Spiegler Install Question (abs)

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
Uintah, UT
Hi Gang,

I'm in the midst of installing the Spielger lines on an ABS. No issues so far but I

am scratching my head abit about the routing of line #2. This line runs from

one of the rigid (hard pipe) lines in the steering head to the 2-way manifold

under the steering head. I would assume that it would go on the right side of the

2-way manifold but there's lots of extra line. Seems that at full lock to the right

it's going to be chafing against the battery cover. There's enough line to connect

it to the left side of the 2-way manifold but then it chafes against the fairing support

bracket at full lock to the left.

Well, it's time for dinner and beer or two. Maybe with a fresh head in the morning

it will appear obvious. Then I can move on and replace the lines from the ABS

modulator and to the rear caliper.

Any 'constructive' opinions welcomed :)

Not sure where folks are keeping up at, so I'll cross post at EZ.



San Jose, CA

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the reply. Rick dropped me note off-line and gave me a hint.

The job was a pain but it's done and front brakes have the feel that I

was used to. Going to do the clutch hose another day though.


