Southern NH Freshie Report

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Screw the ride report...

Your doggie RAWKS!

He looks very much like my Harley-D-Dawg...

100_2964.jpg, is that a speaker on a bar stool?

Yeah, Petey is an awesome dog.

OTOH, his room mate Charlie is a lunatic. He's the first dog I've owned that I am convinced has ADD.


PS - Yep. Bar stools make great loudspeaker stands as well as tire balancing stands. ;)

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Yeah, Petey is an awesome dog.

OTOH, his room mate Charlie is a lunatic. He's the first dog I've owned that I am convinced has ADD.


PS - Yep. Bar stools make great loudspeaker stands as well as tire balancing stands. ;)
Our last Lab was actually diagnosed with ADD. The vet we used had gone to a seminar about it , and when he came back wanted to test Belle. Yup put her on uppers and down she came, $1.00/day for the pill. She was the costliest dog we ever had.

I think I'd pay the price if it would work with this retard. People that have been to our house can attest to him being a PITA.

In case you can't tell, Petey is my dog. SWMBO picked out the white one...

Yeah, Petey is an awesome dog.

OTOH, his room mate Charlie is a lunatic. He's the first dog I've owned that I am convinced has ADD.


PS - Yep. Bar stools make great loudspeaker stands as well as tire balancing stands. ;)
Wow Fred, your Charlie and my Bear (Oso) are identical twins. Bear's super kicked back and amazingly mellow!

