Well, I must confess, I have no clue what chemicals are in Sea-Foam. In fact, I always thought it was sort of a hokey name for a product, and that it must be some snake-oil bullshit. But then about 10 years ago, my cousin recommended it and gave me a bottle to try. He owns his own small engine repair business, and related stories of customers bringing in gunked up motors that could be got running just by adding the Sea-Foam. Not in 100% of cases, but enough to convince him that the stuff worked.
Over the years I've poured that stuff into several vehicles that were running slightly rough and it cleared up the problem (assuming it was related to contaminated fuel system - it don't fix bad spark plugs!). In fact, just a few months ago I used it to get the 2-stroke weed-whip running good again.
I'm no chemist, just a time starved backyard mechanic who wants simple solutions that work fast. Sea Foam has proven to be one of those solutions for me. I have no idea why it works, don't have the time to investigate it, and in the end I don't care that much. But I can tell you this - if the product had no positive effect on engine performance, I would not buy it. And I'm just barely smart enough to know the difference when something works, and works consistently. :lol: