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Skyway's Aux. Fuel Cell Kit

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Good luck.

I don't think addressing posts to Skyway will do you much good.

edit: For the record: Three posts above this one was the first post in a new thread on this subject. An admin pasted that thread onto this reopened thread. I'm sure a few of us would have kept quiet if we had known our remarks were going to end up here.

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Wolfhound,Good luck.

I don't think addressing posts to Skyway will do you much good.
Ignoring & not staying in contact with others isn't going to help either.The admins allowed this GB & now should allow those involved to stay in contact, all others need not give advice. It helps me to know SKYWAY is still a person that owes big bucks to me & others & need not just be forgotten & let go. JMO, of course . . .

If those INVOLVED don't wish to stay in contact & work together on this, then that is another story. A few live in Kali & I'm willing to travel for court.

No problem here.

Just keep it civil, and to the point. Discussion is ALWAYS a good thing. (Civil discussion that is)

Those who don't have a financial interest in this should stay in 'READ ONLY' mode, or vet their comments VERY carefully. There's no good here in stirring up the natives. The goal should be a positive resolution to the problem, not a whirlwind of hot air that does nobody any good.

I'm not ready to roll over yet :angry2: I said before we needed to unite as a group to persue this but then Skyway came in and told us again he was taking care of it <_<

We need to gather all the interested parties and come up with a plan together. I think we can have a lot more impact as a group. If we could find someone who lives close enough to actually talk to the guy we might at least get some sort of reply.

Unfortunately that might be more of what we already have, nothing.

Have those affected reported it to the BBB yet (not instead of but in addition to)? I know they don't *do* anything about issues but they do document such things for people who later research before considering doing business.

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Yes, I would still like to see my money back.

I have tried several different ways, on my own and with the help of others and have always reached a dead end.

Being from another country adds a different spin for me.

I did the BBB .... with no success


Good luck all of ya.

Rad?....why ya gotta post a death metal band concert?....why?.....why?

Can we get the admin to move the threads not associated with this problem or lock them from posting more drivel ? We are seeking our money back or solution, not entertaining those with no interest in the outcome . . .

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I will admit I haven't done the BBB yet. I also live to far away to make it worthwhile to attempt to go to Cali. If anybody has any ideas, I'm open.

I will be taking a vacation down to San Diego this next Christmas vacation. My mom owns a trailer there and I will be taking my family to use it. I'm open to traveling over to his place when I come down. I know it a ways off but I'm not afraid to go directly to his place of work or home and ask for my money. And we have waited this long already.

I'm self employed and had to be very direct with some people. I did the Drywall in a food establishment in town and they were late in paying me. By the time they had their Grand Opening it was late by a couple months. I went in to order some food and there were tons of people their. The owner saw me and came up and said he would have my money the following Monday. (which he did) I think he was afraid that I was going to make a scene. I wouldn't have made a scene but I would have been direct and not shy about what I wanted.

I have done the BBB & am hoping to make a trip to visit Him this summer unless we can get a CA lawsuit going & tie up His accounts/business with a lean. I don't think it will take much to get this done. I will be happy to go there & assist with getting a case filed shortly.

Can we get the admin to move the threads not associated with this problem or lock them from posting more drivel ? We are seeking our money back or solution, not entertaining those with no interest in the outcome . . .
I wholeheartedly support this plan. And implement this more throughout the forum, ie: if you post to an oil changing thread but aren't changing oil, delete post and ban at a minimum.

I'm now out of this (email from admin) and will be taking care of this personally. I did not start a thread to gather those that have been done wrong just to get it added with a pile of crap.

Look soon for my bike to be up for sale, cheap. Thanks to those that have supported trying to do the right thing & the rest of you know where you've always stood.

You can now lock this thread again as it won't be necessary apparently.

Good bye to my GREAT friends and those I wish I'd had the chance to meet.

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Well, if that's the way ya feel.......... But seriously, all this time, and there are no solutions to be found here. Get a lawyer, get Dog the Bounty Hunter, hell, I don't know. He's obviously not gonna just lay down and start writin' checks. Bizarre doesn't begin to describe this whole fandango, and I wish there were alternatives to direct civil action for those that have been totally screwed over, but apparently there isn't. Especially not here, where I think people are sympathetic but, like me, still have a hard time believing it has come to this. Ian was once a venerated member here, becoming the Pariah just doesn't fit the character of the person we thought we knew. And, to stay in character, I present Dog and his dogette, Tits.


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Can we get the admin to move the threads not associated with this problem or lock them from posting more drivel ? We are seeking our money back or solution, not entertaining those with no interest in the outcome . . .

I did not start a thread to gather those that have been done wrong just to get it added with a pile of crap.
Welcome to my world. And the stuff now is tame compared to the really cancerous stuff from many months ago. You want me to ratchet up restriction on this thread even more or spend MORE time working on this issue? Sorry, but I can't emotionally take any more on this one.

Some seem to think Skyway is still my friend or something.

He's not.

He burned that bridge a long time ago with this issue. Any influence I may have had with him earlier on was used up as I tried to nudge, push, and later try and cajole him into doing the right thing on this issue via phone and e-mail. I guess no good deed goes unpunished...sigh.

I'm now out of this (email from admin) and will be taking care of this personally.
Not sure what you're referring to although I know you I PM'ed each other recently. Nothing in that PM suggested you should quit talking about this or anything.

Good luck though.

Perhaps you'll find some comfort confronting him face-to-face or if you get a judgment against him.

ADMIN NOTE: There's a new sheriff in this part of town. Skooterg will be monitoring this thread. You want it moderated differently or have an issue...take it up with him. I encourage you not to burn him out on the subject though. ;) Thx. / Iggy

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Look soon for my bike to be up for sale, cheap. Thanks to those that have supported trying to do the right thing & the rest of you know where you've always stood.
Good bye to my GREAT friends and those I wish I'd had the chance to meet.
Geez man, I hope you're not selling your bike and leaving over this...?! One vendor's issues cause that...nahh, can't be. That would define the phrase "takin' your ball and going home."

I'd be sick if I lost that money. Really, I would. That's if I survived telling my wife about it.

Seriously, don't sell and leave, though. Over this.


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I'd be sick if I lost that money. Really, I would. That's if I survived telling my wife about it.
Seriously, don't sell and leave, though. Over this.

That's what I'm going through now. My wife knew I bought it, wasn't thrilled but understanding of how I like my bike, but now that the economy is tougher for us, she seeing the money that could be used for something else. (if we would get it back).

I'm happy to here some of the comments by Iggy. I guess through this whole thing, I didn't really see comments as to what the administrators have tried to do or not do. (or maybe I missed a post regarding this) But I appreciated hearing that some calls and e-mails were tried. And that they have some understanding as to what we have been feeling. I'm not saying that we are not going to get our money back, but in this world we live in, it just a matter of fact we are going to get taken some times.

Wolfhound, I'm upset too, but I don't think this leaving is the answer. There is still a lot that we can enjoy and learn from this Forum.


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