
Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I'll never admit on this or any other public forum how fast my bikes will go. Suffice it to say, top speed is somewhere between too fast and not fast enough.

Why would you want to push top speed with the shield raised at all? I would lean over far enough to stay below the air stream of the lowest shield height possible, remove the side bags and stuff my pockets with loads of cash in hopes of paying my way out of jail.

Elevation would play a huge role in top speed. The FJR seems to suffer from tremendous drag increase below 2,000-feet asl. It would be interesting to test the differences in top speeds at 1,000 foot increments. I'm betting that somewhere between 3,000 and 5,000 feet asl is where it will produce the highest speeds. That's high enough to significantly reduce drag without seriously affecting horsepower.

Nice thought Haulin' Ashe. I was just recently in Colorado riding at ~ 8,000 feet where my bike was truly feeling the affects of altitude sickness. Certainly that altitude is not conducive to attempting land speed records, however, your suggestion of trying altitudes at 1000' increments seems reasonable.

For the others who would even post "indicated speeds" - aren't we all smarter than that? Your speedo is wrong - period! If you think yours is correct, you probably also own a Harley Davidson!

As to what speed is safe on public roads: Are you FN kidding? You can easily double most posted speeds on an "on-ramp" - just try it.
