Stealer let me test ride!

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Jul 18, 2007
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I was sitting on one in the showroom-- salesman approaches-I tell him this will be my next bike. Also tell him Ive been riding for 30 yrs on cruisers, but never ridden a "Sport" bike. Too my astonishment he says--" want to test ride it?"

How often does anyone get to test ride one? I get the impression its really rare? Am I right?

Well anyway, after I found my voice, I says "yeah sure."

Had a blast. For me coming off cruisers (Vtx 1800 and 1200 Sporster) it was Scary fast. Had no prob. w/the Shifting the AE, but still think Id perfer clutch. Seating sucked for me-- definitely need risers.

I was sitting on one in the showroom-- salesman approaches-I tell him this will be my next bike. Also tell him Ive been riding for 30 yrs on cruisers, but never ridden a "Sport" bike. Too my astonishment he says--" want to test ride it?" How often does anyone get to test ride one? I get the impression its really rare? Am I right?

Well anyway, after I found my voice, I says "yeah sure."

Had a blast. For me coming off cruisers (Vtx 1800 and 1200 Sporster) it was Scary fast. Had no prob. w/the Shifting the AE, but still think Id perfer clutch. Seating sucked for me-- definitely need risers.

That was the deal sealer for me. I tested one Monday; told dealer I had a series of steps to take to do the deal and that was the most important. It may have helped that I got my current bike there and am trading it in - and I'm going to guess (and I'm ready to be dogpiled if I'm wrong) that now that dealers floor-plan the bikes rather than the previous Pre-Paid deposit-order nonsense, they may be more eager to let folks test 'em, to let the bike actually sell folks like you and me during a test ride.

Or maybe your dealer and mine fell off turnip trucks in the last two weeks......



There would have been 0% chance I would have bought my bike without a test drive. They let me ride it 1-up and then 2-up with the wife. I bought it that night.

There would have been 0% chance I would have bought my bike without a test drive. They let me ride it 1-up and then 2-up with the wife. I bought it that night.
I hope this is a trend - too many dealers still want you to buy one without riding it first - unless it's a used motorcycle.

I hate that, but have had it go both ways - 100 miles later = pleasant surprise or wish I hadn't bought this - gonna take it back.

These things cost way too much money for the "no test ride" policy... I sure wouldn't buy a truck without driving it and will not buy another motorcycle without a test ride - say 500 miles.

Four Stroke - you may have something there with the floor plan on an FJR, but I've had 'em shake their heads no even when I asked about riding a cruiser.

Could it be the way I arrive - sliding into the lot sideways???

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There would have been 0% chance I would have bought my bike without a test drive. They let me ride it 1-up and then 2-up with the wife. I bought it that night.
I hope this is a trend - too many dealers still want you to buy one without riding it first - unless it's a used motorcycle.

I hate that, but have had it go both ways - 100 miles later = pleasant surprise or wish I hadn't bought this - gonna take it back.

These things cost way too much money for the "no test ride" policy... I sure wouldn't buy a truck without driving it and will not buy another motorcycle without a test ride - say 500 miles.

Four Stroke - you may have something there with the floor plan on an FJR, but I've had 'em shake their heads no even when I asked about riding a cruiser.

Could it be the way I arrive - sliding into the lot sideways???
I went to a stealer in San Antonio to look at a used VTR1000 to use for track days. It looked really good with low miles. I asked to take it for a test drive and the sales puke says "not sportbikes". I just shook my head and walked out the door.

Uh jist a thought here, OK?

I have an absolutely CHERRY 2005 with ABS for sale. 700 actool smiles and nicely appointed, whutcha waitin fer?

Flint :rolleyes:

If a dealer thinks you are going to fork out that much money without a ride or 4 then they can get fucked for mine.....Any dealer who doesn't offer rides are fools and deserve to be out of business in my view.

Could you imagine going in CC to buy some speakers for your HT and the sales puke states, I am sorry but you cannot listen to those speakers? I agree that companies like will fail in the long run.

I've been told if a bike has >10 miles then it's "used" according to Florida law. Not that I care. I'll never buy another bike w/o a test ride, and I DON'T mean the Bike Week demo ride around the block at Dayona.

If I'd taken my 650 V-Strom for a real test ride, I would have never bought it. On the other hand, I did get to trade the V-Strom for a FJR, so it worked out!

If a dealer thinks you are going to fork out that much money without a ride or 4 then they can get fucked for mine.....Any dealer who doesn't offer rides are fools and deserve to be out of business in my view.
You got that shiat right. :clapping:

In 2000 I bought my 1999 VTR1000 with a phone call and I was not disappointed but from now on I'll ride before buying. Three months ago I rode my 04 FJR before I took delivery but I did write the check first. Just too good of a deal to pass up. ;) :yahoo:

I was offered to ride a new 07 by the St Augustine FL stealer before I bought the 04 but I turned it down as I didn't need an impulse buy. :blink:

Same issues apply to that deposit thing yamaha had. Dealer did'nt have any FJR's but said he would order me one with a deposit. Told him there's no way I'll buy something sight unseen, let alone without a test ride. Found one somewhere else, and after a test ride, well the rest is history.

Same issues apply to that deposit thing yamaha had. Dealer did'nt have any FJR's but said he would order me one with a deposit. Told him there's no way I'll buy something sight unseen, let alone without a test ride. Found one somewhere else, and after a test ride, well the rest is history.
They asked me if I wanted to test ride it -if I was spending that much money I should ride it first. So I did. Walked out happy

Hey, if people would stop crashing bikes on test rides, dealers wouldn't be so shy about letting people take test rides.

Lets face it, if you walked in and said you were interested in a bike for your next track bike, do you really think they were going to let you ride it? Can you say hooligan? :rolleyes:

All of you guys that whine about not being able to test ride need to understand that all you had to do was ask on a forum or list and someone will probably tell you to show up at their place on a bike with your gear and they would consider letting you ride theirs. I've let several people ride my '04, including when it was still new enough that I didn't have plates yet. That said, you show up with a couple of friends on R-1s, wearing flip flops and a wifebeater and you can kiss my ass if you think you're getting a ride on my bike. :glare: The burden is still on you to at least appear that you're a responsible person with a clue.

Good point OC.

I've made the offer several times to forum members that want to test ride before buying. Had two show up, both on bikes and looking respectable no problem. Wife beater and flips? :dribble: get outa here!


[Let me ask a hypothetical question. You go to a dealership and tell them you are interested in a FJR1300. The dealer says, "I have one new one left this year, its my demo bike, it has 400 miles on it." You say, well I want a brand new one out of the crate but how much you take for this one? He says, my cost on it is 11700.00, I will sell it to you for flat cost. Would you buy that one? If not, why not? So what would you suggest a dealer do to move it if you will not buy it? Should he lose money on it ? He is already selling bikes a dealer cost and trying to live on 3% back end money from the manufacturer that he gets in January. So what would be a fair deal on this bike? Bikers want brand new 0 mile bikes when they get them. You go buy a car and 200 miles is not even looked at. It is just an interesting thing to me. What are you feelings?

My dealer had an 06 and an07AE, the 06 being there on consignment, and for agood price. I did the "No way I'll buy without a try" and the kid shrugged and said they just can't do it for sportbikes... I got to my Ninja and realized something, so I walked back in and asked the guy, " Do you own the 06?" "Um, no, it's on consignment, like I said," "OK, call the 'OWNER" of the bike and tell him someone is interested in his bike and wants to drive it. It's his bike, it's his decision.".... That kinda threw him... He hustled off to the mgrs office and came out three minutes later..."You can't ride his, but you can ride the 07".... WTF happened in the office to make them change their minds and let me take the NEW bike? ($ possibly?) I loved the bike, and the next day called them and told them to put together an "07 with a clutch, please"... I did make it clear to several people that the ONLY reason I followed through and bought the bike was the test ride they allowed...

Love my bike!


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