Spiegler Abs Line Install...

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The Endless Font of Useless Knowledge...
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Friendswood, TX
Ok, I'm a decent guy with a wrench, but with motorcycles and parts I'm on a learning curve. I can handle the install/work, if I have a good set of instructions (pictures help me a lot, Wilbers fork springs/shock as an example). So I'm all geared up to start the Spiegler line install on my ABS bike... and figure I'll pull off what walkthrough's I can on the various websites, look through what they sent me, and go through the parts to get familiar with them. Sounds good so far.

Here's most of my stuff collected to be able to find things quickly...


So now let's see what we've got in the Spiegler box...


8-line brake kit (+1.5"), 1 clutch line (+1.5")... Hmmmmm no instructions. At least the Wilbers guys gave me some sketchy ones, and the German equivalents.... well, let's catalog what's in here...


The lines are all labelled, which correspond to the inventory list... that's good. All 8 are here, plus the clutch.... that's good too...


Now... about these other things... looks like I got 4 black banjo bolts... which I assume the double goes to the handlebar brake reservoir, and the other 3 are the front brake calipers and the clutch reservoir.... correct?



Speed bleeders (4) go to the clutch, and front and rear calipers (3 total). Blue blocks help adjust the banjos along with the "glue stick". Washers are pretty self evident.

I guess my only question is related to the silver piece in the photo 2 up from here. This I assume is the 2-way manifold? This is the one major thing I can't find well described or pictured on any online instructions. Something tells me that this operates in conjunction with the front 2 brakelines, but I'll be darned if I can figure out what goes where with what. The inventory list identifies lines 3 and 4 going from the 2-way manifold to the calipers... it also identifies the triangular bracket as associated with the 2-way manifold, along with the bolt, washer and nut.

So let the help/instruction begin. My hope is that by showing off my ignorance, others who have the same questions can be informed as well. It may be something painfully obvious that I'm missing, but I'm stumped at the moment.

You should have got a sheet of paper with the numbers (from the lines) and where they go.

The double bolt goes under the chin with the block. It's so you can connect 3 lines together (1 to each front caliper and 1 back to the modulator). The front resoviour just needs a single, back to the modulator. I'll see if I can get a picture of my "under chin area".

btw: Your profile doesn't say where you're located, if it's Seattle area, I could ride by sometime soon and you could take a look at mine.

Thanks Woodstock.

I'm just south of Houston. On an FJR, everything in the continental US is local. Some rides just take longer than others.

Hmmmm... I seem to remember the cost of the ABS line systems getting a bump so that we got replacement bolts for the reservoirs and at least front calipers. Did I not get all the bolts I was supposed to? Seems kinda goofy to get a colored bolt for under the chin area.... where nobody but me knows it's there.

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Dont forget Rick Conn's excellent writeup on installing the Spiegler lines on an ABS bike.

Just follow his steps and you oughta be fine. You do have a proper "line wrench" to remove the existing brake system's hard line connections, don't you? If you try to "muscle-****" the fitting off by using a regular open-end wrench, you're likely to round off the bolt head, and now you're in for a rough time. :eek:

Yes Dale, got Rick's print out right next to me... unfortunately he doesn't talk hardly at all about the front line manifold. And the only picture I can see it in is a vague one he has with all the lines laid out next to the old ones.

And on your recommendation, I went out and bought a line wrench 3 months before I had my lines in hand.... :blink:

Hmmmm... I seem to remember the cost of the ABS line systems getting a bump so that we got replacement bolts for the reservoirs and at least front calipers.  Did I not get all the bolts I was supposed to?  Seems kinda goofy to get a colored bolt for under the chin area.... where nobody but me knows it's there.
You were supposed to have gotten at least a total of 5 anodized banjo bolts:

1) the double-banjo bolt where the new lines do the 'Y'-split

1) rear caliper

1) master cylinder.

2) front calipers


5 banjo bolts

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What you see above is what I got. 1 double, and 3 singles. And I did get the clutch line too... Should I give Gary a buzz?

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Thanks Dale.... glad I didn't tear the bike apart before figuring out where everything went.... would have sucked to figure out THEN that I didn't have all the parts I needed... this'll give me more time to convince myself that I can do it too....


And while I'm showing my ignorance, as I understand it now, shouldn't there be a double banjo on one side of the manifold, and a single on the other? If so, do you run the line from the modulator to the single bolt, and the two lines to the front calipers from the double banjo? That would kind of take care of all the items in my fifth picture above.... which all came in 1 bag, making some semblance of sense.

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unfortunately he doesn't talk hardly at all about the front line manifold. And the only picture I can see it in is a vague one he has with all the lines laid out next to the old ones.
Unfortunately those photo's are over 2 yrs. old. My prototype was a 3-way and then later we decided to use a 2-way for production. If you saw a photo of my setup you would really be confused. You should have 5 regular bolts and 1 double for the brakes and if you have the clutch line, add 2 more. The rest of the stock bolts are reused, unless you order 5 more.

The line that runs from the hard-line to the 2-way needs to stay to the far right when mounting. This is where your double banjo bolt goes, with the caliper down line on the inside the 2. Also the line connected to the hard-line needs to be between a 1:00/2:00 position before tightening, for clearing the cowl brace. Clearance is tight....adjust accordingly. Everything else is straight forward.

You should have 5 regular bolts and 1 double for the brakes and if you have the clutch line, add 2 more. The rest of the stock bolts are reused, unless you order 5 more.
The line that runs from the hard-line to the 2-way needs to stay to the far right when mounting. This is where your double banjo bolt goes, with the caliper down line on the inside the 2.  Also the line connected to the hard-line needs to be between a 1:00/2:00 position before tightening, for clearing the cowl brace.  Clearance is tight....adjust accordingly. Everything else is straight forward.
Rick, thanks... that confirms that I'm definitely missing 4 bolts, cause I only got 4, and I do have the clutch line.

And thanks again for the better explanation on the 2 way.... now I just need for Gary to tell me how long I'll need to wait on the missing bolts. Your writeup is excellent, the manifold was the only part I was having trouble deciphering (plus the added confusion of the missing bolts...). Hopefully this might also help anyone else who is a chronic procrastinator like me and was having questions about the way the system got connected.

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You should have 5 regular bolts and 1 double for the brakes and if you have the clutch line, add 2 more. The rest of the stock bolts are reused, unless you order 5 more.
The line that runs from the hard-line to the 2-way needs to stay to the far right when mounting. This is where your double banjo bolt goes, with the caliper down line on the inside the 2.  Also the line connected to the hard-line needs to be between a 1:00/2:00 position before tightening, for clearing the cowl brace.  Clearance is tight....adjust accordingly. Everything else is straight forward.
Rick, thanks... that confirms that I'm definitely missing 4 bolts, cause I only got 4, and I do have the clutch line.

And thanks again for the better explanation on the 2 way.... now I just need for Gary to tell me how long I'll need to wait on the missing bolts. Your writeup is excellent, the manifold was the only part I was having trouble deciphering (plus the added confusion of the missing bolts...). Hopefully this might also help anyone else who is a chronic procrastinator like me and was having questions about the way the system got connected.
I think you got all the bolts you need for the brake, just not the clutch. Same thing I got. You can do the clutch seperately.


Did you get bolts for the rear brake caliper, and coming out of the brake resevoir? Right now, what I think I have are the 2 for the 2-way manifold, and one each for the 2 front brake calipers. I think I need 2 more for the brake lines (rear & resevoir), and then 2 for the clutch line.

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I got what WC said above, 5 bolts, 1 double + 4 single, I think I'm missing the 2 extra for the clutch. I'm talking w/ Gary McCoy about buying a few extra (actually I'm talking w/ him about buying a new set of a different color).

Anyway, when mine were installed, the 5 were put on in different than the intended spots. I have 2 under the chin, instead of new double + stock single. (I think the anodized double and stock single would bother me even though it isn't visable). I have 2 more on the front calipers (as intended), and the final (of 5) on the clutch line where it attaches to the clutch (lower left side).

I needed 3 more, 2 for each resouvoir plus 1 for the rear caliper. I may even use 4 more and put an anodized one at the rear master cylinder.

When I get around to it, I'll replace those and re-fill/bleed the lines.

Just got an email reply from Gary Mccoy (dang I'm constantly impressed with his customer-oriented attitude). He doesn't know why my order got shorted, but he's UPSing me 4 more bolts for a total of 8. Should solve my problems (at least until I start the actual work....). Just to show how much I appreciate the help from him... I'm also ordering my next set of replacement tires (Avons) with him as well.

Will be taking lots of photographs and posting them when I work through this... to help others in the future.

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