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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Joshua Tree, CA
Following on in the armchair is fun but I'd rather be there.

Here's the link to 4 of the Butt Lite guys - Star Trax

They're heading for Tombstone!

Stay safe guys


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For everyone about to depart, I wish you all a safe ride. B)

ScooterG swung by my place yesterday for a last minute farkle pit stop and should be ready to roll. :D

I'm really looking forward to following the daily reports.

Go members! :clapping: (at least 36% of the field of riders wander through here occasionally)

ScooterG swung by my place yesterday for a last minute farkle pit stop and should be ready to roll. :D
I bet you put on extra sliders not only on the frame, but bags and bars too, eh? And don't forget, Skoot's bike more kinda flops than rolls.


Maybe Skooter needs one of those frames like the stunt riders have....

And I thought he kinda flops and slides (and grinds and cracks and groans) :blink:


Lisa and Tobie Stevens got special rally numbers.

:lol: :lol: :D

From the BLIIII page:

John Coons had an interesting ride, and met some new friends along the way to boot. Coons elected to get to Gerlach on an overland route via Denio. By “overland,” I mean via a miserable goat path that eats motorcycles alive. When Coons limped into Gerlach, his fuel cell mounts were disintegrated and his exhaust cracked and hanging by a thread. So what did he do? The same thing that anyone who rides a motorcycle does when they get to Gerlach—he headed for Bruno’s.

As Coons worked to repair his wounded mount, he soon got to talking with some other riders who were hanging around watching him work. It wasn’t long before he figured out that he was talking to none other than George Zelenz, Rallymaster of the Spank Rally, which is departing Gerlach on Friday morning. Coons reportedly enjoyed meeting his west coast colleagues, though he was kicking himself on the way out of town. “I should have asked George for a Spank Rally T-shirt. I bet he’d have given me one if I promised to wear it at the BLIIII closing banquet photo session…I’ll do anything for a T-shirt.” :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

I’m certain riders on the Spank Rally will have to do more than ask to earn their T-shirt. Any five-day endurance rally starting out of Gerlach will present its participants with challenges never previously imagined. The Spank Rally, of course, is not just “any rally,” and its riders are in for a treat. The rider who sits down for Bruno’s famous ravioli at the end of Spank can finish his meal knowing that every bite was well earned. TeamStrange extends its best wishes to the Spank Rally riders, Rallymaster and staff as they prepare to start their adventure.

:D :D :D :D

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Just rolled in a little more than an hour ago to the Checkpoint in Joshua Tree. We haven't decided to kill George just yet.....but there are 4 days left.

Stories of triumphs and tragedies already....and several funny stories. I'll have to explain my poor photo skills at Four Corners. Minus 7K for the puppy. :blink:

Still gonna ride the rest like that didn't happen. Probably won't post until Wednesday.

George is my SPANK daddy.

Just rolled in a little more than an hour ago to the Checkpoint in Joshua Tree. We haven't decided to kill George just yet.....but there are 4 days left.
Stories of triumphs and tragedies already....and several funny stories. I'll have to explain my poor photo skills at Four Corners. Minus 7K for the puppy. :blink:

Still gonna ride the rest like that didn't happen. Probably won't post until Wednesday.

George is my SPANK daddy.

Be Safe, Iggy !

Just read H Marc's day 1 report and looked up the Kolob view point bonus. That's sneaky, imagine how you'd feel wasting all that time at the main entrance only to find the bonus was just off I15?

Nice one George!

I'm loving reading about Spank and Buttlite, gonna do one in the future. Much more fun than what I did today, traffic school :angry:

Good luck guys


John Coons had an interesting ride, and met some new friends along the way to boot. Coons elected to get to Gerlach on an overland route via Denio. By “overland,” I mean via a miserable goat path that eats motorcycles alive. When Coons limped into Gerlach, his fuel cell mounts were disintegrated and his exhaust cracked and hanging by a thread. So what did he do? The same thing that anyone who rides a motorcycle does when they get to Gerlach—he headed for Bruno’s.
Jungo Rd?

Can anyone match up these names with FJR riders? I'm just curious how they are doing....

27,900 points — Greg Marbach

27,100 points — Jim Owen

23,536 points — Terry & Lynda Lahman

22,302 points — Tom Sperry

22,269 points — Art Montoya

21,891 points — Lisa Stevens

21,891 points — Tobie Stevens

21,745 points — Bud Yates

20,408 points — Doug Chapman

20,308 points — Joe Antolick

19,854 points — Mike Berlien

19,160 points — Coni Fitch

17,923 points — Mark Crane

16,525 points — Heidi Still

15,738 points — Matt Watkins

14,805 points — Bob & Silvie Torter

13,128 points — Brian Roberts

10,327 points — Maura Gatensby

10,160 points — Eric Vaillancourt

5,894 points — Al Ladner
