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I may come down and stay Saturday & Sunday night. Is there a preferred motel ?I'll be heading there from the Great Sacandaga Lake, NY. area. Anyone know a good route ?

Anyone from my area riding there Saturday want to meet some where and ride there ?

There is not a preffered motel. Follow this link to view some of the hotels near the ending spot (which is just a short jaunt from the starting point). The start and end point are on a main drag (Harrisburg Pike) with lots of hotels.

Check with Iris (herfjr) or Jim (Zooomm) - not sure if they are coming, but, they might be able to suggest a good route from your area.

We won't be coming down this year due to the fact that Iris' bike is in the shop over the weekend. We will miss you guys. Say hi to Chris.

Art, We would suggest that you take Rt 30 South to Rt 17. Go West on RT 17 approx. 12 miles to Hancock. At Hancock pick up RT 97 South. Stay on 97 to Port Jervis. Stay on 97 to Rt 6 (short distance) then pick up Cr 16. Stay on this road. This road has a few labels, Cr 521 (this will be on the South side of the Delaware River in NJ. Take Rt 206 South (not far) pick up Del. Mine Road (South) this will turn into Old Mine Road/Cr 615/Cr 606. Once you reach the Del. Water Gap, go West on I80, Exit on to 209 South. You will want to pick up Rt 33 for a short ways. Then find Rt 895 South. Follow Rt 895 to Rt 443. Rt 443 will bring you to the Susquehanna River. You are now close to Carlisle. Perhaps Randy can now help you out to get the rest of the way. Hopefully you have a GPS to program the above route just incase I missed something. I know that you will enjoy this route. Iris and I took this route on our way back from Randy's ride last year.

Have fun and ride safe.


I may come down and stay Saturday & Sunday night. Is there a preferred motel ?I'll be heading there from the Great Sacandaga Lake, NY. area. Anyone know a good route ?

Anyone from my area riding there Saturday want to meet some where and ride there ?

There is not a preffered motel. Follow this link to view some of the hotels near the ending spot (which is just a short jaunt from the starting point). The start and end point are on a main drag (Harrisburg Pike) with lots of hotels.

Check with Iris (herfjr) or Jim (Zooomm) - not sure if they are coming, but, they might be able to suggest a good route from your area.

We won't be coming down this year due to the fact that Iris' bike is in the shop over the weekend. We will miss you guys. Say hi to Chris.

Art, We would suggest that you take Rt 30 South to Rt 17. Go West on RT 17 approx. 12 miles to Hancock. At Hancock pick up RT 97 South. Stay on 97 to Port Jervis. Stay on 97 to Rt 6 (short distance) then pick up Cr 16. Stay on this road. This road has a few labels, Cr 521 (this will be on the South side of the Delaware River in NJ. Take Rt 206 South (not far) pick up Del. Mine Road (South) this will turn into Old Mine Road/Cr 615/Cr 606. Once you reach the Del. Water Gap, go West on I80, Exit on to 209 South. You will want to pick up Rt 33 for a short ways. Then find Rt 895 South. Follow Rt 895 to Rt 443. Rt 443 will bring you to the Susquehanna River. You are now close to Carlisle. Perhaps Randy can now help you out to get the rest of the way. Hopefully you have a GPS to program the above route just incase I missed something. I know that you will enjoy this route. Iris and I took this route on our way back from Randy's ride last year.

Have fun and ride safe.


Sorry to hear you guys won't be making it. More steak for me!!! Hope to see you guys soon. It's our turn to make a trip to you.


Once you're on 443, take it the Susquehanna river then head south to pick up I81. Pick up I81 south and you're only about 10-15 minutes from Carlisle.


The weather is looking great and I hope to make it, just not sure if I'll arrive Saturday evening or Sunday morning. If Saturday evening, is there a pub of preference?

I'm also getting a bit mixed up on Sunday morning's plans. The first post mentioned 9 am, and now there is something about 7:15-7:30. Can you clarify a bit?



The weather is looking great and I hope to make it, just not sure if I'll arrive Saturday evening or Sunday morning. If Saturday evening, is there a pub of preference?
I'm also getting a bit mixed up on Sunday morning's plans. The first post mentioned 9 am, and now there is something about 7:15-7:30. Can you clarify a bit?


First things of choice. Wish I didn't have out of town plans on Saturday night or I would join you. Carlisle is one of those towns that is booming when there is something going on (they have quite a few car shows/swap meets there) but, not so much with nothing going on. There is, however, Dickinson College is not far away. And, where there is a college, there are pubs. I don't know the names of them as I don't hang in Carlisle too often, but, if you ask someone at the hotel, I'm sure they could recommend a place in downtown Carlisle.

It starts at 9, but, someone was being a wiseguy and I told him I would buy him a donut if he showed up when I did. I'll be there early helping to get everything ready. If you wanted to get there early and get an early start on breakfast or the ride, you certainly can.

but, someone was being a wiseguy
Hey, I resemble that remark... :rolleyes:

Your kind offer of a single donut! is not sufficient to drag my ass out of bed any earlier on a Sunday, so I'll see you at 9am.

I may come down and stay Saturday & Sunday night. Is there a preferred motel ?I'll be heading there from the Great Sacandaga Lake, NY. area. Anyone know a good route ?

Anyone from my area riding there Saturday want to meet some where and ride there ?

There is not a preffered motel. Follow this link to view some of the hotels near the ending spot (which is just a short jaunt from the starting point). The start and end point are on a main drag (Harrisburg Pike) with lots of hotels.

Check with Iris (herfjr) or Jim (Zooomm) - not sure if they are coming, but, they might be able to suggest a good route from your area.

We won't be coming down this year due to the fact that Iris' bike is in the shop over the weekend. We will miss you guys. Say hi to Chris.

Art, We would suggest that you take Rt 30 South to Rt 17. Go West on RT 17 approx. 12 miles to Hancock. At Hancock pick up RT 97 South. Stay on 97 to Port Jervis. Stay on 97 to Rt 6 (short distance) then pick up Cr 16. Stay on this road. This road has a few labels, Cr 521 (this will be on the South side of the Delaware River in NJ. Take Rt 206 South (not far) pick up Del. Mine Road (South) this will turn into Old Mine Road/Cr 615/Cr 606. Once you reach the Del. Water Gap, go West on I80, Exit on to 209 South. You will want to pick up Rt 33 for a short ways. Then find Rt 895 South. Follow Rt 895 to Rt 443. Rt 443 will bring you to the Susquehanna River. You are now close to Carlisle. Perhaps Randy can now help you out to get the rest of the way. Hopefully you have a GPS to program the above route just incase I missed something. I know that you will enjoy this route. Iris and I took this route on our way back from Randy's ride last year.

Have fun and ride safe.

JimThank you for the detailed directions. That does look like a nice ride. I will try to put it in GPS. I do have a Zumo, but I'm not very good at plotting custom routes yet. :( I will try your route. Hopefully I will learn something at EOM during Jeff Ashes GPS 101 course.

Jim BTW I did get a pair of the Alpine Stars and they are very nice, Thanks again.

Ride Safe & See Ya Soon,


Just back from Myrtle, sorry Randy can't make it this year. I have to go back with another load and gas is killing my wallet. Missing a rally in my own back yard.... :angry: See you next time fer sure!

Thanks to everyone who came out for the ride. We had absolutely spectacular weather and it was great sharing the road with you guys.

We had somewhere in the neighborhood of 45-50 bikes show up. Was a little lighter turnout from last year, but, that could probably be attributed to the AMA races at VIR or the BMW ride that took place last night.

For those that didn't join us for the 5 County ride, sorry we were late in showing up for the meal at the end of the ride.

As is always a challenge in leading a group, a few of us got separated and we had to pull off when a couple guys missed a turn. Whether you want to say it was just good fortune or things happen for a reason, I'm glad we got delayed. About 30 miles into the ride, we were the first on the scene of a pretty nasty 2 car accident just in front of us. Rather than stand around looking for a way to help, everyone jumped in and took control of the situation until, and even after, the emergency workers showed up. Whether it was comforting the victims (big props to Bob - ChecksWrecks - for taking care of little Kaley) or directing traffic, everyone did what we had to do. I'm proud of you guys.

I've got a few pics from my crappy camera that I'll post up as soon as I get around to it. To everyone else who has pics, post 'em up - would love to see them.

Thanks again for coming out. Our goals were simply to have folks meet people that they wouldn't have normally met, ride roads that they normally wouldn't ride, and everyone have fun and stay safe. I would say that we surpassed our goals.

Randy -

Big thanks to you and Russ for a great ride. And we'll all have to take lessons on how to order the spectacular weather.

Best news of all was that I called the hospital and little Kaylee (6) is doing fine.


Randy - Big thanks to you and Russ for a great ride. And we'll all have to take lessons on how to order the spectacular weather.

Best news of all was that I called the hospital and little Kaylee (6) is doing fine.


It was absolutely my pleasure to play a part of putting it together. Thank you for joining us.

That's great news about Kaylee. What hospital did they go to? My friend is an orthopedic surgeon and he was on call this weekend. Not sure if he would have been called in to work on Kaylee's mom.

Thanks to Randy and Russel for putting this together.Had a great time. Hope to see everyone again.

Safe rides,

A big Thank You both from my son & I for a great day of riding. I never realized how much Russell's avatar actually looked like him!


The mom and girls went to the trauma center at Hershey. When I called to see how Kailee (sp?) was doing, I actually was put on the phone with the pediatric nurse for the girls. Due to the seizure history, back injury, and head, they're going to keep Kailee for a couple of days. Mom's obviously had surgery for the leg but the nurse didn't know much more. The daughter who was fortunate enough to be in the car seat is fine. (There's a message there.) I left a message for the mom that the guys on the motorcycles were sending our best wishes.

As for avatars, I was wondering how long ago Fred cut his hair??? ;)

The mom and girls went to the trauma center at Hershey. When I called to see how Kailee (sp?) was doing, I actually was put on the phone with the pediatric nurse for the girls. Due to the seizure history, back injury, and head, they're going to keep Kailee for a couple of days. Mom's obviously had surgery for the leg but the nurse didn't know much more. The daughter who was fortunate enough to be in the car seat is fine. (There's a message there.) I left a message for the mom that the guys on the motorcycles were sending our best wishes.
As for avatars, I was wondering how long ago Fred cut his hair??? ;)
Thanks for making the calls, Bob, and thanks for the update. The girls are gonna have some impressive boo boos to show their friends when they talk about how 'there was a big boom and the car got broken'. Hopefully the boyfriend wised up and got some attention. They're all definitely in my thoughts.

Hope everyone involved in that accident is OK.

Told Jeanne that we could have used her skills as a registered nurse.

Glad to see you guys jump in there and help.

Kudos! :yahoo:
