone, my personal guess would be that his business took off faster than he could keep up. He got in over his head, and instead of halting orders for a highly complex system he kept accepting prepayments that he used to fund raw materials for smaller, higher volume production items with quicker turn around (and other "business expansion costs" like web sites). Eventually, when forced to face delivery requirements on the more complex products he was upside down and never recovered.
Where he soured was failing to be up front with his customers about what was really happening; making arrangements to either deliver (on a delayed schedule) or refund via some sort of payment plan. It's a hard thing for anyone to face and sometimes the pressure on a person is enough to cause them to avoid resolution all together.

it doesn't help those who don't have their money or a product, but it does provide a (conjectured) closer look at the psychology of such things.

Wrong a Thief is a thief.

Hear, hear… I’m the dumb ass sucker that has to call and convince my credit card company to refund my money! I ordered and paid for in good faith what looked like a fine product… what a pain in the ass!!!

It's sad because his hydration system is the best I've seen. But given the issues I was hesitant to order on the site and instead I'm going to try to make one....

I hope you get your money back quickly

It's sad because his hydration system is the best I've seen. But given the issues I was hesitant to order on the site and instead I'm going to try to make one....
I hope you get your money back quickly
Thanks… What site.... Skyway is no more!

I have a set of Skyway sliders on the bike, and a new set of OES sliders on the bench. I was going to swap them this week, but the OES seem a lot shorter. I can't remember from when I added the Skyways, but is that metal cylinder that the Delrin piece snugs up against on the right side a part of the bike, or the slider?

Wrong a Thief is a thief.
once he continued after the point of "getting upside down", he moved from bad businessman into that area. If you remember back, he started out making a couple of things and expanding. It wouldn't appear that he started out with the intent to deceive. Believe me I'm not being his apologist, i was simply examining how someone could move along the arc he took.

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Hear, hear… I’m the dumb ass sucker that has to call and convince my credit card company to refund my money! I ordered and paid for in good faith what looked like a fine product… what a pain in the ass!!!
I'm in the process of getting a refund myself. I'ts been about 1-1/2 months since I ordered the sliders with no responses from Skyway. It will take 30-60 days to get a refund, so I haev about another month left.

You are not alone.

Looks like he's finally gone. I guess I consider myself very lucky because 1: I got my audiovox CC about 10 months ago for $95.00; and 2: I ordered Skyway's mount, which showed up right on time and is a really nice unit.
I guess it's good that he's now (apparently) out of business, because people still wanted to order his stuff as it really is good quality, but it's pretty clear that he's either a terrible businessman or a thief... Here's the mount:

I have one of those also that I bought 2 years ago and really like the quality and "factory installed" look of the mount. It's a shame he went downhill.

I bought a few items from Skyway and I always recieved them even if they were months late. When I first joined the site years ago I called him out for horrible service and unanswered emails only to be put in my place by his loyal following at the time. Much has changed and I hope he cannot hurt people anymore. It's really sad becuase his items really were some of the best. I was lucky enough to get a right side CC.

Assuming the best of everyone, my personal guess would be that his business took off faster than he could keep up. He got in over his head, and instead of halting orders for a highly complex system he kept accepting prepayments that he used to fund raw materials for smaller, higher volume production items with quicker turn around (and other "business expansion costs" like web sites). Eventually, when forced to face delivery requirements on the more complex products he was upside down and never recovered.
Where he soured was failing to be up front with his customers about what was really happening; making arrangements to either deliver (on a delayed schedule) or refund via some sort of payment plan. It's a hard thing for anyone to face and sometimes the pressure on a person is enough to cause them to avoid resolution all together.

it doesn't help those who don't have their money or a product, but it does provide a (conjectured) closer look at the psychology of such things.

Wrong a Thief is a thief.
95 dollars for sliders? Wow. I payed 25 total on ebay for mine. Whats the difference in these?

I bought a few items from Skyway and I always recieved them even if they were months late. When I first joined the site years ago I called him out for horrible service and unanswered emails only to be put in my place by his loyal following at the time. Much has changed and I hope he cannot hurt people anymore. It's really sad becuase his items really were some of the best. I was lucky enough to get a right side CC.
Skyway in my book is a P.O.S… May it never defraud anyone ever again!

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I have a set of Skyway sliders on the bike, and a new set of OES sliders on the bench. I was going to swap them this week, but the OES seem a lot shorter. I can't remember from when I added the Skyways, but is that metal cylinder that the Delrin piece snugs up against on the right side a part of the bike, or the slider?

I too have the Skyway Audiovox control mount, it's a finely engineered and built piece.

It fits perfectly and looks great, I don't know how a guy can make such good stuff and

be such a lousy businessman.

Don't know about Skyway, but I got my sliders at FJRGoodies and they did the trick. I had a tipover with no faring damage. Of course one of my bags took the punishment. Took it to an autobody shop and it is as good as new.

I bought a few items from Skyway and I always recieved them even if they were months late. When I first joined the site years ago I called him out for horrible service and unanswered emails only to be put in my place by his loyal following at the time. Much has changed and I hope he cannot hurt people anymore. It's really sad becuase his items really were some of the best. I was lucky enough to get a right side CC.
Skyway in my book is a P.O.S… May it never defraud anyone ever again!

Totally agree . . .

Don't know about Skyway, but I got my sliders at FJRGoodies and they did the trick. I had a tipover with no faring damage. Of course one of my bags took the punishment. Took it to an autobody shop and it is as good as new.
FJRGoodies "TOGS" are tip over guards and not to be confused with frame sliders. The TOGS will not do the same job as frame sliders are meant to in a spill at speed. As their name states, they are for zero speed tip overs.
